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Shining Some Light on Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant
Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:05 PM EDT

I noticed a comment thread on Groklaw about Moonlight, with a link to the license terms on Microsoft's website. They call it Covenant to Downstream Recipients of Moonlight - Microsoft & Novell Interoperability Collaboration . A comment by Microsoft's Brian Goldfarb on Dana Blankenhorn's article about Novell being a lead pony for Silverlight started the discussion originally. Goldfarb represented that anyone can use Moonlight: "Moonlight is usable for anyone on any distribution of Linux (redhat, ubuntu, etc.) -- it is not limited just to Novell as Mono is." And he linked to the covenant, saying it "applies to all downstream recepients of the software." Is that true?

So I read the covenant, and I found, despite my training and experience, that I couldn't fully understand it. That was a warning sign to me, because you don't need to be a rocket scientist to read legalese. Once you know the language, you know it. And I know it. Why couldn't I understand this covenant, then? Is there an attempt to camouflage the intent? If I can't understand it, how can you, I wondered? How could programmers know what they can and can't do? End users? Is it safe to contribute code? To include in distros? To use, even? I couldn't tell, although it seemed not safe, from what bits I did understand, most particularly because the wording seemed to me so unclear. Lack of clarity in legalese is what leads to litigation, in my experience, and I know Microsoft knows how to write clear legal documents should it wish to.

Rather than guess, I wrote to the Software Freedom Law Center, asking if they could answer some questions about it, and Dan Ravicher eventually answered my questions. The bottom line? I'd say this stuff is radioactive. But you can judge for yourself.

You'll note that what I did was quote the document paragraph by paragraph, and then ask my question about it. Here then are the questions and answers.


Q: The big question is: can people use Moonlight? Can programmers work on it?

A: Well, I'm not sure that's a precise enough question, because of course people can use and work on it. The issue is what they CAN'T do.

Q: Here are my questions on the first paragraph:

Microsoft, on behalf of itself and its Subsidiaries, hereby covenants not to sue Downstream Recipients of Novell and its Subsidiaries for infringement under Necessary Claims of Microsoft on account of such Downstream Recipients’ use of Moonlight Implementations to the extent originally provided by Novell during the Term and, if applicable, the Extension or Post-Extension Period, but only to the extent such Moonlight Implementations are used to provide Plug-In Functionality. The foregoing covenants shall survive termination of the Agreement, but only as to specific copies of such Moonlight Implementations distributed during the Term, and if applicable, the Extension or Post-Extension Period.

Is this a covenant not to sue us if we receive Moonlight from Novell and Novell only (Novell and subs)?

A: It only covers 'direct' recipients from Novell, not 'indirect', which would likely exclude those who receive it directly from anyone other than Novell unless that third party is an 'authorized reseller'.

And, further, this only protects 'Downstream Recipients', which you properly identify below has its own definitional issues.

Plus, there's the limitation to use for providing "Plug-In Functionality', which is narrowly defined to only include interactive media web-based applications compatible with Silverlight.

Q: It's for a term only, I see, although if I understand the wording if you received your copy during the term, it remains covered. Is that correct?

A: The definition of 'term' is internally inconsistent, because it says 'this Agreement' when the word 'Agreement' had been defined as the Sept. 5, 2007 Agreement between Novell and MS.

Q: But the definitions section seems to be saying that Moonlight is safe from threat only if you get it from Novell AND DO NOT PASS IT ON, as there are no protections for downstream recipients.

A: Correct, unless those downstream recipients get it from an 'Intermediate Recipient' defined to only include authorized resellers.

Q: Next section says:

“Downstream Recipient” means an entity or individual that uses for its intended purpose a Moonlight Implementation obtained directly from Novell or through an Intermediate Recipient. An entity or individual is not a Downstream Recipient when such entity or individual resells, licenses, supplies, distributes or otherwise makes available to third parties the Moonlight Implementation. For avoidance of doubt, an entity or individual cannot qualify both as a Downstream Recipient and an Intermediate Recipient for use of the same copy of a Moonlight Implementation."
Q: What does that mean, "for its intended purpose"?

