
What Marketers Can Learn From Campbell's Easily Avoided Sodium-Label Suit

Taken to court for labeling its regular cans of soup as having 25% less sodium (as compared to other soups), Campbell case proves just because you can do something in the marketing world doesn't mean you should.

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CBS, Couric Got Bogged Down in Old-New Battles

CBS, Couric Got Bogged Down in Old-New Battles

With Katie Couric in the anchor's seat, CBS hewed too close to what came before and didn't do enough to break with convention, proof positive that money can't buy success without a relevant strategy.

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Ad Hall of Fame of Future Can't Be So Skewed Toward Men

Today the industry has more women in more senior positions. Because of that, we fully expect the Hall of Fame's ratio of women inductees to increase.

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Let Facebook Test New Ads Before Writing Them off

Whatever one thinks about Facebook or online privacy, the test by the social-media platform to run real-time relevant advertising is a move in the right direction for a free service looking for viable ways to monetize.

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New Open-Source Mentality Is Just What Detroit Needs

We live in an open-source, global world, and it'll take both on-the-ground talent as well as ideas from elsewhere to truly remake the Motor City.

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Self-regulation Is a Success but It Must Be Guarded

As self-regulation goes, the past three decades in the marketing industry have been a success. But it's not one we should take for granted.

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What About Your Role in the Arizona Shooting?

Hopefully, the cries of condemnation have simmered down by now, but we felt it important, in the wake of the Tucson shooting, to say this about the blame game that ensued: Media, marketing and the tone of political discourse had no role in the affair.

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Want to Demand Premium Prices? Then Innovate

As consumers around the country dig themselves out of various blizzards, the marketing, media and advertising industries find themselves forced to find a way out of the hole they've dug for themselves. Namely, after a few years of value pricing brought on by recession, they all need to find a way to get customers to pay for what their work is worth.

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There Are No Real Winners in War on Christmas

News from the frontlines in the War on Christmas this year shows that the American Family Association, representing the word "Christmas," has claimed a decisive victory on the marketing front.

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