Google and Chrome To Support “Do Not Track”

Several online advertisement companies including Google have agreed to support “Do Not Track” system to allow users to opt-out from the online behavioral advertising and tracking. Chrome browser, the only major browser without DNT support, will also get option to enable DNT soon.

All leading web browsers including Internet Explorer have option to enable DNT system, but it is useless at the moment as advertisers and third-party tracking companies hadn’t agreed to honor it. The above move will finally add meaning to the entire DNT proposal.


The WSJ reports that the above agreement has been announced in accordance with the White House’s call for Congress to pass the Privacy Bill of Rights. Well, the DNT will not stop tracking completely and the industry will still use the tracking data for “market research” and “product development”. According to WSJ, Chrome will add option to enable DNT by the end of this year.

Currently, several advertising companies offer individual self-regulatory options for the users to opt-out of the personalized ad serving. Once the advertising industry adopts Do Not Track system, users will have a simplified and standardized way to stop personalized tracking.

    Related Articles:

    1. Opera 12 Adds Support for "Do Not Track"
    2. Foreign Sessions Sync in Google Chrome
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    5. Mozilla’s Add-on Review Program On The Right Track

    Written by on 23 February 2012 in Google Chrome , Internet Trends.
    You can reach Gary Mark, the author of this post, at [email protected].

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