WebRTC 1.0: Real-time Communication Between Browsers

W3C Working Draft 27 October 2011

This version:
Latest published version:
Latest editor's draft:
Previous version:
Adam Bergkvist, Ericsson
Daniel C. Burnett, Voxeo
Cullen Jennings, Cisco
Anant Narayanan, Mozilla


This document defines a set of APIs that allow local media, including audio and video, to be requested from a platform, media to be sent over the network to another browser or device implementing the appropriate set of real-time protocols, and media received from another browser or device to be processed and displayed locally. This specification is being developed in conjunction with a protocol specification developed by the IETF RTCWEB group.

Status of This Document

This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document. A list of current W3C publications and the latest revision of this technical report can be found in the W3C technical reports index at http://www.w3.org/TR/.

This document is a First Public Working Draft and is not complete. It is subject to major changes and, while early experimentations are encouraged, it is therefore not intended for implementation. The API is based on preliminary work done in the WHATWG. The Web Real-Time Communications Working Group expects this specification to evolve significantly based on:

As the specification matures, the group hopes to strike the right balance between a low-level API that would enable interested parties to tweak potentially complex system parameters, and a more high-level API that Web developers can use without a priori technical knowledge about real-time communications.

This document was published by the Web Real-Time Communications Working Group as a Working Draft. This document is intended to become a W3C Recommendation. If you wish to make comments regarding this document, please send them to [email protected] (subscribe, archives). All feedback is welcome.

Publication as a Working Draft does not imply endorsement by the W3C Membership. This is a draft document and may be updated, replaced or obsoleted by other documents at any time. It is inappropriate to cite this document as other than work in progress.

This document was produced by a group operating under the 5 February 2004 W3C Patent Policy. W3C maintains a public list of any patent disclosures made in connection with the deliverables of the group; that page also includes instructions for disclosing a patent. An individual who has actual knowledge of a patent which the individual believes contains Essential Claim(s) must disclose the information in accordance with section 6 of the W3C Patent Policy.

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

This section is non-normative.

There are a number of facets to video-conferencing in HTML:

This document defines the APIs used for these features. This specification is being developed in conjunction with a protocol specification developed by the IETF RTCWEB group.

2. Obtaining local multimedia content

2.1 Definition

2.1.2 MediaStreamOptions

interface MediaStreamOptions {
    attribute boolean audio;
    attribute boolean video;
}; Attributes
audio of type boolean
Set to false if an audio track is not required, default is true
No exceptions.
video of type boolean
Set to false if a video track is not required, default is true
No exceptions.

2.2 Examples

A voice chat feature in a game could attempt to get access to the user's microphone by calling the API as follows:

 navigator.getUserMedia('audio', gotAudio);
 function gotAudio(stream) {
   // ... use 'stream' ...

A video-conferencing system would ask for both audio and video:

 function beginCall() {
   navigator.getUserMedia('audio,video user', gotStream);
 function gotStream(stream) {
   // ... use 'stream' ...

3. Stream API

3.1 Introduction

The MediaStream interface is used to represent streams of media data, typically (but not necessarily) of audio and/or video content, e.g. from a local camera or a remote site. The data from a MediaStream object does not necessarily have a canonical binary form; for example, it could just be "the video currently coming from the user's video camera". This allows user agents to manipulate media streams in whatever fashion is most suitable on the user's platform.

Each MediaStream object can represent zero or more tracks, in particular audio and video tracks. Tracks can contain multiple channels of parallel data; for example a single audio track could have nine channels of audio data to represent a 7.2 surround sound audio track.

Each track represented by a MediaStream object has a corresponding MediaStreamTrack object.

A MediaStream object has an input and an output. The input depends on how the object was created: a LocalMediaStream object generated by a getUserMedia() call, for instance, might take its input from the user's local camera, while a MediaStream created by a PeerConnection object will take as input the data received from a remote peer. The output of the object controls how the object is used, e.g. what is saved if the object is written to a file, what is displayed if the object is used in a video element, or indeed what is transmitted to a remote peer if the object is used with a PeerConnection object.

Each track in a MediaStream object can be disabled, meaning that it is muted in the object's output. All tracks are initially enabled.

A MediaStream can be finished, indicating that its inputs have forever stopped providing data. When a MediaStream object is finished, all its tracks are muted regardless of whether they are enabled or disabled.

The output of a MediaStream object must correspond to the tracks in its input. Muted audio tracks must be replaced with silence. Muted video tracks must be replaced with blackness.

A new MediaStream object can be created from a list of MediaStreamTrack objects using the MediaStream() constructor. The list of MediaStreamTrack objects can be the track list of another stream, a subset of the track list of a stream or a composition of MediaStreamTrack objects from different MediaStream objects.

The ability to duplicate a MediaStream, i.e. create a new MediaStream object from the track list of an existing stream, allows for greater control since separate MediaStream instances can be manipulated and consumed individually. This can be used, for instance, in a video-conferencing scenario to display the local video from the user's camera and microphone in a local monitor, while only transmitting the audio to the remote peer (e.g. in response to the user using a "video mute" feature). Combining tracks from different MediaStream objects into a new MediaStream makes it possible to, e.g., record selected tracks from a conversation involving several MediaStream objects with a single MediaStreamRecorder.

