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Obama to Stewart: Democrats 'want to see more progress'

USA Today - ‎27 minutes ago‎
President Obama found himself last night in an unusual place -- The Daily Show With Jon Stewart -- but in a familiar posture. Obama defended his record, saying efforts to revive the economy and improve the health care system are "making a difference in ...
NECN - CNN International - Washington Post - New York Times

Giants' Lincecum battled self-doubt in Game 1 - ‎35 minutes ago‎
AP When his night began in rough fashion, a few doubts crept into Tim Lincecum's mind - again. Kind of like back in August. "Is this going to sneak away?
Washington Post - - Los Angeles Times - Dallas Morning News

Metro calls for vigilance by riders and employees

Washington Post - Ann Scott Tyson - ‎4 hours ago‎
The Washington Metro system is an open and vulnerable target for terrorists and must rely largely upon vigilant riders and employees to prevent potential attacks, Metro officials said Wednesday.
Wall Street Journal - New York Daily News - WMDT - Christian Science Monitor

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Indonesia Raises Toll From Tsunami

New York Times - Aubrey Belford, Henry Fountain - ‎17 minutes ago‎
JAKARTA, Indonesia - The death toll in Indonesia inched higher on Thursday as authorities scrambled to reach and help survivors of the tsunami and volcanic eruptions that struck separate parts of the country earlier this week.

New Zealand divided over govt deal to keep Hobbit

Reuters - Gyles Beckford - ‎32 minutes ago‎
WELLINGTON, Oct 28 (Reuters Life!) - The New Zealand government began debate on changes to labour laws on Thursday, drawing both praise and outrage as it moved quickly to seal its bargain with Warner Bros.

Stock Futures: Oct. 28 - Melinda Peer - ‎13 minutes ago‎
NEW YORK (TheStreet) -- Stock futures pointed to a higher open Thursday as investors awaited initial weekly jobless claims. Futures for the Dow Jones Industrial Average were up by 11 points, or 9 points above ...

Report: Charlie Sheen Freaked Out Over Missing Watch

The Gossip Girls - ‎6 minutes ago‎
The details of his flip out are still emerging, and the latest report on Charlie Sheen's Plaza Hotel rampage suggests he was upset over a missing watch.

Florida Democrat Leads Quinnipiac University Governor Poll for First Time

Bloomberg - Simone Baribeau - ‎52 minutes ago‎
Florida Democrat Alex Sink leads Republican Rick Scott in the race for governor of the fourth- most-populous US state for the first time in a Quinnipiac University poll of likely voters.

Cavs owner Dan Gilbert still following his heart to "The Letter"

USA Today - ‎1 hour ago‎
Sometimes you lash out in anger only to regret it later. Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert does not live at the temple of regret.

Motorola Profit Tops Estimates on Rising Sales of Droid Phones

Bloomberg - Hugo Miller - ‎36 minutes ago‎
Motorola Inc., the US mobile-phone maker, reported third-quarter earnings that beat analysts' estimates on rising sales of its Droid handsets.

Democratic donors catch up

Washington Post - Dan Eggen - ‎6 hours ago‎
A rally in Stony Brook, NY, for Rep. Timothy H. Bishop that featured Bill Clinton drew a crowd. Along with Republicans, Democratic candidates have benefited from new rules for campaign finance.

Chinese Supercomputer Wrests Title From US

New York Times - Ashlee Vance - ‎7 hours ago‎
A Chinese scientific research center has built the fastest supercomputer ever made, replacing the United States as maker of the swiftest machine, and giving China bragging rights as a technology superpower.

Mortgage Battle Gains Steam as Investors Recruited

ABC News - Al Yoon, Alina Selyukh - ‎4 hours ago‎
NEW YORK (Reuters) - A group of mortgage investors seeking to pressure lenders to buy back potentially billions of dollars in bad loans says its ranks are swelling and it will soon deliver strong evidence that banks have ...

Clippers vs Trail Blazers: Portland Spoils Blake Griffin's Debut

FanHouse - Brett Pollakoff - ‎18 minutes ago‎
LOS ANGELES -- A Clippers home opener is rarely nationally televised, yet the ESPN crew was at Staples Center on Wednesday, and with good reason.

Easing Uncertainty Pushes Dollar Lower

Wall Street Journal - Nick Hastings - ‎2 hours ago‎
LONDON—Speculation over the size and the possible impact of further US quantitative easing next week pushed the dollar a little lower Thursday.

Gunmen Kill 15 in Mexico; Gang Link Seen

New York Times - Randal C. Archibold - ‎8 hours ago‎
A funeral on Monday for one of the 14 young people killed Friday at a birthday party in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico. The authorities said several victims had no association with the drug trade.

Pancreatic Cancer Cells Grow Slower Than Once Thought

AHN | All Headline News - David Goodhue - ‎13 minutes ago‎
Baltimore, MD, United States (AHN) - New research offers promising hope that one of the deadliest cancers could be detected early and successfully treated.

France Says Bin Laden Tape Appears Authentic

Fox News - ‎6 minutes ago‎
| AP PARIS -- The French Foreign Ministry says a purported tape of Usama bin Laden threatening France appears to be the real thing.

Released from hospital, Fiorina prepares to hit the trail again

Los Angeles Times - Maeve Reston, Amina Khan - ‎8 hours ago‎
The GOP Senate nominee was held overnight due to a surgery-related infection. Barbara Boxer wished her well at a campaign stop in West Hollywood, where the senator spoke of her support for same-sex marriage.

New Batman Movie Gets Title: The Dark Knight Rises

ABC News - ‎3 hours ago‎
LOS ANGELES (Hollywood Reporter) - Director Christopher Nolan's third Batman movie will be called "The Dark Knight Rises," he told the Los Angeles Times.

Alaska's Lisa Murkowski walks a fine line - Erika Bolstad - ‎1 hour ago‎
WASHINGTON -- The year 2009 was shaping up to be a good one for Sen. Lisa Murkowski, even as a Republican in a place where Democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress.

Argentina Enters New Political Era as Kirchner Dies

ABC News - Maximilian Heath - ‎7 minutes ago‎
BUENOS AIRES (Reuters) - Tens of thousands of Argentines paid tribute on Thursday to Nestor Kirchner, the powerful former leader whose death robbed President Cristina Fernandez of her husband and most trusted ally.

Path to Haiti polls clouded as cholera spreads

Reuters - Joseph Guyler Delva - ‎9 hours ago‎
PORT-AU-PRINCE (Reuters) - The death toll from Haiti's spreading cholera epidemic topped 300 on Wednesday as fears over violence and fair voting clouded the path to elections next month which are seen as key to stability in the ...

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