
Video: How to Keep Your Brand Off of .XXX

For a Low, One-Time Fee, You Can Stay Sleaze-Free

Are you a brand manager who has actually been following the proposed changes to top-level domains? Are you, perhaps, one of those losing sleep at night over the myriad headaches this may cause? Do you worry, maybe, that, despite assurances from ICANN and others to the contrary, your brand name will hijacked and harnessed to Lord knows what? Say, a domain name featuring .XXX? Guess what? For a low, one-time fee -- and for a limited time only -- you can prevent this from happening. (ICM Registry, the folks behind .XXX, anticipate the market price for opting out will be $200 to $300.)

Here's a video explaining what you, the worried brand manager, should do to keep clean.

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