The LocalMediaStream interface is used when the user agent is generating the stream's data (e.g. from a camera or streaming it from a local video file). It allows authors to control individual tracks during the generation of the content, e.g. to allow the user to temporarily disable a local camera during a video-conference chat.

When a LocalMediaStream object is being generated from a local file (as opposed to a live audio/video source), the user agent should stream the data from the file in real time, not all at once. This reduces the ease with which pages can distinguish live video from pre-recorded video, which can help protect the user's privacy.

3.2 Interface definitions

3.2.1 MediaStream

The MediaStream(trackList) constructor must return a new MediaStream object with a newly generated label. A new MediaStreamTrack object is created for every unique underlying media source in trackList and appended to the new MediaStream object's track list according to the track ordering constraints.

A MediaStream object is said to end when the user agent learns that no more data will ever be forthcoming for this stream.

When a MediaStream object ends for any reason (e.g. because the user rescinds the permission for the page to use the local camera, or because the data comes from a finite file and the file's end has been reached and the user has not requested that it be looped, or because the stream comes from a remote peer and the remote peer has permanently stopped sending data, it is said to be finished . When this happens for any reason other than the stop() method being invoked, the user agent must queue a task that runs the following steps:

  1. If the object's readyState attribute has the value ENDED (2) already, then abort these steps. (The stop() method was probably called just before the stream stopped for other reasons, e.g. the user clicked an in-page stop button and then the user-agent-provided stop button.)

  2. Set the object's readyState attribute to ENDED (2).

  3. Fire a simple event named ended at the object.

As soon as a MediaStream object is finished, the stream's tracks start outputting only silence and/or blackness, as appropriate, as defined earlier.

If the end of the stream was reached due to a user request, the task source for this task is the user interaction task source. Otherwise the task source for this task is the networking task source.

[Constructor (in MediaStreamTrackList trackList)]
interface MediaStream {
    readonly attribute DOMString            label;
    readonly attribute MediaStreamTrackList tracks;
    MediaStreamRecorder record ();
    const unsigned short LIVE = 1;
    const unsigned short ENDED = 2;
    readonly attribute unsigned short       readyState;
             attribute Function?            onended;
}; Attributes
label of type DOMString, readonly
Returns a label that is unique to this stream, so that streams can be recognized after they are sent through the PeerConnection API.
No exceptions.
onended of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of type ended, must be supported by all objects implementing the MediaStream interface.
No exceptions.
readyState of type unsigned short, readonly

The readyState attribute represents the state of the stream. It must return the value to which the user agent last set it (as defined below). It can have the following values: LIVE or ENDED.

When a MediaStream object is created, its readyState attribute must be set to LIVE (1), unless it is being created using the MediaStream() constructor whose argument is a list of MediaStreamTrack objects whose underlying media sources will never produce any more data, in which case the MediaStream object must be created with its readyState attribute set to ENDED (2).

No exceptions.
tracks of type MediaStreamTrackList, readonly

Returns a MediaStreamTrackList object representing the tracks that can be enabled and disabled.

A MediaStream can have multiple audio and video sources (e.g. because the user has multiple microphones, or because the real source of the stream is a media resource with many media tracks). The stream represented by a MediaStream thus has zero or more tracks.

The tracks attribute must return an array host object for objects of type MediaStreamTrack that is fixed length and read only. The same object must be returned each time the attribute is accessed. [WEBIDL]

The array must contain the MediaStreamTrack objects that correspond to the the tracks of the stream. The relative order of all tracks in a user agent must be stable. All audio tracks must precede all video tracks. Tracks that come from a media resource whose format defines an order must be in the order defined by the format; tracks that come from a media resource whose format does not define an order must be in the relative order in which the tracks are declared in that media resource. Within these constraints, the order is user-agent defined.

No exceptions. Methods

Begins recording the stream. The returned MediaStreamRecorder object provides access to the recorded data.

When the record() method is invoked, the user agent must return a new MediaStreamRecorder object associated with the stream.

No parameters.
No exceptions.
Return type: MediaStreamRecorder Constants
ENDED of type unsigned short
The stream has finished (the user agent is no longer receiving or generating data, and will never receive or generate more data for this stream).
LIVE of type unsigned short
The stream is active (the user agent is making a best-effort attempt to receive or generate data in real time).
MediaStream implements EventTarget;

All instances of the MediaStream type are defined to also implement the EventTarget interface.

3.2.2 LocalMediaStream

interface LocalMediaStream : MediaStream {
    void stop ();
}; Methods

When a LocalMediaStream object's stop() method is invoked, the user agent must queue a task that runs the following steps:

  1. If the object's readyState attribute is in the ENDED (2) state, then abort these steps.

  2. Permanently stop the generation of data for the stream. If the data is being generated from a live source (e.g. a microphone or camera), and no other stream is being generated from a live source, then the user agent should remove any active "on-air" indicator. If the data is being generated from a prerecorded source (e.g. a video file), any remaining content in the file is ignored. The stream is finished. The stream's tracks start outputting only silence and/or blackness, as appropriate, as defined earlier.

  3. Set the object's readyState attribute to ENDED (2).

  4. Fire a simple event named ended at the object.

The task source for the tasks queued for the stop() method is the DOM manipulation task source.

