Ad Age Marketfinder - powered by American Demographics


The top 40% of Americans earn 75% of the money.

Did you know?

27% of foreign-born households send money back home. See more at:

Household Consumers

Find the highest populations and concentrations of households based on the characteristics you choose.

Choose your market segment to find where your customers are likely to live. Some segments, like race/ethnicity and income, can be combined. MarketFinder will guide you through the options.

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Household Spending

The average amount spent annually by different consumer groups on nearly 100 product segments.

Know who your consumers are? Find out how much they spend, and how that compares to U.S. averages. You can also narrow your search to spending on a specific product category.

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Market Profile

Need a quick over-view of a specific place? Search by state or metro area to see who lives there.

  • A Census Metropolitan Statistical Area represents a major city and its surrounding counties with a minimum population of 50,000.