Secunia CSI OVUM Report

Vulnerability Report: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x

This vulnerability report for Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x contains a complete overview of all Secunia advisories affecting it. You can use this vulnerability report to ensure that you are aware of all vulnerabilities, both patched and unpatched, affecting this product allowing you to take the necessary precautions.

If you have information about a new or an existing vulnerability in Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x then you are more than welcome to contact us.

Table of Contents

1. Product Summary Only

2. Secunia Advisory Statistics (All time)
2.1. Statistics for 2011
2.2. Statistics for 2010
2.3. Statistics for 2009
2.4. Statistics for 2008
2.5. Statistics for 2007
2.6. Statistics for 2006
2.7. Statistics for 2005
2.8. Statistics for 2004
2.9. Statistics for 2003

3. List of Secunia Advisories (All time)
3.1. List for 2011
3.2. List for 2010
3.3. List for 2009
3.4. List for 2008
3.5. List for 2007
3.6. List for 2006
3.7. List for 2005
3.8. List for 2004
3.9. List for 2003

4. Send Feedback
Vendor, Links, and Unpatched Vulnerabilities

Vendor Microsoft

Product Link N/A

Affected By 18 Secunia advisories
77 Vulnerabilities

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Unpatched 28% (5 of 18 Secunia advisories)

Most Critical Unpatched
The most severe unpatched Secunia advisory affecting Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x, with all vendor patches applied, is rated Less critical .

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Subject: Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x 
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