A: Good Q.

Q: And I don't understand the definition of "necessary claims" either:

“Necessary Claims” means claims of a patent or patent application that (i) Microsoft Corporation or any of its Subsidiaries now or hereafter owns, controls, or otherwise has the right to license or covenant without the payment of any royalty or other amounts to any unaffiliated third party, and (ii) are necessarily infringed by an implementation of the Silverlight Specification. For purposes of the foregoing, a claim is “necessarily infringed” only when there is no commercially reasonable non-infringing alternative to such implementation that also implements the Silverlight Specification. “Necessary Claims” do not include any claims: (1) other than those set forth above, even if contained in the same patent or patent application as those set forth above; (2) covering any enabling technologies (e.g., operating systems, web browsers or other platform technologies) that may be necessary to make or use any Implementation; or (3) covering the implementation of other published specifications that may be referenced in the Silverlight Specification."
A: It's not a very atypical provision. Usually royalty free patent grants are limited to 'Necessary Claims', i.e. those claims of the licensed patents that _have_ to be infringed in order for the thing to work. It doesn't include additional claims to bells and whistles that aren't 'necessary'.

Q: But on paragraph three, what is the wording about the GPL saying?

"All rights not expressly granted by the foregoing covenant are reserved by Microsoft. No additional rights (including any implied licenses, covenants, releases, or other rights) are granted by implication, estoppel, or otherwise, including no rights under any additional patents of Microsoft and no rights to any technology not included in such Moonlight Implementations, even if additional related or enabling technologies (e.g., operating systems, web browsers, or other platform technologies) are required to use the Moonlight Implementations. Microsoft is not bound by, nor grants any rights under, any third party licenses with respect to the Moonlight Implementation (e.g., any versions of the General Public License).
A: They're trying to take away any patent licenses granted through GPLv2 (implied patent license) or GPLv3 (the express license contained therein). They're basically trying to make it clear that this covenant replaces any potential patent licensing under other terms related to this product.

Whether or not they can effectively do that is a different question. It's like walking into a store and saying "I'm only going to pay half of the amount I owe and I hereby disclaim my duty to pay full price." You can try that, but the law supersedes whatever intent or desire you've expressed. At minimum, this shows how clearly they DO NOT want to coexist with GPL'd code.

Q. In the definitions section, I see this: “Moonlight Implementation” means only those specific portions of Moonlight 1.0 or Moonlight 1.1 that run only as a plug-in to a browser on a Personal Computer and are not licensed under GPLv3 or a Similar License.

A: Ditto.

Q: Why is Microsoft feeling it necessary to say this?

A: They're being politicians, saying words that are supposed to make people feel better, but that actually contain no meaning or commitment. This covenant is worthless and, even worse, could be harmful to those who fall into the trap. If MS wanted something good for the community, they'd negotiate with those lawyers who represent the community's interests.

My conclusion now, after having reviewed it, is the same as I predicted. This is worthless and potentially harmful vapor-speak.


Shining Some Light on Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant | 269 comments | Create New Account
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Corrections Here
Authored by: lordshipmayhem on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:17 PM EDT
Please state error and correction in Title

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Off Topic here
Authored by: lordshipmayhem on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:18 PM EDT
Please make all links clickable!!

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News Picks discussions here
Authored by: lordshipmayhem on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:20 PM EDT
Please state the News Picks item in the title. Thanks!!

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It should be called Slitherlight
Authored by: kawabago on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:24 PM EDT
Because there's a poisonous snake in the grass that is waiting to bite the

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Shining Some Light on Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant
Authored by: dyfet on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 02:45 PM EDT
it is not limited just to Novell as Mono is

That caught my eye, actually. In what way is Mono specifically restricted? Since Silverlight requires Mono to even execute, are there additional restrictions Mono "adds"? It seems the statement of the Silverlight agreement in any case makes it clear it is restricted in a severely crippled way already to the point of becoming meaningless and to the point of falsifying the first statement, but I simply found that choice of words at the very end particularly interesting suggesting Mono and by extension of course anyone who choses to write something that uses it as their expected runtime engine may be even more severely restricted.

