Wednesday, November 9, 2011

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The Once and Future Way to Run

Rediscovering the simple act of putting one foot in front of the other.


Why Science Majors Change Their Minds (It’s Just So Darn Hard)

Roughly 40 percent of students planning engineering and science majors end up switching to other subjects or failing to get any degree.


Oligarchy, American Style

The stark reality is that we have a society in which money is increasingly concentrated in the hands of a few people. This threatens to make us a democracy in name only.


The Wrong Inequality

The most troubling problems that leave many Americans at a disadvantage have gotten lost in the debate over the top 1 percent of earners vs. the bottom 99 percent.


Decoding the Brain’s Cacophony

Michael S. Gazzaniga, after a long career at the top of his field, is spelling out a cautionary tale about the uses of neuroscience in society.


Here Comes the Sun

Will our political system delay the energy transformation now within reach?


Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills

Researchers have found that cleansing the body of a special category of cells could postpone many of the diseases that come with aging.


A Last Bastion of Civility, the South, Sees Manners Decline

“Yes, sir”? “No, ma’am”? More and more Southerners are skipping such niceties. And ladies, if you want that seat, you had better go grab it.


Airy Macarons That Rise Above the Rest

In a tasting of 209 macarons from 26 confectioners across New York, only eight had the perfect mix of crumble, cloud and cream.


The Lost Art of Buying From a Butcher

A new wave of butcher shops has opened. To make the most of them, a basic understanding of the cuts of meat helps.


The China Conundrum

Some applicants from China are good. Some are too good to be true. American colleges struggle to tell the difference.


His Libraries, 12,000 So Far, Change Lives

Andrew Carnegie’s legendary library-building has been surpassed, in some respects, by an American you’ve probably never heard of. This is his story.


Shale Gas Revolution

The United States seems to possess a 100-year supply of natural gas, a cleaner, cheaper energy source than other fossil fuels. Will America blow this blessing?


Are We There Yet? When Families Fly

Flying with children is like “Survivor” at 36,000 feet. Some expert tips on how to manage the madness.


Sheep Lawn Mowers, and Other Go-Getters

As the economy continues to freeze people out of the traditional job market, a number of entrepreneurs are starting small agricultural businesses.


Years Later, Lawsuit Seeks to Recreate a Wedding

A man who married in 2003 is suing a photographer, citing omissions and demanding the re-creation of his wedding, even though the marriage ended in divorce.


A Nursing Home Shrinks Until It Feels Like a Home

The Green House concept is the most comprehensive effort to reinvent the nursing home, including the way medical care is delivered.


Our Reckless Meritocracy

The ruling class proves, again, that it is too smart for its own good.


Is Obama Toast? Handicapping the 2012 Election

The killer calculus of the president’s re-election chances.


Pogue's Posts: Amazon Lights the Fire With Free Books

Amazon is giving away books, including New York Times bestsellers, for the Kindle if you’re an Amazon Prime member. It is a delightful surprise to people who signed up for Prime.