Re: [apps-discuss] Trace headers, was Adoption of draft-kucherawy-received-state?

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Re: [apps-discuss] Trace headers, was Adoption of draft-kucherawy-received-state?, but as far as
I can tell, there's no registry of trace headers.

There is no registry of trace headers because there are, and
have been since RFC 821, only two of them: "Received:" and

If you believe what the RFCs say, there are many more trace headers than those two. RFC 5322 makes a special case of Resent-foo: fields, but they act an awful lot like trace headers. RFC 5451 says that Authentication-Results "should be treated as a Trace Field." RFC 5436 says "The 'Auto-Submitted' header field is considered a 'trace field'". RFC 4408 says that "The Received-SPF header field is a trace field." RFC 5518 says "VBR-Info is a 'trace header field'". That horse left the barn a long time ago. RFC 5537 also lists a bunch of trace fields for usenet, which isn't mail, but it might be a good idea to reserve them to avoid collisions.

 I'm suggesting that the time may have come to
add one or more rather than continuing to overload "Received:".

It's certainly time for a trace field registry.  And I suppose that if we
have one, adding new trace fields isn't that big a deal.


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