Agency News: Viewpoint

The Case for Branded Entertainment's Lingua Franca

The Case for Branded Entertainment's Lingua Franca

Are you listening, Mark Twain? It's me, Rob. Folks are lamenting the demise of Branded Entertainment, so naturally, your "reports of my death are greatly exaggerated" quip comes to mind.

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Agencies May Have Leaders, but Staff Are Boss

Agencies May Have Leaders, but Staff Are Boss

Congratulations, you're the president of your ad agency. Now, meet your 150 bosses. Here are a five basic tenets I've found help me stay in the game and stay committed to those many bosses.

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Agencies Must Find a Way Out of the 'Innovation Spiral'

Agencies Must Find a Way Out of the 'Innovation Spiral'

You've heard of a "debt spiral." The same thing is happening in the ad industry -- but with ideas instead of money. We are becoming increasingly dependent on borrowing ideas instead of coming up with truly new thoughts.

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Viewpoint: With SCJ Gone, Draft Should Drop the FCB From Its Name

Viewpoint: With SCJ Gone, Draft Should Drop the FCB From Its Name

The account is a major loss, but also a much-needed cleansing. So it's time to drop FCB from the logo and call the agency what it has truly become: a bigger Draft.

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Let's Make 'Brand' a Verb Again

Let's Make 'Brand' a Verb Again

"Brand" has been reduced to a set of graphic standards and a tagline. The force of action has been replaced with a static identity.

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Mitzi Perdue on Frank: It Took a Tough Man to Choose the Right Ad Agency

Yesterday Ad Age reported Perdue is putting its marketing account in review. Its agency relationship with Deutsch was a 40-year one. Mitzi Perdue, Frank Perdue's widow, writes about how Mr. Perdue chose that first agency.

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Here's to Hoping 'The Pitch' Strikes Out

Here's to Hoping 'The Pitch' Strikes Out

Thank goodness AMC's new reality show "The Pitch" has yet to sign a contract with a participating agency. Perhaps after complaining for all these years about spec creative pitches, the industry has come to its senses.

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Don't Confuse Engagement for Direct Response

Don't Confuse Engagement for Direct Response

I don't see the concept of engagement as anything new to the world of marketing, and I don't believe it should be measured in "likes" and "views."

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What Does the Next Generation of Creative Minds Want?

What Does the Next Generation of Creative Minds Want?

As we begin our search for the next director of the VCU Brandcenter, here are a few thoughts on what he or she can expect and look forward to in helping fuel the industry with the next generation of talent.

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Six Tips to Jump-start a Sluggish New-Business Season

Six Tips to Jump-start a Sluggish New-Business Season

There's no better time than the summer to polish up on your prospecting skills. I can hear you groan as you read this, but I'm going to help make it easier with some practical tips that could help you unearth some new client

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Why More Categories at Cannes Are a Good Thing

Why More Categories at Cannes Are a Good Thing

One piece of work winning in two different Cannes categories was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing. Today it's the norm. This is the reality that agencies and clients should consider when thinking about entering award shows.

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A Few Final Observations on Cannes 2011

A Few Final Observations on Cannes 2011

After having a few days to debrief, here are some of my and my colleagues' observations on the 58th Cannes Lions International Festival of Creativity.

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What We Can Do About the Dearth of Female Creatives?

What We Can Do About the Dearth of Female Creatives?

Tiffany Rolfe, co-executive creative director of CP&B;, says women in management ranks need to simply stop observing the problem and address it. How? Through mentoring other women.

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Amsterdam Agencies Become Their Own Clients by Bringing Products to Market

Amsterdam Agencies Become Their Own Clients by Bringing Products to Market

What do bicycles, cookies, Champagne and mobile phones have in common? Not much, except that all these products were introduced to the market by Amsterdam-based advertising agencies.

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How Japanese Consumer Habits Have Changed Since the Earthquake

How Japanese Consumer Habits Have Changed Since the Earthquake

I'm often asked if things are settling down, and my answer is, "Recovery, yes, but change is just getting started."

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Why Agencies, Talent Should Seize the Space Between Creativity and Technology

Why Agencies, Talent Should Seize the Space Between Creativity and Technology

So while agencies rooted in traditional media eagerly add positions like "creative technologist" to their ranks, digitally confident agencies are doing the exact opposite. Simply put, technology is creative.

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Gerry Graf Helps Young Creatives Find the Funny

Gerry Graf Helps Young Creatives Find the Funny

Award-winning creative Gerry Graf gives advice on how to merge creativity with comedy.

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Agencies Should Demand Better Briefs From Their Clients

Agencies Should Demand Better Briefs From Their Clients

At every level of the agency, we have a responsibility to speak up. Account execs need to press clients for the information the team needs to do the job. Strategy and creative need to push back when a project's missing the insight we need from the client to focus our efforts.

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Closing an Agency Is Harder Than Starting One

Closing an Agency Is Harder Than Starting One

If you're an agency owner and you find yourself in a situation where your gut instinct tells you it might be time to close up shop, but your heart's not letting you -- here's a list of signs, from my experience, that it's probably best to do the former.

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A 'Risk List' Could Be the Key to Fair Agency Compensation

Allow me to suggest a new type of value-based compensation with which all sides (and disciplines) can agree and ultimately embrace.

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