No parameters.
No exceptions.
Return type: void

3.2.3 MediaStreamTrack

typedef MediaStreamTrack[] MediaStreamTrackList;
Throughout this specification, the identifier MediaStreamTrackList is used to refer to the array of MediaStreamTrack type.
interface MediaStreamTrack {
    readonly attribute DOMString kind;
    readonly attribute DOMString label;
             attribute boolean   enabled;
}; Attributes
enabled of type boolean

The MediaStreamTrack.enabled attribute, on getting, must return the last value to which it was set. On setting, it must be set to the new value, and then, if the MediaStreamTrack object is still associated with a track, must enable the track if the new value is true, and disable it otherwise.

Thus, after a MediaStreamTrack is disassociated from its track, its enabled attribute still changes value when set, it just doesn't do anything with that new value.

No exceptions.
kind of type DOMString, readonly

The MediaStreamTrack.kind attribute must return the string "audio" if the object's corresponding track is or was an audio track, "video" if the corresponding track is or was a video track, and a user-agent defined string otherwise.

No exceptions.
label of type DOMString, readonly

When a LocalMediaStream object is created, the user agent must generate a globally unique identifier string, and must initialize the object's label attribute to that string. Such strings must only use characters in the ranges U+0021, U+0023 to U+0027, U+002A to U+002B, U+002D to U+002E, U+0030 to U+0039, U+0041 to U+005A, U+005E to U+007E, and must be 36 characters long.

When a MediaStream is created to represent a stream obtained from a remote peer, the label attribute is initialized from information provided by the remote source.

When a MediaStream is created from another using the MediaStream() constructor, the label attribute is initialized to a newly generated value.

The label attribute must return the value to which it was initialized when the object was created.

The label of a MediaStream object is unique to the source of the stream, but that does not mean it is not possible to end up with duplicates. For example, a locally generated stream could be sent from one user to a remote peer using PeerConnection, and then sent back to the original user in the same manner, in which case the original user will have multiple streams with the same label (the locally-generated one and the one received from the remote peer).

User agents may label audio and video sources (e.g. "Internal microphone" or "External USB Webcam"). The MediaStreamTrack.label attribute must return the label of the object's corresponding track, if any. If the corresponding track has or had no label, the attribute must instead return the empty string.

Thus the kind and label attributes do not change value, even if the MediaStreamTrack object is disassociated from its corresponding track.

No exceptions.

3.2.4 MediaStreamRecorder

interface MediaStreamRecorder {
    voice getRecordedData (BlobCallback? callback);
}; Methods

Creates a Blob of the recorded data, and invokes the provided callback with that Blob.

When the getRecordedData() method is called, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let callback be the callback indicated by the method's first argument.

  2. If callback is null, abort these steps.

  3. Let data be the data that was streamed by the MediaStream object from which the MediaStreamRecorder was created since the creation of the MediaStreamRecorder object.

  4. Return, and run the remaining steps asynchronously.

  5. Generate a file that containing data in a format supported by the user agent for use in audio and video elements.

  6. Let blob be a Blob object representing the contents of the file generated in the previous step. [FILE-API]

  7. Queue a task to invoke callback with blob as its argument.

The getRecordedData() method can be called multiple times on one MediaStreamRecorder object; each time, it will create a new file as if this was the first time the method was being called. In particular, the method does not stop or reset the recording when the method is called.

No exceptions.
Return type: voice

3.2.5 BlobCallback

[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
interface BlobCallback {
    void handleEvent (Blob blob);
}; Methods
No exceptions.
Return type: void

3.2.6 URL

Note that the following is actually only a partial interface, but ReSpec does not yet support that.

interface URL {
    static DOMString createObjectURL (MediaStream stream);
}; Methods

Mints a Blob URL to refer to the given MediaStream.

When the createObjectURL() method is called with a MediaStream argument, the user agent must return a unique Blob URL for the given MediaStream. [FILE-API]

For audio and video streams, the data exposed on that stream must be in a format supported by the user agent for use in audio and video elements.

A Blob URL is the same as what the File API specification calls a Blob URI, except that anything in the definition of that feature that refers to File and Blob objects is hereby extended to also apply to MediaStream and LocalMediaStream objects.

No exceptions.
Return type: static DOMString

3.3 Examples

This sample code exposes a button. When clicked, the button is disabled and the user is prompted to offer a stream. The user can cause the button to be re-enabled by providing a stream (e.g. giving the page access to the local camera) and then disabling the stream (e.g. revoking that access).

<input type="button" value="Start" onclick="start()" id="startBtn">
 var startBtn = document.getElementById('startBtn');
 function start() {
   navigator.getUserMedia('audio,video', gotStream);
   startBtn.disabled = true;
 function gotStream(stream) {
   stream.onended = function () {
     startBtn.disabled = false;

This example allows people to record a short audio message and upload it to the server. This example even shows rudimentary error handling.

