Financial Times

The Financial Times (FT) is one of the world’s leading business news and information organisations, recognised internationally for its authority, integrity and accuracy.

We are trusted to provide extensive news, comment, data and analysis to the global business community.

The FT family comprises:

The FT newspaper and

The FT newspaper is printed at 24 print sites across the world and has a global print circulation of 383,067 (ABCs, January 2011). Along with, it has an average daily readership of 1.9 million people worldwide (PwC audited figures, April 2010). has three million registered users and 206,892  digital subscribers, as well as 597,015,  people who pay for its content daily (2 October 2010 to 4 January 2011).

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FT Chinese

FT Chinese offers access to unrivalled news and information, giving users a global perspective with a local flavour.

The FT’s international team of journalists has access to senior corporate executives and politicians both in China and around the world, making it a must read for China’s business leaders.

FT Chinese has more than 1.5 million registered users.

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Medley Global Advisors (MGA)

Medley Global Advisors (MGA) provides macro policy intelligence to hedge funds, investment banks and asset managers.

MGA’s international research and client teams combine insight from senior policymakers and in-depth global market knowledge to supply concise, timely and accurate analysis.

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FT Business

FT Business produces specialist information on the retail, personal and institutional finance industries.

Its publications include:

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Financial Publishing

Financial Publishing provides print and online content for consumer and professional financial audiences. Examples of targeted publications and services include:


  • Investors Chronicle, the UK’s premier personal finance magazine and website.
  • FT Money, the weekly award-winning personal finance supplement in FT Weekend.
  • FT Wealth, the FT’s regular magazine for the global high-net-worth community.


597,015, (Deloitte assured, 2 October 2010 to 4 January 2011)