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Agency Digs Pops In on Red Tettemer & Partners

Agency Digs Pops In on Red Tettemer & Partners

After checking out Cramer-Krasselt's modern office space in Manhattan in our first episode of "Agency Digs," we decided to look for something completely different for episode two.

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How Mapping Social-Media Chatter to TV Commercials Yields Insights

How Mapping Social-Media Chatter to TV Commercials Yields Insights

Bluefin Labs is exploring the relationship between mass media and audience by looking at about 3 billion social-media comments a month and, from that, filtering and mapping about 13.7 million comments that pertained to TV and/or commercials. Here's what it's found.

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Herb Kelleher on the Importance of Advertising to Southwest's Success

Herb Kelleher on the Importance of Advertising to Southwest's Success

Southwest's marketing people "are more the center of attention than they might be in other companies," the airline's founder Herb Kelleher tells Ad Age.

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Agency Digs Takes You Inside Cramer-Krasselt's New Office

Agency Digs Takes You Inside Cramer-Krasselt's New Office

Ad agencies are arguably the most creative part of the business world, and one aspect of their unique culture and identity comes from the spaces in which they operate. Here's a peek inside one.

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BMW Marketing Chief Dan Creed Talks Agencies, Consumer Priorities at New York Auto Show

BMW Marketing Chief Dan Creed Talks Agencies, Consumer Priorities at New York Auto Show

At the New York Auto Show, Dan Creed explained to Ad Age what BMW is looking for in a creative agency for its estimated $160 million account; why the Super Bowl this year delivered; and what his first car was (hint: It wasn't the Ultimate Driving Machine. And it's not what he drives now).

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Does Minow Still Think TV Is a 'Vast Wasteland'?

Does Minow Still Think TV Is a 'Vast Wasteland'?

Fifty years ago Newton Minow, in his first speech as FCC commissioner, called TV a "vast wasteland." So today, 50 years and hundreds of cable and satellite channels later, we asked him: Is TV today just a vaster wasteland?

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Why the NBA Didn't Block Kobe Bryant's Gun-Toting 'Call of Duty' Ad

Why the NBA Didn't Block Kobe Bryant's Gun-Toting 'Call of Duty' Ad

Lakers star Kobe Bryant upset some people last year when he appeared in a violent "Call of Duty" commercial last year, but the NBA decided not to intervene, commissioner David Stern explained. "There's a lot we do that can be viewed as intrusive to protect our brand," he said. This was a chance not to intrude.

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Al Gore on Keith Olbermann, 'SportsCenter' and MSNBC

Al Gore on Keith Olbermann, 'SportsCenter' and MSNBC

NEW YORK ( -- Keith Olbermann was "the person most responsible for innovating and establishing" SportsCenter on ESPN, and "more responsible" than anyone else for the success of MSNBC, Current TV Chairman Al Gore said in New York on Thursday. Watch Mr. Gore explain why Current hired Mr. Olbermann, giving him a piece of the company in the process.

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Tripodi on Engagement, Expression and Experiential Branding

Tripodi on Engagement, Expression and Experiential Branding

ORLANDO, Fla. ( -- In a one-on-one interview with Ad Age at the ANA conference, Coca-Cola Co. Chief Marketing and Commercial Officer Joe Tripodi discusses agencies' role in delivering great ideas and the importance of consumers' "expressions" over impressions.

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Pritchard Deconstructs Old Spice Campaign Success

Pritchard Deconstructs Old Spice Campaign Success

ORLANDO, Fla. ( -- Speaking at the ANA conference, Procter & Gamble Co. Global Brand-Building Officer Marc Pritchard detailed the big idea behind the "Smell Like a Man, Man" campaign for Old Spice.

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Dan Edelman Reflects on the Birth of a Public-Relations Giant

Dan Edelman Reflects on the Birth of a Public-Relations Giant

"Poor people, poor PR" was Dan Edelman's reason for hiring the best and smartest people. Today, Dan's company ranks as the biggest independently owned PR firm in the world, with offices in 51 countries around the globe and about 3,300 employees.