<input type="button" value="⚫" onclick="msgRecord()" id="recBtn">
<input type="button" value="◼" onclick="msgStop()" id="stopBtn" disabled>
<p id="status">To start recording, press the ⚫ button.</p>
 var recBtn = document.getElementById('recBtn');
 var stopBtn = document.getElementById('stopBtn');
 function report(s) {
   document.getElementById('status').textContent = s;
 function msgRecord() {
   report('Attempting to access microphone...');
   navigator.getUserMedia('audio', gotStream, noStream);
   recBtn.disabled = true;
 var msgStream, msgStreamRecorder;
 function gotStream(stream) {
   report('Recording... To stop, press to ◼ button.');
   msgStream = stream;
   msgStreamRecorder = stream.record();
   stopBtn.disabled = false;
   stream.onended = function () {
 function msgStop() {
   report('Creating file...');
   stopBtn.disabled = true;
   msgStream.onended = null;
 function msgSave(blob) {
   report('Uploading file...');
   var x = new XMLHttpRequest();
   x.open('POST', 'uploadMessage');
   x.onload = function () {
     report('Done! To record a new message, press the ⚫ button.');
     recBtn.disabled = false;
   x.onerror = function () {
     report('Failed to upload message. To try recording a message again, press the ⚫ button.');
     recBtn.disabled = false;
 function noStream() {
   report('Could not obtain access to your microphone. To try again, press the ⚫ button.');
   recBtn.disabled = false;

This example allows people to take photos of themselves from the local video camera.

 <style scoped>
  video { transform: scaleX(-1); }
  p { text-align: center; }
 <h1>Snapshot Kiosk</h1>
 <section id="splash">
  <p id="errorMessage">Loading...</p>
 <section id="app" hidden>
  <p><video id="monitor" autoplay></video> <canvas id="photo"></canvas>
  <p><input type=button value="&#x1F4F7;" onclick="snapshot()">
  navigator.getUserMedia('video user', gotStream, noStream);
  var video = document.getElementById('monitor');
  var canvas = document.getElementById('photo');
  function gotStream(stream) {
    video.src = URL.getObjectURL(stream);
    video.onerror = function () {
    stream.onended = noStream;
    video.onloadedmetadata = function () {
      canvas.width = video.videoWidth;
      canvas.height = video.videoHeight;
      document.getElementById('splash').hidden = true;
      document.getElementById('app').hidden = false;
  function noStream() {
    document.getElementById('errorMessage').textContent = 'No camera available.';
  function snapshot() {
    canvas.getContext('2d').drawImage(video, 0, 0);

4. Peer-to-peer connections

A PeerConnection allows two users to communicate directly, browser-to-browser. Communications are coordinated via a signaling channel provided by script in the page via the server, e.g. using XMLHttpRequest.

Calling "new PeerConnection(configuration, signalingCallback)" creates a PeerConnection object.

The configuration string gives the address of a STUN or TURN server to use to establish the connection. [STUN] [TURN]

The allowed formats for this string are:


Indicates a specific IP address and port for the server.

"TYPE relay.example.net:3478""

Indicates a specific host and port for the server; the user agent will look up the IP address in DNS.

"TYPE example.net""

Indicates a specific domain for the server; the user agent will look up the IP address and port in DNS.

The "TYPE" is one of:

Indicates a STUN server
Indicates a STUN server that is to be contacted using a TLS session.
Indicates a TURN server
Indicates a TURN server that is to be contacted using a TLS session.

The signalingCallback argument is a method that will be invoked when the user agent needs to send a message to the other host over the signaling channel. When the callback is invoked, convey its first argument (a string) to the other peer using whatever method is being used by the Web application to relay signaling messages. (Messages returned from the other peer are provided back to the user agent using the processSignalingMessage() method.)

A PeerConnection object has an associated PeerConnection signaling callback, a PeerConnection ICE Agent, a PeerConnection readiness state and an SDP Agent. These are initialized when the object is created.

When the PeerConnection() constructor is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps. This algorithm has a synchronous section (which is triggered as part of the event loop algorithm). Steps in the synchronous section are marked with ⌛.

  1. Let serverConfiguration be the constructor's first argument.

  2. Let signalingCallback be the constructor's second argument.

  3. Let connection be a newly created PeerConnection object.

  4. Create an ICE Agent and let connection's PeerConnection ICE Agent be that ICE Agent. [ICE]

  5. If serverConfiguration contains a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character or a U+000D CARRIAGE RETURN (CR) character (or both), remove all characters from serverConfiguration after the first such character.

  6. Split serverConfiguration on spaces to obtain configuration components.

  7. If configuration components has two or more components, and the first component is a case-sensitive match for one of the following strings:

    • "STUN"
    • "STUNS"
    • "TURN"
    • "TURNS"

    ...then run the following substeps:

    1. Let server type be STUN if the first component of configuration components is 'STUN' or 'STUNS', and TURN otherwise (the first component of configuration components is "TURN" or "TURNS").

    2. Let secure be true if the first component of configuration components is "STUNS" or "TURNS", and false otherwise.

    3. Let host be the contents of the second component of configuration components up to the character before the first U+003A COLON character (:), if any, or the entire string otherwise.

    4. Let port be the contents of the second component of configuration components from the character after the first U+003A COLON character (:) up to the end, if any, or the empty string otherwise.

    5. Configure the PeerConnection ICE Agent's STUN or TURN server as follows:

      • If server type is STUN, the server is a STUN server. Otherwise, server type is TURN and the server is a TURN server.
      • If secure is true, the server is to be contacted using TLS-over-TCP, otherwise, it is to be contacted using UDP.
      • The IP address, host name, or domain name of the server is host.
      • The port to use is port. If this is the empty string, then only a domain name is configured (and the ICE Agent will use DNS SRV requests to determine the IP address and port).
      • The long-term username for the STUN or TURN server is the ASCII serialization of the entry script's origin; the long-term password is the empty string.

