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    • Aleks Grynis
       W kwietniowym numerze Wired UK były pięknie opisane 'narodziny' testów A/B, właśnie przy kampanii dla Barack Obama. "At the talk, Obama fielded a facetious question from then-CEO Eric Schmidt: “What is the most efficient way to sort a million 32-bit integers?” Schmidt was having a bit of fun, but before he could move on to a real question, Obama stopped him. “Well, I think the bubble sort would be the wrong way to go,” he said—correctly. Schmidt put his hand to his forehead in disbelief, and the room erupted in raucous applause. Siroker was instantly smitten. “He had me at ‘bubble sort,’” he says. Two weeks later he had taken a leave of absence from Google, moved to Chicago, and joined up with Obama’s campaign as a digital adviser. At first he wasn’t sure how he could help. But he recalled something else Obama had said to the Googlers: “I am a big believer in reason and facts and evidence and science and feedback—everything that allows you to do what you do. That’s what we should be doing in our government.” And so Siroker decided he would introduce Obama’s campaign to a crucial technique—almost a governing ethos—that Google relies on in developing and refining its products. He showed them how to A/B test." http://www.wired.com/business/2012/04/ff_abtesting/
      2 · 10 hours ago
    •  Award winning cakes from London Patisserie, http://www.pinkcakeland.co.uk/
      November 25 at 1:34pm
    •  @ V&A Digital Futures Digital Studio, Sackler Centre Tuesday 27 November 11.00 - 16.00 Free, Drop-in
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  2. Wired.co.uk Editor Nate Lanxon heading out of the office: "I'm off to meet the guy who built the iPod with Steve Jobs". Naturally.
  3. The Wellcome Trust has sent us some modelling materials and challenged us to create festive decorations inspired by science. Here are Liv's creations: a heart and a glowing, Vacanti "ear mouse".
    Photo: The Wellcome Trust has sent us some modelling materials and challenged us to create festive decorations inspired by science. Here are Liv's creations: a heart and a glowing, Vacanti "ear mouse".

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