Digital A-List

Ad Age Digital A-List: Google Creative Labs

Ad Age Digital A-List: Google Creative Labs

Google Creative Lab is responsible for marketing everything from Android and Chrome to Google Docs and the Nexus One, and even its core product -- the one that needs no marketing -- search. It's also defining what it means to be a creative professional inside a culture driven by scientists and engineers. Read the full profile and see the rest of our Digital A-List honorees.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Groupon

Ad Age Digital A-List: Groupon

With all the ink dedicated to Groupon over the last year, it's almost unnecessary to extol its virtues here. But, considering the newest digital darling is already profitable and presenting the hottest thing for small business since the Yellow Pages, we can even forgive its mammoth Super Bowl gaffe.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Virgin America

Ad Age Digital A-List: Virgin America

Virgin America has developed a following whose passion rivals that of Apple's acolytes. And while a fervent fan base is nothing new to consumer-electronics or consumer-packaged-goods companies, it's a bit of a rarity for the airline industry, which tends to be hated by most for any number of reasons, including long security lines, baggage fees and inadequate legroom.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Kinect

Ad Age Digital A-List: Kinect

It wasn't its marketing blast that propelled Kinect to the Digital A List (Microsoft is no stranger to massive product launches; evidence the reported $500 million launch marketing budgets also for Vista and Windows Phone 7) but the personality of the product, along with its positioning and potential.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Android

Ad Age Digital A-List: Android

Android (after Apple, of course, to give credit where it's due) has been an overwhelming force in making smartphones mass.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Wikileaks

Ad Age Digital A-List: Wikileaks

How you feel about the presence of WikiLeaks on the 2011 Digital A-List may have a lot to do with the extent to which you can emotionally separate the controversial website from its lightning rod of a founder, Julian Assange.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Flipboard

Ad Age Digital A-List: Flipboard

It's safe to say that iPad owners flipped for Flipboard last year. Why the love? Because for all the hype about the tablet being the savior of traditional media, it took an outsider to try a fresh approach.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: P&G

Ad Age Digital A-List: P&G;

While Isaiah Mustafa may be emblematic of P&G;'s muscle flexing in digital media, he's really only the flashiest part of a stepped-up digital-marketing effort over the past couple of years under Chairman-CEO Bob McDonald and Global Brand-Building Officer Marc Pritchard. Ultimately, they hope the man your man could smell like is a milestone on the road from mass marketer to fully digitized one-on-one marketer.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: Buddy Media

Ad Age Digital A-List: Buddy Media

Back in 2007, when Facebook was only a few years removed from being called "The Facebook" and had a mere 20 million users to MySpace's 150 million, Buddy Media CEO Mike Lazerow made what seemed a risky bet.

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Ad Age Digital A-List: All Things D

Ad Age Digital A-List: All Things D

All Things D has become a particular sort of powerhouse in the overheated space devoted to tech news. It's part of Dow Jones, so it's got that gravitas. But it's got the speed and humor of a blog.

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