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I see Goldfarb couldn resist
Authored by: ShineOn on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 03:11 PM EDT
... throwing in some more FUD along the way.

Note that he stated, "... it is not limited just to Novell as Mono
is." Mono is _not_ limited just to Novell.

Mono is fully and completely FOSS, under GPL, LGPL and MIT X11 (except in cases
where Novell licenses it commercially). It is kept clean of potentially
infringing code either by invalidation of the patent or by using non-ingfringing
code to get the same thing done. It's probably *safer* than most FOSS projects,
because it's using a Microsoft-contributed ECMA "standard." They're
naturally wary of Microsoft's intent, so efforts to stay
"non-infringing" are more focused than most FOSS projects.

Check the MONO licensing/patent FAQ:

I know a lot of pro-FOSS folks are saying otherwise, and slamming Miguel for
some reason. They sound a bit like they've swallowed the FUD that 'softies like
Goldfarb are spewing, instead of having the common-sense reaction to Microsoft
FUD: - if Microsoft says something, believe the opposite.

I don't know (or care) about Moonlight/Silverlight - they'll never knock Flash
out of the top spot in the category, because they can't force people to use
Silverlight instead. They can use it on their own website, but that will just
make people avoid their website, which is a good thing ;) So, if anyone is dumb
enough to want to code to Silverlight, and is dumber enough to want to use
Moonlight in any otherwise-FOSS projects, they'll get what they deserve, IMHO.
The Goldfarb-spewed Microsoft FUD, lying about their Moonlight
"covenant," shouldn't overshadow the fact that he's also spewing FUD
about MONO being "limited to Novell."

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"...a lead pony for Silverlight ..."
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 03:43 PM EDT

I can't help read that as

    lead: a soft metallic element
rather then
    lead: to be followed
I guess I'm just too experienced with MS' past.

Lead pony = heavy = go down with the ship ;)


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Confusing is right....
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 03:56 PM EDT

I know you're supposed to read the whole to understand but here's one line that seems intuitively opposite to what would be reasonably expected:

...a claim is “necessarily infringed” only when there is no commercially reasonable non-infringing alternative...
So.... if there is a comercially reasonable alternative that paid the patent license, your implementation is safe. But if not, you owe a patent license.

One would think if you infringed a patent without a license, it wouldn't matter if your competition paid for a license.


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Why a "covenant" anyway? What's that?
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 04:05 PM EDT
One thing I don't understand about either this or the patent "promise"
is what legal effect it has.

I worry a lot about the MS patent "promise," in particular, probably
because the word is so loaded. I've heard lots of promises, and they are
regularly violated; so I wouldn't expect such a thing to grant me any
reliable/enforceable rights. After all, it's not a contract of any sort -- that
requires two parties, and only MS is talking here.

Am I being too pessimistic? Is there anything legally sound or binding about
either the patent "promise" or this "covenant"?

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Necessary Claims
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 04:20 PM EDT
This whole thing causes warning bells to ring very loudly for me.

1. "are necessarily infringed by an implementation of the Silverlight

Does this mean that writing a conforming Silverlight implementation *will*
infringe patents?

2. "a claim is “necessarily infringed” only when there is no commercially
reasonable non-infringing alternative to such implementation that also
implements the Silverlight Specification."

This seems to mitigate (1), but opens up questions:
i. what does "commercially reasonable non-infringing alternative"
ii. what about non-commercially? (Moonlight *is* afterall free software.)
iii. how is it possible to know that code is not infringing without looking at
the Microsoft implementation (bad if you are contributing code to Moonlight)?
iv. how do you know (and prove!) that there is not a non-infringing
implementation, provided that you are aware that you are infringing.

3. "“Necessary Claims” do not include any claims: (1) other than those set
forth above, even if contained in the same patent or patent application as those
set forth above;"

This one confuses me. It is saying that if you have a necessary claim *and* a
non-necessary claim in a patent, it is possible to be in violation of that
patent even though one of those is necessary to implement the Silverlight

This is therefore not patent protection disguised as patent protection.