      If the given IP address, host name, domain name, or port are invalid, then the user agent must act as if no STUN or TURN server is configured.

  8. Let the connection's PeerConnection signaling callback be signalingCallback.

  9. Set connection's PeerConnection readiness state to NEW (0).

  10. Set connection's PeerConnection ice state to NEW (0).

  11. Set connection's PeerConnection sdp state to NEW (0).

  12. Let connection's localStreams attribute be an empty read-only MediaStream array. [WEBIDL]

  13. Let connection's remoteStreams attribute be an empty read-only MediaStream array. [WEBIDL]

  14. Return connection, but continue these steps asynchronously.

  15. Await a stable state. The synchronous section consists of the remaining steps of this algorithm. (Steps in synchronous sections are marked with ⌛.)

  16. ⌛ If the ice state is set to NEW, it must queue a task to start gathering ICE address and set the ice state to ICEGATHERING.

  17. ⌛ Once the ICE address gathering is complete, if there are any streams in localStreams, the SDP Agent will send the initial the SDP offer. The initial SDP offer must contain both the ICE candidate information as well as the SDP to represent the media descriptions for all the streams in localStreams.

During the lifetime of the peerConnection object, the following procedures are followed:

  1. If a local media stream has been added and an SDP offer needs to be sent, and the ICE state is not NEW or ICEGATHERING, and the SDP Agent state is NEW or SDPIDLE, then send and queue a task to send an SDP offer and change the SPD state to SDP Waiting.

  2. If an SDP offer has been received, and the SDP state is NEW or SDPIDLE, pass the ICE candidates from the SDP offer to the ICE Agent and change it state to ICECHECKING. Construct an appropriate SDP answer, update the remote streams, queue a task to send the SDP offer, and set the SDPAgent state to SDPIDLE.

  3. At the point the sdpState changes from NEW to some other state, the readyState changes to NEGOTIATING.

  4. If the ICE Agent finds a candidates that froms a valid connection, the ICE state is changed to ICECONNECTED

  5. If the ICE Agent finishes checking all candidates, if a connection has been found, the ice state is changed to ICECOMPLETED and if not connection has been found it is changed to ICEFAILED.

  6. If the iceState is ICECONNECTED or ICECOMPLETED and the SDP stat is SDPIDLE, the readyState is set to ACTIVE.

  7. If the iceState is ICEFAILED, a task is queued to calls the close method.

  8. The close method will cause the system to wait until the sdpStat is SDPIDLE then it will send an SDP offer terminating all media and change the readyState to CLOSING as well as stop all ICE process and change the iceState to ICE_CLOSED. Once an SDP anser to this offer is received, the readyState will be changed to CLOSED.

User agents may negotiate any codec and any resolution, bitrate, or other quality metric. User agents are encouraged to initially negotiate for the native resolution of the stream. For streams that are then rendered (using a video element), user agents are encouraged to renegotiate for a resolution that matches the rendered display size.

Starting with the native resolution means that if the Web application notifies its peer of the native resolution as it starts sending data, and the peer prepares its video element accordingly, there will be no need for a renegotiation once the stream is flowing.

All SDP media descriptions for streams represented by MediaStream objects must include a label attribute ("a=label:") whose value is the value of the MediaStream object's label attribute. [SDP] [SDPLABEL]

PeerConnections must not generate any candidates for media streams whose media descriptions do not have a label attribute ("a=label:"). [ICE] [SDP] [SDPLABEL]

When a user agent starts receiving media for a component and a candidate was provided for that component by a PeerConnection, the user agent must follow these steps:

  1. Let connection be the PeerConnection expecting this media.

  2. If there is already a MediaStream object for the media stream to which this component belongs, then associate the component with that media stream and abort these steps. (Some media streams have multiple components; this API does not expose the role of these individual components in ICE.)

  3. Create a MediaStream object to represent the media stream. Set its label attribute to the value of the SDP Label attribute for that component's media stream.

  4. Queue a task to run the following substeps:

    1. If the connection's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), abort these steps.

    2. Add the newly created MediaStream object to the end of connection's remoteStreams array.

    3. Fire a stream event named addstream with the newly created MediaStream object at the connection object.

When a PeerConnection finds that a stream from the remote peer has been removed (its port has been set to zero in a media description sent on the signaling channel), the user agent must follow these steps:

  1. Let connection be the PeerConnection associated with the stream being removed.

  2. Let stream be the MediaStream object that represents the media stream being removed, if any. If there isn't one, then abort these steps.

  3. By definition, stream is now finished.

    A task is thus queued to update stream and fire an event.

  4. Queue a task to run the following substeps:

    1. If the connection's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), abort these steps.

    2. Remove stream from connection's remoteStreams array.

    3. Fire a stream event named removestream with stream at the connection object.

The task source for the tasks listed in this section is the networking task source.

To prevent network sniffing from allowing a fourth party to establish a connection to a peer using the information sent out-of-band to the other peer and thus spoofing the client, the configuration information should always be transmitted using an encrypted connection.

