Marketing Intelligence Center

IDG Connect

Take a Second Look At Your White Papers

White papers are a staple offering by most tech vendors. Sometimes it’s too easy to do what’s been done for years and such is the case with white papers. IDG Connect surveyed IT buyers to see what they preferred for content. They said what’s on the cover is most important. Click here to learn more about the research.

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Where's A Marketer To Go?

As the number of ways to reach a prospect increase significantly so do the resources a marketer can turn to for ideas, implementation, program management, and measurement. IDG and other media companies have built marketing services teams to deliver campaigns for both earned as well as paid media. Read more on ClickZ’s story on agency-like services at IDG and Hearst.

Online Ad Spend Passes Print With TV Next

IDG Communications CEO Bob Carrigan is also chairman of the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB). In an interview with Digiday, Carrigan talks about IAB priorities and the importance of a mobile and web mentality for both media and marketers. For online ad spend to overtake TV, Carrigan believes the buying process and measurement need to change. Read the full interview.

IT Pros Rely on Social Media

IDG research shows that IT professionals are both early adopters of social media and many use it regularly. Ninety percent visit at least one social or business networking site each month. Find out more about the report here.

US Online Ad Spend Shows Healthy Growth in Q1

US Online Ad Spend Shows Healthy Growth in Q1

Online advertising has bounced back post-recession and continues to see growth every quarter, reports IDC’s Karsten Weide, program VP, Digital Media and Entertainment. IDG Strategic Marketing Services Director, Howard Sholkin, asked Weide to discuss the growth in the US and globally. Watch the short interview here.

Marketers Should Know About 2 Ps for Publishers

Personalization and Portability are as important to advertisers as they are to publishers. Consumers expectations are rising for information they want accessed on any device. IDG Global Solutions President Matt Yorke says this is new territory filled with a lot of promise. Read more here.

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