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Jim Farley: We Need a New Paradigm for Auto Marketing

Jim Farley: We Need a New Paradigm for Auto Marketing

NEW YORK ( -- With the upcoming launch of the 2011 Fiesta, Ford is changing its approach to marketing new models, and that includes turning its brand over to its fans online.

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How P&G Remains a Leading Global Marketer

How P&G; Remains a Leading Global Marketer

NEW YORK ( -- Procter & Gamble Co. became the first corporate inductee to the American Advertising Federation Hall of Fame on March 25, and while it's a big honor, it could be seen as a mixed blessing. In an interview with Advertising Age prior to the induction, P&G; Chairman-CEO Bob McDonald said avoiding the trap of leaning too heavily on the company's marketing legacy is one thing that keeps him up at night.

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Behind the Scenes of Ad Age's Second 40 Years

Behind the Scenes of Ad Age's Second 40 Years

NEW YORK ( -- Last week, inspired by a similar video created 40 years ago when Ad Age was just a pup, Rance Crain, Judy Pollack, Allison Arden and Abbey Klaassen dished about the biggest marketing and advertising stories over the last four decades, the role Ad Age played in them and where we see the brand headed in the future.

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Covering the Mad Men: Advertising Age at 40

Covering the Mad Men: Advertising Age at 40

NEW YORK ( -- Back when Don Draper was swilling Scotch in his corner office, debating how to solve Lucky Strike's marketing conundrums, Ad Age was all over in the industry. And it was no young pub -- in 1970 the publication was already 40 years old.

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True/Slant Builds Platform for Journalists, and for Brands

True/Slant Builds Platform for Journalists, and for Brands

NEW YORK ( -- Remember True/Slant? One of a host of startups re-inventing journalism -- or at least the delivery of news and opinion -- True/Slant launched a year ago to glowing acclaim from Wall Street Journal columnist Walt Mossberg and backing from Forbes Media and Velocity Interactive Group.

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Video From the 4A's Conference

Video From the 4A's Conference

Ad Age was in San Francisco this week to cover the 4A's leadership and media conference, dubbed "Transformation 2010." And many of the execs who took the stage at the annual confab of the American Association of Advertising Agencies touched on all matter of transformation -- of media, of marketing and of the industry as a whole. Here are three video clips from the conference.

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Audi CMO: What U.S. Automakers Are Doing Wrong

Audi CMO: What U.S. Automakers Are Doing Wrong

NEW YORK ( -- German luxury brand Audi is a refreshing change from what most of the news in the auto business has been about lately. The Volkswagen subsidiary has pumped up its U.S. advertising budget by 20%, increased its market share and been surprisingly successful in marketing "clean diesel" models against competitors' hybrids. In this eight-minute video, Audi America CMO Scott Keogh recaps the company's strategies at the same time he wags his finger at what he portrays as the hopelessly bland marketing of U.S. domestic automakers.

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Chasing Mobile Audiences Beyond Phones

Chasing Mobile Audiences Beyond Phones

NEW YORK ( -- Although they get all the press, phones aren't actually the only devices that make up our rapidly expanding world of mobile communications. Laptops and portable game consoles are also being widely used by on-the-go consumers. And companies like Yahoo and Google are paying close attention to that. Both sponsored expansive free Wifi services for the holidays. Yahoo's blanketed Times Square, while Google's took to the airports and skies beyond.

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Toxic Pixels and 'Tree Washing' Ad Tactics

Toxic Pixels and 'Tree Washing' Ad Tactics

NEW YORK ( -- Are marketing and media giants ignoring that their primary communications channels are based on environmentally "toxic" pixels? And are some of these companies engaging in "tree washing" or "gray washing" as well as "green washing?" These intriguing issues were at the center of this week's Sustainable Media Climate Symposium in Manhattan. Don Carli, director of the Institute for Sustainable Communication, enlightened many by quantifying how the carbon footprint of electric-powered digital media is nearly as large and environmentally onerous as that of the notorious paper-making industry.

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