4. "covering any enabling technologies (e.g., operating systems, web
browsers or other platform technologies) that may be necessary to make or use
any Implementation"

Go back and re-read this one.

Silverlight (and thus Moonlight) are built upon the .NET platform. However, this
"protection" appears to be specifically missing for the .NET (i.e.
Mono) implementation.

Also, since Silverlight is a multimedia framework (that will no doubt provide
WMA/WMV support, among other media technologies), it is not possible to provide
a compatible implementation.

It is also interesting to note the explicit callout of operating systems
(preventing you implementing any aspect of Silverlight that is dependent on the
way that Windows works - i.e. preventing Moonlight+Mono using Wine to implement
native Windows support*) and web browsers (does Silverlight rely on IE specific

5. "covering the implementation of other published specifications that may
be referenced in the Silverlight Specification."

I haven't read the specification, but it would be interesting to know which
other published specifications are referenced. This again is a minefield. In
order to have a useful implementation, you will need to implement the other

There be dragons.

* This is important because .NET is technically a mix of managed (i.e. .NET
assembly instructions) and native, allowing .NET applications (and thus
Silverlight applications) to call Windows API. Theorising here, I suspect that
the multimedia support will call into DirectX and specifically DirectShow.

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Q: What does that mean, "for its intended purpose"?
Authored by: Illiander on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 04:29 PM EDT
"Q: What does that mean, "for its intended purpose"?"

Seeing as the MS EULA explicitly states that their software is not necessarily
fit for any purpose, regardless of what their marketing tells you, "it´s
intended purpose" is clearly an empty set.

All companies are ammoral.
They only do good deeds to make you forget the last time they did bad ones.

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Lara Croft Said It Best...
Authored by: sproggit on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 05:12 PM EDT
... In the first Tomb Raider movie, Lara Croft travels to the East to an ancient
temple complex that is supposedly Angkor Wat.

Inside, she reads an inscription on the wall, translating it for the benefit of
the audience:

"Right... so, pretty much touch anything - and you're dead!"

I'm sure there is a good reason that this memory sprung to mind having read this

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Authored by: grouch on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 05:29 PM EDT
To call someone "light-fingered" is to call them a sneaky thief, such as a pickpocket, in U.S. slang. Reading that "Covenant" makes me want to count the silverware as it appears to be an agreement between two light-fingered organizations dividing up the turf they plan to target. I half expected to see something like, "Alright, Mugsy, we're takin' the marks in the day 'cuz dat's when da high roller bidness suits are movin'. Youse gets all da pickin's at night when all da open sores freaks is out, y'know, by da light of da silvery moon, so ta speak. Nyuk! Nyuk!"

Is it certain that this thing is real and not just part of the script from a bad Hollywood gangster movie in the making?

It might be time to research nicknames of the people running Microsoft and Novell. Maybe there's a Light-finger Louie or Mickey the Mouthpiece or Sammy Sneakers on the board.

-- grouch

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Shining Some Light on Microsoft's Moonlight Covenant
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 05:58 PM EDT

This is at best more Microsophistry at work.

Removing the benefit of the doubt appears to expose their truly vicious aptitude
for the coldhearted theft of the collective work of others, in the name of
intellectual "property".

There have been many films which exposed the exploitation of common people by
rich cattle ranchers, railroad barons, and the like; unfortunately there is no
John Wayne or Clint Eastwood around in the current situation to make things

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My Q & A
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 06:52 PM EDT
I am not a lawyer. (IANL)
I Don’t Know What I Am Talking About (IDKWIATA)
This is based only on my understanding/misunderstanding of the universe.

Q. Can I use my copy of Moonlight after the term expires?
A. Yes, and Novell can continue to distribute it. Novell cannot add new
“protected” features after the term expires.

Q. Is moonlight limited to browser applications?
A. The Microsoft protection only applies to browser applications, not to
standalone applications. See below question.

