Dillo-Win32 is no longer under active development.

The Dillo-Win32 project has more than fulfilled its original goal of porting Dillo to the Windows platform, and now offers a browser with significant improvements to the upstream browser’s functionality, portability, security, and ease of use. Its reception from users has been overwhelmingly positive and enthusiastic, judging from the emails I receive, and I consider the project to have been an unqualified success.

Unfortunately, the mainline developers have made it clear they are not interested in outside contributions. They continue to politely decline my patches, and ignore technical questions about Dillo altogether. The Dillo Project is more interested in playing to its lead developer’s whims and personal politics than in serving its users’ or even its own best interests. It seems not much has changed in nearly a decade since the last major port attempt.

The DOS port remains under active development through Georg Potthast’s DilloDOS project. The final Dillo-Win32 release, version 3.0p9, will remain available for download on this site; however, no new updates will be posted.

Thanks to everyone who’s helped over the year and a half since this project started. We’ve accomplished big things in a 1.2 MB package. It’s been fun. But I need to focus on more important things like finishing school, and not waste so much time on this madness. And that’s what open source is. Nunc insanus hic omnes. Goodbye.