4.1 PeerConnection

[Constructor (in DOMString configuration, in SignalingCallback signalingCallback)]
interface PeerConnection {
    void processSignalingMessage (DOMString message);
    const unsigned short NEW = 0;
    const unsigned short NEGOTIATING = 1;
    const unsigned short ACTIVE = 2;
    const unsigned short CLOSING = 4;
    const unsigned short CLOSED = 3;
    readonly attribute unsigned short readyState;
    const unsigned short ICE_GATHERING = 0x100;
    const unsigned short ICE_WAITING = 0x200;
    const unsigned short ICE_CHECKING = 0x300;
    const unsigned short ICE_CONNECTED = 0x400;
    const unsigned short ICE_COMPLETED = 0x500;
    const unsigned short ICE_FAILED = 0x600;
    const unsigned short ICE_CLOSED = 00x700;
    readonly attribute unsigned short iceState;
    const unsigned short SDP_IDLE = 0x1000;
    const unsigned short SDP_WAITING = 0x2000;
    const unsigned short SDP_GLARE = 0x3000;
    readonly attribute unsigned short sdpState;
    void addStream (MediaStream stream, MediaStreamHints hints);
    void removeStream (MediaStream stream);
    readonly attribute MediaStream[]  localStreams;
    readonly attribute MediaStream[]  remoteStreams;
    void close ();
             attribute Function?      onconnecting;
             attribute Function?      onopen;
             attribute Function?      onstatechange;
             attribute Function?      onaddstream;
             attribute Function?      onremovestream;

4.1.1 Attributes

iceState of type unsigned short, readonly

The iceState attribute must return the state of the PeerConnection ICE Agent PeerConnection ICE state, represented by a number from the following list:

PeerConnection . NEW (0)
The object was just created, and no networking has yet occurred.
PeerConnection . ICE_GATHERING (0x100)
The ICE Agent is attempting to establish a gather addresses.
PeerConnection . ICE_WAITING (0x200)
The ICE Agent is waiting for candidates from the other side before it can start checking.
PeerConnection . ICE_CHECKING (0x300)
The ICE Agent is checking candidates but has not yet found a connection.
PeerConnection . ICE_CONNECTED (0x400)
The ICE Agent has found a connection but is still checking other candidates to see if there is a better connection.
PeerConnection . ICE_COMPLETED (0x500)
The ICE Agent has finished checking and found a connection.
PeerConnection . ICE_FAILED (0x600)
The ICE Agent is finished checking all candidates and failed to find a connection.
PeerConnection . ICE_CLOSED (0x700)
The ICE Agent has shut down and is no longer responding to STUN requests.
No exceptions.
localStreams of type array of MediaStream, readonly

Returns a live array containing the streams that the user agent is currently attempting to transmit to the remote peer (those that were added with addStream()).

Specifically, it must return the read-only MediaStream array that the attribute was set to when the PeerConnection's constructor ran.

No exceptions.
onaddstream of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of event handler event type addstream, must be supported by all objects implementing the PeerConnection interface.
No exceptions.
onconnecting of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of event handler event type connecting, must be supported by all objects implementing the PeerConnection interface.
No exceptions.
onopen of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of event handler event type open, must be supported by all objects implementing the PeerConnection interface.
No exceptions.
onremovestream of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of event handler event type removestream, must be supported by all objects implementing the PeerConnection interface.
No exceptions.
onstatechange of type Function, nullable
This event handler, of event handler event type open, must be supported by all objects implementing the PeerConnection interface. It is called any time the readyState, iceState, or sdpState changes.
No exceptions.
readyState of type unsigned short, readonly

The readyState attribute must return the PeerConnection object's PeerConnection readiness state, represented by a number from the following list:

PeerConnection . NEW (0)
The object was just created, and no networking has yet occurred.
PeerConnection . NEGOTIATING (1)
The user agent is attempting to establish an connection with the ICE Agent and to negotiate codecs with the SDP Agent.
PeerConnection . ACTIVE (2)
The ICE Agent has found a connection the SDP Agent has performed a round of codec negotiation. It is possible for whatever media was negotiated to flow.
PeerConnection . CLOSING (4)
The PeerConnection object is terminating all media and is in the process of closing the Ice Agent and SDP Agent.
PeerConnection . CLOSED (3)
The connection is closed.
No exceptions.
remoteStreams of type array of MediaStream, readonly

Returns a live array containing the streams that the user agent is currently receiving from the remote peer.

Specifically, it must return the read-only MediaStream array that the attribute was set to when the PeerConnection's constructor ran.

This array is updated when addstream and removestream events are fired.

No exceptions.
sdpState of type unsigned short, readonly

The sdpState attribute must return the state of the PeerConnection SDP Agent , represented by a number from the following list:

PeerConnection . NEW (0)
The object was just created, and no networking has yet occurred.
PeerConnection . SDP_IDLE (0x1000)
At least one SDP offer or answer has been exchange and the SDP Agent is ready to send an SDP offer or receive an SDP answer.
PeerConnection . SDP_WAITING (0x2000)
The SDP Agent has sent and offer and is waiting for a answer.
PeerConnection . SDP_GLARE (0x3000)
The SDP Agent received an offer while waiting for an answer and now much wait a rondom amount of time before retrying to send the offer.
No exceptions.

4.1.2 Methods


Attempts to starting sending the given stream to the remote peer. The format for the MediaStreamHints objects is currently undefined by the specification.

When the other peer starts sending a stream in this manner, an addstream event is fired at the PeerConnection object.

When the addStream() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let stream be the method's first argument.