Q. How does Mono use Microsoft IP in Moonlight?
A. For the most part, it does not. Like most open source projects, Mono does the
best it can at not including any IP that does not meet its licensing needs. For
Mono, this is mostly MIT X11, which is far more permissive than GPL.
Mono does not knowingly use any Microsoft Patents or copyrighted code in

Q. Then what did Mono get out of this deal?
A. 1) A limited number of Novell employees get access to Microsoft Silverlight
test suit to verify compatibility.
2) Technical assistance in the form of access to Silverlight developers, and
internal and pre-release documentation.
3) The right for Moonlight users to download the Sliverlight Codecs from the
Microsoft Web site. This is where the browser only limitation comes in. The
Codecs can only be used in a browser based application. No one is required to
use the Microsoft Codecs. Moonlight can be configured to use any Codecs. Mono is
not in the business of writing Codecs. Before this agreement, Moonlight users
had to get their own Codecs (I guess they still do, as Mono did not get the
right to distribute the Codec). They are no MIT X11 compatible Codec that I know
of (and I would not know if there were). Before the agreement, uses could either
download one of the GPL Codecs (like Ogg, which Mono still supports, but is not
allowed to distribute), or buy a commercially available Codecs. They still can,
and they can still use those in either stand alone applications, or browser
based applications.
Q. Can Moonlight be used without Mono.
A. I think 1.x can be, but I am not sure. The early version required Mono, but I
think those dependencies were removed over time. 2.x probably not, as 2.0 allows
the use of CLR code. If 2.x does not require CLR code, then maybe it will be

I am not a lawyer (IANL)
I Don’t Know What I Am Talking About (IDKWIATA)
This is based only on my understanding/misunderstanding of the universe

Dennis H.

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The Moonlight Agreement Only Covers a Short Term Transitional Version.
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, May 28 2008 @ 08:05 PM EDT
There are two very different versions of Silverlight planned. Versions 1.0 and 1.1 are transitional, and are intended to just be temporary plug-in media players. They are released to get something onto the market. They are not intended to exist for more than a short period of time. Version 2.0 is the real Silverlight, the one that is intended to be the "Flash killer". Version 2.0 is already in the works, and integrates DotNet into the web browser.

The covenant says the following:

“Moonlight Implementation” means only those specific portions of Moonlight 1.0 or Moonlight 1.1 that run only as a plug-in to a browser on a Personal Computer and are not licensed under GPLv3 or a Similar License.
So this is limited to specific versions of Moonlight. Those versions of Moonlight are defined as:
“Moonlight 1.0” means only those portions of any web browser software plug-in (...) (which) comply with and implement the Silverlight Specification for Silverlight 1.0

“Moonlight 1.1” means only those portions of any web browser software plug-in (...) (which) comply with and implement the Silverlight Specification for Silverlight 1.1

So, Silverlight 2.0 (the real Silverlight) is not covered under this agreement. It is worth noting that de Icaza's blog has an entry for the 18th of May demonstrating Silverlight 2.0 on Mono, so this isn't something that is in the distant future. This is something that is happening right now. In other words, this patent covenant is worthless from a practical standpoint even if there were no legal questions about it, as it is limited to versions that are about to become obsolete.

There is something else rather interesting in the covenant. It says:

“Moonlight 1.0” (also 1.1) means only those portions of any web browser software plug-in developed by or on behalf of Novell
In other words, this only seems to cover portions of Moonlight that are developed by Novell or its contractors. It doesn't cover any additions made by anyone else. In other words, this covers "Open Source", and not "Free Software" under any definition of the license.

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Moonlight Becalms You. ...NT
Authored by: Ian Al on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 04:14 AM EDT

Ian Al

When nothing else makes sense, use Linux.

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Can Moonlight piggyback on MS-Novell Agreement
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 08:12 AM EDT
Most of us will say Moonlight is something new, and definitely post
"grandfathered in" cut-off date of GPL v3. By tying Moonlight to the
infamous agreement, a good lawyer can argue that the Moonlight covenant is also
"grandfathered in" by the same provision. Is it legal? Any thoughts??

