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css file extension details

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.css file type search results

Number of file extension css related file types found: 8 from total 22067 records

css file type no. 1:
Citadel Safstorser script file

User script file used and created by Citadel Safstor. A script file is a file containing (almost) any sequence of program commands.

css file type no. 2:
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) file

css file type no. 3:
InterComm part body definition

Probably old file extension or not supported application.

css file type no. 4:
Internet HTML Cascading Style Sheet

css file type no. 5:
Mime: application/x-pointplus

css file type no. 6:
Mime: text/css

css file type no. 7:
Statistica data

css file type no. 8:
Stats+ data


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