Chimera 2.0b4
Current Version



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Chimera 2.0 beta
Chimera 2.0 alpha
Chimera Team
Ken Anderson
Jim Whitehead
Joe Feise
Yuzo Kanomata
Dick Taylor, Advisor

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What's New

February 3, 1999

Second Beta release of the COM Client (5:30 PM PST)

The second Beta release of the COM Client is available. This release fixes a couple of problems with link traversals discovered since the previous release. The COM Client allows users of Windows NT to use Chimera with applications on Windows NT that support Microsoft's COM specification. The COM Client requires Chimera 2b7. The release is available on the software page.

February 3, 1999

Second Beta release of FrameMaker 5 for Windows plug-in (5:30 PM PST)

The second Beta release of the FrameMaker 5 for Windows plug-in is available. This release fixes a couple of problems with link traversals discovered since the previous release. The plug-in is based on the current FrameMaker 5 plug-in for Solaris, and it is the first Chimera client to use the COM Client. The release is available on the software page.

November 1, 1998

First Beta release of the COM Client (7:30 PM PST)

The first Beta release of the COM Client is available. The COM Client allows users of Windows NT to use Chimera with applications on Windows NT that support Microsoft's COM specification. The COM Client requires Chimera 2b7. The release is available on the software page.

November 1, 1998

First Beta release of FrameMaker 5 for Windows plug-in (7:30 PM PST)

The first Beta release of the FrameMaker 5 for Windows plug-in is available. The plug-in is based on the current FrameMaker 5 plug-in for Solaris, and it is the first Chimera client to use the COM Client. The release is available on the software page.

June 15, 1998

Updated FrameMaker 5 plug-in (2:20 PM PDT)

A updated version of the FrameMaker 5 plug-in is available. This plug-in will allow the user to Traverse from a view if the View is attached to a Link. A new menu item has been added, Traverse View. The new release is available on the software page.

June 11, 1998

Updated FrameMaker 5 plug-in (2:20 PM PDT)

A updated version of the FrameMaker 5 plug-in is available. This plug-in will now handle travesals to entire views of documents. A new menu item has been added, Add Entire View to Active Link. This allows for the user to add the entire view of a document to the active link. The new release is available on the software page.

June 10, 1998

Updated FrameMaker 5 plug-in (4:30 PM PDT)

A updated version of the FrameMaker 5 plug-in is available. This plug-in will now handle MIF files. Anchors may be created on such files, and link traversals to such files are now allowed. A new menu item has been added, Handle Multiple Destinations. When checked, any traversal initiated from an anchor attached to multiple links will querry the user to specify which link to traverse. When unchecked, the default, all links attached to an anchor are traversed. The new release is available on the software page.

June 1, 1998

Chimera 2.0b4 released! (1:30 AM PDT)

A new release of the Chimera 2.0 open hypermedia system is now available. This release features improved memory management, hyperweb merge functionality, and a faster and less memory-intensive XML parser. The new release is available on the software page. Instructions on obtaining the new XML parser is available on the Before you Install... page. Enjoy!

May 14, 1998

Updated DTDs (5:00 PM PDT)

The latest Document Type Definitions for Chimera server preferences and Chimera's XML export files are now available at <>. The source code release on the software page has been updated to include the new DTDs. If you have already downloaded the 2.0b3 release, simply update (e.g. "Save As...") your copy of the DTDs with the ones on the website.

May 13, 1998

Chimera 2.0b3 released! (5:46 PM PDT)

The latest version of Chimera 2.0 is now available on the software page. This release features the ability to specify server preferences via an XML file.