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User Privacy

At KISSmetrics, we recognize the importance of consumer privacy. KISSmetrics provides tools to companies that allow them to analyze usage of their own websites with the goal of improving their customers’ experience. KISSmetrics treats the data collected on behalf of our customers as our customers’ own confidential data. KISSmetrics does not reveal, sell, share, or exchange data between two customers or to any third-party. Our goal at KISSmetrics is to make the online businesses that consumers enjoy even better.

As an analytics tool provider we provide our customers with a variety of tools to align the usage of our product with their own privacy policy.

As a consumer...

...it is important that you read and agree to the privacy policy and terms of use of any site you visit.

As a site owner...

...it is important to make sure that the software you install on your site acts in accordance with these terms and that you disclose the use and operation of KISSmetrics analytics products and tools in your own privacy policy. If you have any questions about how, as a site owner, you can configure KISSmetrics to align with your privacy policy, please see our User Privacy documentation or e-mail us at [email protected].

As an additional step to respecting consumer privacy and providing additional tools for our customers, consumers can use the controls below to opt-out or opt-in of tracking by KISSmetrics across all KISSmetrics-enabled websites.

Your browser is currently helping KISSmetrics customers make their sites better - thank you.

Opt-out of KISSmetrics Tracking

Please note: Due to technical limitations the only way we can opt you out is to set a cookie on our domain kissmetrics.com. If you clear this cookie you will lose your opt-out status. This cookie only works on your current browser. You will have to visit this page and opt-out each browser you use. When visiting a KISSmetrics-enabled website we will attempt to read this cookie and if we can we will not track any information about you. However, because this cookie will be set on our domain, not the site you are visiting, this will be treated as a third-party cookie. If your browser rejects third-party cookies you will lose your opt-out status.

Consumers may be interested in the following opt-out pages of other analytics providers:

If you have any questions or comments about this policy, our services, or your experience with KISSmetrics, please contact us at [email protected].