  2. Let hints be the method's second argument.

  3. If the PeerConnection object's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.

  4. If stream is already in the PeerConnection object's localStreams object, then abort these steps.

  5. Add stream to the end of the PeerConnection object's localStreams object.

  6. Return from the method.

  7. Parse the hints provided by the application and apply them to the MediaStream, if possible.

  8. Have the PeerConnection add a media stream for stream the next time the user agent provides a stable state. Any other pending stream additions and removals must be processed at the same time.

No exceptions.
Return type: void

When the close() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. If the PeerConnection object's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.

  2. Destroy the PeerConnection ICE Agent, abruptly ending any active ICE processing and any active streaming, and releasing any relevant resources (e.g. TURN permissions).

  3. Set the object's PeerConnection readiness state to CLOSED (3).

The localStreams and remoteStreams objects remain in the state they were in when the object was closed.

No parameters.
No exceptions.
Return type: void

When a message is relayed from the remote peer over the signaling channel is received by the Web application, pass it to the user agent by calling the processSignalingMessage() method.

The order of messages is important. Passing messages to the user agent in a different order than they were generated by the remote peer's user agent can prevent a successful connection from being established or degrade the connection's quality if one is established.

When the processSignalingMessage() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let message be the method's argument.

  2. Let connection be the PeerConnection object on which the method was invoked.

  3. If connection's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.

  4. If the first four characters of message are not "SDP" followed by a U+000A LINE FEED (LF) character, then abort these steps. (This indicates an error in the signaling channel implementation. User agents may report such errors to their developer consoles to aid debugging.)

    Future extensions to the PeerConnection interface might use other prefix values to implement additional features.

  5. Let sdp be the string consisting of all but the first four characters of message.

  6. Pass the sdp to the PeerConnection SDP Agent as a subsequent offer or answer, to be interpreted as appropriate given the current state of the SDP Agent. [ICE]

When a PeerConnection ICE Agent forms a connection to the the far side and enters the state ICECONNECTED, the user agent must queue a task that sets the PeerConnection object's PeerConnection readiness state to ACTIVE (2) and then fires a simple event named open at the PeerConnection object.

No exceptions.
Return type: void

Stops sending the given stream to the remote peer.

When the other peer stops sending a stream in this manner, a removestream event is fired at the PeerConnection object.

When the removeStream() method is invoked, the user agent must run the following steps:

  1. Let stream be the method's argument.

  2. If the PeerConnection object's PeerConnection readiness state is CLOSED (3), throw an INVALID_STATE_ERR exception.

  3. If stream is not in the PeerConnection object's localStreams object, then abort these steps.

  4. Remove stream from the PeerConnection object's localStreams object.

  5. Return from the method.

  6. Have the PeerConnectionremove the media stream for stream the next time the user agent provides a stable state. Any other pending stream additions and removals must be processed at the same time.

No exceptions.
Return type: void

4.1.3 Constants

ACTIVE of type unsigned short
A connection has been formed and if any media streams were successfully negotiated, any relevant media can be streaming.
CLOSED of type unsigned short
The close() method has been invoked.
CLOSING of type unsigned short
The object is starting to shut down after the close() method has been invoked.
ICE_CHECKING of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent is checking candidates but has not yet found a connection that works.
ICE_CLOSED of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent is terminating and will no longer repined to STUN connectivity checks.
ICE_COMPLETED of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent has finished checking all candidates and a connection has been formed.
ICE_CONNECTED of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent has found at least one candidate that works but is still checking.
ICE_FAILED of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent has finished checking all candidates and no connection was worked.
ICE_GATHERING of type unsigned short
The ICE Agent is gather addresses that can be used.
ICE_WAITING of type unsigned short
THE ICE Agent has complete gathering addresses and is waiting for candidates to start checking.
NEGOTIATING of type unsigned short
The peerConenction object is attempting to get to the point wehre media can flow.
NEW of type unsigned short
The object was just created and its ICE and SDP Agent have not yet been started.
SDP_GLARE of type unsigned short
Both side sent SDP offers at the same time and the SDP Agent is waiting to be able to retransmit the SDP offer.
SDP_IDLE of type unsigned short
A valid offer anser pair has been exchanged and the SDP Agent is waiting for the next SDP transaction.
SDP_WAITING of type unsigned short
The SDP Agent has sent an SDP offer and is waiting for a response.
PeerConnection implements EventTarget;

All instances of the PeerConnection type are defined to also implement the EventTarget interface.

4.2 SignalingCallback

[Callback=FunctionOnly, NoInterfaceObject]
interface SignalingCallback {
    void handleEvent (DOMString message, PeerConnection source);

4.2.1 Methods

No exceptions.
Return type: void

4.3 Examples

When two peers decide they are going to set up a connection to each other, they both go through these steps. The STUN/TURN server configuration describes a server they can use to get things like their public IP address or to set up NAT traversal. They also have to send data for the signaling channel to each other using the same out-of-band mechanism they used to establish that they were going to communicate in the first place.

// the first argument describes the STUN/TURN server configuration
var local = new PeerConnection('TURNS example.net', sendSignalingChannel);
local.signalingChannel(...); // if we have a message from the other side, pass it along here

// (aLocalStream is some LocalMediaStream object)
local.addStream(aLocalStream); // start sending video

function sendSignalingChannel(message) {
  ... // send message to the other side via the signaling channel

function receiveSignalingChannel (message) {
  // call this whenever we get a message on the signaling channel

local.onaddstream = function (event) {
  // (videoElement is some <video> element)
  videoElement.src = URL.getObjectURL(event.stream);

5. The data stream

Although progress is being made, there is currently not enough agreement on the data channel to write it up. This section will be filled in as rough consensus is reached.

