Is Email a Curse or a Boon?

Today, we have more tools to communicate than the time we have to actually use them. For those counting, we have phone (fixed and wireless), computer-based telephony (Skype etc.), mobile VoIP, SMS, instant messaging, Twitter, Facebook and of course, email. It is a surprise that we can find time to really talk to anyone!

The folks from Plantronics have finished a new study called How We Work, which they’re going to release at our Mobilize 2010 conference held next Thursday in San Francisco about the future of the mobile Internet. The study has a couple of stats that jumped out at me, and highlighted our love-hate relationship with email.

Apparently, the use of email by professionals has increased 78 percent over the past five years. Nearly 83 percent surveyed use email as a primary communication tool for business, and nearly 57 percent say they are overwhelmed by the volume. Nearly half blame email for causing workplace relationship problems.

Isn’t it ironic? We love using the email and yet at the same time we hate it just as much!

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