Advertising, Communications & Marketing Jobs

Euro RSCG Names Andrew Crombie CEO

Euro RSCG Names Andrew Crombie CEO

Euro RSCG has hired Andrew Crombie as CEO and Kevin Pereira as executive creative director.

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Print Vets Looking to Go Digital Find Switch Difficult

NEW YORK ( -- It is becoming increasingly difficult for even seasoned professionals to segue from print to digital.

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Hiring Freeze Starts to Thaw as Agency Business Hunts for Talent

NEW YORK ( -- After a nearly yearlong hiring freeze and having shed 14,000 employees, WPP chief Martin Sorrell had a bit of good news last week: The holding company is staffing up. It's a welcomed announcement for an industry that lost almost 200,000 jobs between December 2008 and January 2010.

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Recruit Based on Who Can Deliver Your Brand Promise

Recruit Based on Who Can Deliver Your Brand Promise

At our agency, the traditional approach to employee recruitment and evaluation is dead. We're firm believers that today's businesses -- small or big companies, organizations, or agencies like ours -- should measure potential employees and evaluate existing ones by the core values of their brand.

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A Woman's Place May Just Be in Digital Shops

A Woman's Place May Just Be in Digital Shops

Marketers and agencies may at last surrender to the inevitable logic in having women not just create, but manage the development of conversations with other women.

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Eight Ways to Lower Agency Employee Turnover

Eight Ways to Lower Agency Employee Turnover

Based on interviews conducted with agency people at all levels, one thing is clear when it comes to employee turnover: Money is not the real issue.

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The Talented Jerk vs. the Sweetheart Hack (Part II)

The Talented Jerk vs. the Sweetheart Hack (Part II)

Why are talent and sweetness unlikely bedfellows, especially in the workplace? Sally Hogshead explores the answer to that question in her follow-up to her first column that compared bosses who are talented jerks and those who are sweetheart hacks.

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Principles of Change: The Seventh of Nine

Principles of Change: The Seventh of Nine

Find your spiritual side, the part of you that never changes, is always there, detached from any drama, and life on the outside becomes calmer.

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The Talented Jerk vs. the Sweetheart Hack (Part I)

The Talented Jerk vs. the Sweetheart Hack (Part I)

No one wants to work for a jerk, under any circumstances. Nastiness is never tolerable. That's settled. Right? Well, hold on. Not so fast. When Sally Hogshead asked on Facebook if people would rather work for a talented jerk or a sweetheart hack, it started getting interesting.

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Five Tips for Recessionary Entrepreneurs

Five Tips for Recessionary Entrepreneurs

Speaking as someone who has run a small business for nearly a decade, here are a few tips for all of you newly christened recessionary entrepreneurs.

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What's Your Adaptability Quotient?

What's Your Adaptability Quotient?

What you are prepared to change, from a career perspective, requires an understanding of what you are not prepared or unable to alter. At the same time, enhance your capabilities and your flexibility and you will enhance your career possibilities.

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The Lost Art of Keeping Your Word

The Lost Art of Keeping Your Word

There is an opportunity for all of us to make a deep and lasting impression by simply keeping our word. But it's unbelievably difficult to do at times. Still, it's worth the effort.

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Would Your Manager Walk a Mile in Your Moccasins?

Would Your Manager Walk a Mile in Your Moccasins?

In a perfect world, all work leaders would make a practice of role-reversal. Unfortunately, most don't have the luxury of delaying their real work to do the work of their employees. As employees, we can all be proactive. If you feel as though your boss is clueless about your day-to-day activities, empower yourself to enlighten her about your routine.

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What Makes You Employable in 2010?

What Makes You Employable in 2010?

We live in a rapidly changing business world, and the agency business is likely to continue to face huge shifts in 2010. Still, there are certain core tenets that can act as guidelines to help make you more employable. Here's what will get you hired this year.

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CBS Names Kucharz President of Local Digital Media

CBS Names Kucharz President of Local Digital Media

Ezra Kucharz has been named president-local digital media at CBS. Mr. Kucharz comes to CBS from

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Why Corporate Success Depends on 'Invincible' Employees

Why Corporate Success Depends on 'Invincible' Employees

In the current economic climate, invincible employees provide a competitive advantage to lean organizations struggling to achieve business goals with fewer resources. Leadership must actively pursue them and nurture their development within the organization.

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Companies Should Send Candidates Thank-You Notes, Too

Companies Should Send Candidates Thank-You Notes, Too

It's not only job candidates who should be expected to send follow-up thank-you notes or e-mails after an interview; interviewers should send them, too, as a gesture of goodwill -- and a good PR move for the company.

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Want a Job in China?

Want a Job in China?

Like many agency directors, I've recently been inundated with resumes from wannabe expatriates who are either unemployed back home or want to come out and experience the adventure. Looking for a job in China? Here are some useful tips to keep in mind.

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Resisting Temptation to Jump Ship? Get Over It Already

Resisting Temptation to Jump Ship? Get Over It Already

Wondering if and when you can leave your job? Daydreaming of something different, better, more fulfilling? Feel shackled by the oppression of the recession? Fight the fear and move on, says Dr. Sharon Lamm-Hartman, executive coach and life coach who also is a speaker and adjunct faculty member at Columbia University.

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The 10 Ways Recruiters Can Make the Talent Search as Efficient as Possible

The 10 Ways Recruiters Can Make the Talent Search as Efficient as Possible

From my experience as a candidate and as a headhunter, finding a great job isn't easy. Agencies, recruiters and candidates all have their parts to play. Well-articulated job specifications and expectations from both agencies and candidates are critical. The recruiter's job is to clarify both sides of the equation.

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