
Arthur S. Brisbane

Earl Wilson/The New York Times

Arthur S. Brisbane is the fourth public editor appointed by The Times. The public editor works outside of the reporting and editing structure of the newspaper and receives and answers questions or comments from readers and the public, principally about articles published in the paper.� His opinions and conclusions are his own.

His column appears on Sundays at least twice monthly.

Public Editors' Columns

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Considering the Sources

Readers respond to recent columns.

November 5, 2011
The Times Gives Them Space, but Who Pays Them?

Those outside contributors to the New York Times Op-Ed page are worth a closer look.

October 30, 2011
Covering Its Own Backyard

The New York Times has narrowed its focus and changed its approach to metro news in recent years.

October 23, 2011
The Secrets of Government Killing

Who can’t America kill? For the news media, it should be intolerable that the question goes unanswered.

October 9, 2011
Conflicts and Appearances

Readers respond to recent columns.

October 2, 2011
Tangled Relationships in Jerusalem

The Times’s bureau chief in Jerusalem has drawn conflict-of-interest complaints because of his relationship with a P.R. firm that pitched story ideas to him.

September 25, 2011
Thoughts From Jill Abramson, Executive Editor

Jill Abramson, the first woman to hold the top job in the New York Times newsroom, answers questions about her new role.

September 11, 2011
Do Columnists’ Voices Reflect on The Times?

Readers respond to recent columns.

September 4, 2011
Financial News for the Rest of Us

While DealBook focuses on the Wall Street set, urgent stories may go untold.

August 28, 2011
In an Age of Vitriol, What Is Out of Bounds?

A columnist apologized for his tone. Not everyone thought he should have.

August 14, 2011

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