Bolt mobile browser Video

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Bolt mobile browser
Created: 03/30/2009
Video description: Bolt's mobile browser strikes out of thin air. See where it crackles, where it fizzles, and if it's enough to electrify Opera Mini.

Bolt mobile browser Video Transcript

[ Music ] ^M00:00:02

>> Just when you thought you've tried every mobile browser out there another has come along. I'm Jessica Dolcourt from CNET taking a First Look at Bolt Mobile Browser for Java phones. Bolt's stadard screen has an address bar at the top which can double as a Google Search Bar by dropping down to select Search. It also shows your history, some preset favorites and RSS Feeds in three separate tabs. We did have a few issues though with editing and reordering our favorites. The navigation in the left soft key pulls up a menu to help you get around, but there are also about a dozen hot keys you can use to do the same thing faster. These are listed in Bolt's help menu. One of Bolt's unique features is being able to split the screen to zoom in on a portion you have highlighted within a viewing rectangle. In addition you can view a page in desktop or in mobile view or play with the font size. In terms of other tools, Bolt lets you clear cookies, download an image and find specific words in a page, which is a feature we always like. Bolt is especially proud of two things, its support for streaming video and its rendering speeds. While we were able to stream videos pretty well in Bolt's browser there's currently only support for about eight sites including, ESPN and Google, but not yet for CNET TV or Bolt can play most videos in the browser, but if the phone won't allow that kind of access like with BlackBerry's the Bolt will play the video in the phone's media player. Even with this Bolt's video support is superior to Opera Mini's which at the time of this video could not stream videos. Speed is another strength of Bolt. It takes a few seconds to gather in cell phone loading and then seems to load the page all at once. There were no re-rendering delays as you scroll around and the font is really crisp. We're still not convinced it's significantly faster than Opera Mini and we really do prefer Opera Zooming controls. However, Bolt does render complex pages more faithfully. So far we like what we see with Bolt and we recommend that the browser curious crowd try it out. I'm Jessica Dolcourt looking at Bolt Mobile Browser Beta. ^M00:02:00 [ Music ]

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