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GNOME 3.0 Released

                           GNOME 3.0 Released

The GNOME community is proud to announce the release of GNOME 3.0. This
is our first major release since GNOME 2.0, which went out nine years
ago, in June 2002. GNOME 1.0 was delivered to the world in March 1999.

This new version of GNOME introduces an exciting new interface which has
been designed for today's users and which is suited to a range of modern
computing devices. For more information about the major changes in GNOME
3.0, please visit our release notes:


GNOME 3.0 will be available shortly in most distributions. Live images
of GNOME 3.0 are already available at:


This release marks the beginning of the GNOME 3 era: with our six
months development cycle, GNOME 3 will receive numerous improvements
that we will deliver to users every March and September. Our next
release, GNOME 3.2, is planned for September 2011.

GNOME 3.0 would not have come to exist without the passion and incessant
work of hundreds of people from our community, and without the support
of our users. Thanks to the artists, bug triagers, designers,
documentors, hackers, packagers, testers, translators and to everybody
else who helped us reach this milestone!

With more than a hundred launch parties planned around the world, the
whole free software community is participating to the celebration of
this first GNOME 3 release. Learn about the launch parties and find the
one closest to you at:


Thank you, and enjoy GNOME 3!

The GNOME Release Team

Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.

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