6. Garbage collection

A Window object has a strong reference to any PeerConnection objects created from the constructor whose global object is that Window object.

7. Event definitions

The addstream and removestream events use the MediaStreamEvent interface:

7.1 MediaStreamEvent

Firing a stream event named e with a MediaStream stream means that an event with the name e, which does not bubble (except where otherwise stated) and is not cancelable (except where otherwise stated), and which uses the MediaStreamEvent interface with the stream attribute set to stream, must be created and dispatched at the given target.

interface MediaStreamEvent : Event {
    readonly attribute MediaStream? stream;
    void initMediaStreamEvent (DOMString typeArg, boolean canBubbleArg, boolean cancelableArg, MediaStream? streamArg);

7.1.1 Attributes

stream of type MediaStream, readonly, nullable

The stream attribute represents the MediaStream object associated with the event.

No exceptions.

7.1.2 Methods


The initMediaStreamEvent() method must initialize the event in a manner analogous to the similarly-named method in the DOM Events interfaces. [DOM-LEVEL-3-EVENTS]

No exceptions.
Return type: void

8. Event summary

This section is non-normative.

The following event fires on MediaStream objects:

Event name Interface Fired when...
ended Event The MediaStream object will no longer stream any data, either because the user revoked the permissions, or because the source device has been ejected, or because the remote peer stopped sending data, or because the stop() method was invoked.

The following events fire on PeerConnection objects:

Event name Interface Fired when...
connecting Event The ICE Agent has begun negotiating with the peer. This can happen multiple times during the lifetime of the PeerConnection object.
open Event The ICE Agent has finished negotiating with the peer.
message MessageEvent A data UDP media stream message (to be defined) was received.
addstream MediaStreamEvent A new stream has been added to the remoteStreams array.
removestream MediaStreamEvent A stream has been removed from the remoteStreams array.

9. application/html-peer-connection-data

This registration is for community review and will be submitted to the IESG for review, approval, and registration with IANA.

Type name:
Subtype name:
Required parameters:
No required parameters
Optional parameters:
No optional parameters
Encoding considerations:
This MIME type defines a binary protocol format which uses UTF-8 for text encoding.
Security considerations:

This format is used for encoding UDP packets transmitted by potentially hostile Web page content via a trusted user agent to a destination selected by a potentially hostile remote server. To prevent this mechanism from being abused for cross-protocol attacks, all the data in these packets is masked so as to appear to be random noise. The intent of this masking is to reduce the potential attack scenarios to those already possible previously.

However, this feature still allows random data to be sent to destinations that might not normally have been able to receive them, such as to hosts within the victim's intranet. If a service within such an intranet cannot handle receiving UDP packets containing random noise, it might be vulnerable to attack from this feature.

Interoperability considerations:
Rules for processing both conforming and non-conforming content are defined in this specification.
Published specification:
This document is the relevant specification.
Applications that use this media type:
This type is only intended for use with SDP. [SDP]
Additional information:
Magic number(s):
No sequence of bytes can uniquely identify data in this format, as all data in this format is intentionally masked to avoid cross-protocol attacks.
File extension(s):
This format is not for use with files.
Macintosh file type code(s):
This format is not for use with files.
Person & email address to contact for further information:
Daniel C. Burnett <[email protected]>
Intended usage:
Restrictions on usage:
No restrictions apply.
Daniel C. Burnett <[email protected]>
Change controller:

Fragment identifiers cannot be used with application/html-peer-connection-data as URLs cannot be used to identify streams that use this format.

A. Acknowledgements

The editors wish to thank the Working Group chairs, Harald Alvestrand and Stefan Håkansson, for their support.

B. References

B.1 Normative references

Björn Höhrmann; Tom Pixley; Philippe Le Hégaret. Document Object Model (DOM) Level 3 Events Specification. 31 May 2011. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-DOM-Level-3-Events-20110531/
Arun Ranganathan. File API. 17 November 2009. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-FileAPI-20091117/
J. Rosenberg Interactive Connectivity Establishment (ICE): A Protocol for Network Address Translator (NAT) Traversal for Offer/Answer Protocols. April 2010. Internet RFC 5245. URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5245
J. Rosenberg, H. Schulzrinne. An Offer/Answer Model with the Session Description Protocol (SDP). June 2002. Internet RFC 3264. URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3264
O. Levin, G. Camarillo. The Session Description Protocol (SDP) Label Attribute. August 2006. Internet RFC 4574. URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4574
J. Rosenberg, R. Mahy, P. Matthews, D. Wing. Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN). October 2008. Internet RFC 5389. URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5389
P. Mahy, P. Matthews, J. Rosenberg. Traversal Using Relays around NAT (TURN): Relay Extensions to Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN). April 2010. Internet RFC 5766. URL: http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5766
Cameron McCormack. Web IDL. 19 December 2008. W3C Working Draft. (Work in progress.) URL: http://www.w3.org/TR/2008/WD-WebIDL-20081219

B.2 Informative references

No informative references.