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Scalable Vector Graphics

Explore the possibilities of SVG

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a text-based graphics language that describes images with vector shapes, text, and embedded raster graphics.

SVG files are compact and provide high-quality graphics on the Web, in print, and on resource-limited handeld devices. In addition, SVG supports scripting and animation, so is ideal for interactive, data-driven, personalized graphics.

SVG is a royalty-free vendor-neutral open standard developed under the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) Process.

Adobe has taken a leadership role in the development of the SVG specification and continues to ensure that its authoring tools are SVG compatible.

Go mobile with SVG


For developers

Check out Adobe's technical documentation, downloads, and tools to extend the functionality of Adobe products. Find all the resources you need to begin developing and building your own solutions.

Adobe and open standards

Open standards promote choice, provide lower-cost solutions, and facilitate interoperability. See how Adobe® GoLive® CS2 not only supports open standards, but has been developed using them as a guiding principle.

Learn more

SVG Viewer

The SVG Viewer integrates with your Web browser as a plug-in. The Viewer allows you to interact with SVG images and is required to view Web content that contains SVG. Download today!

Creative Suite 2 and SVG

See how the SVG tools inside Adobe’s new products enable mobile content creation. Adobe Illustrator® CS2 and GoLive CS2 make it easier than ever to create and export SVG graphics.

GoLive mobile publishing

Learn about how Adobe GoLive CS2 provides a powerful authoring environment for producing rich mobile content.

What’s up at the W3C

Visit the World Wide Web Consortium, your resource for the latest news and technical information about SVG specification development.

Get involved with SVG

Check out what's going on at which is a community site aimed at bringing SVG users, developers, and enthusiasts together.