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"My conclusion now ... This is worthless and potentially harmful vapor-speak."
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 10:21 AM EDT
My conclusion now, after having reviewed it, is the same as I predicted. This is worthless and potentially harmful vapor-speak.

So the question that begs an answer: Why don't Law Societies of one stripe or another do something about "worthless" legalese ?

Here's a great site that looks at lawyer's linguistic ability (or lack thereof). LINKEY

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Do you know how hard it is to replace a laptop keyboard?
Authored by: Anonymous on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 04:02 PM EDT

I didn't realize this was a commedy blog. I'll have to keep that in mind in
the future.

" “Downstream Recipient” means an entity or individual that uses for
its intended purpose a Moonlight Implementation obtained directly from Novell or
through an Intermediate Recipient. An entity or individual is not a Downstream
Recipient when such entity or individual resells, licenses, supplies,
distributes or otherwise makes available to third parties the Moonlight
Implementation. For avoidance of doubt, an entity or individual cannot qualify
both as a Downstream Recipient and an Intermediate Recipient for use of the same
copy of a Moonlight Implementation."

Q: What does that mean, "for its intended purpose"?

A: Good Q."

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"Framing" Error
Authored by: sproggit on Thursday, May 29 2008 @ 06:28 PM EDT
Ever watched a heated political debate on TV? Sooner or later one of the
politicians present will come out with a statement along the lines of,

"The question, here, is whether we introduce this tax cut or not..."
to which a politician of a different view might counter,

"No, the question is whether or not we want to spend tax revenue on {Pet

What we're watching, when this happens, is an attempt by the politicians to
frame a question to which every answer is acceptable to them. They give you the
illusion of choice, while in reality, by limiting those choices to a small set
that they have defined, they ensure that whatever you ask for, *they* get what
*they* want.

With the greatest of respect to Miguel, his Team and their undisputed talents,
this entire debate is a political con-trick from the get-go.

Microsoft want to control the web. They know that if they can evolve the
existing, broadly XHTML-based delivery protocol to something that they control,
then as with so many other things, the rest of the world will be forced to play

So in the early phases of this grand deception, they are going to try and sucker
in as many developers and FOSS engineers as they can. They will express public
delight that Miguel has developed Moonlight to compliment Silverlight. They will
encourage all FOSS developers to use it and build on top of it.

Then, when a large chunk of the web is built on it and depends on it, they will
move the goal-posts. The net result won't be a complete break of the
environment, but it will set FOSS participants at a distinct disadvantage.

Microsoft's attempt to push Silverlight and to encourage or enable the FOSS
community to turn to Moonlight can have only one outcome. It deepens the
dependency that the FOSS community will have on proprietary software. The exact
opposite direction to which Richard Stallman and the FSF has tried to take us.
RMS has offered freedom.

MS is offering bright, sparkly chains, made of silver.

Miguel de Icaza is one of the brightest, smartest coders active in the FOSS
community today. But that makes him too smart to have to follow, when he could
be a leader. Miguel's skills are to precious to be wasted on copying someone
else -least of all Microsoft - when they would be better invested by

Want to re-define the "web" experience? Fine, then let's do that.
Let's build a ground-up replacement with all the finely detailed layout and
formatting capabilities of the GNOME libraries or the QT Toolkit and split them
so that they become open and transparent protocols for the web - like X11 Mk II.
But please, let's *not* jump on a me-too bandwagon following the Microsoft bus.
Even if it's the coolest bus in the parking lot, I don't like the look of the
road it's heading out for.

IMHO, PJ is absolutely, 110% right in her guidance that the terms of the MS
license or Promise-Not-To-Sue is not to be trusted. It's probably more like a
Promise-To-Stuff-You-At-A-Later-Date anyway.

But I'd suggest that there is a more fundamental and deeper reason that we need
to put some clear water between Silverlight and the FOSS development community.

And it's because Microsoft see themselves as the Spider at the Centre of their
Silverlight Web, and view Miguel as a fly, wriggling in the moonlight.

The simple truth is that Miguel could do so much better.

It's time to break out of this box and stop accepting choices that Microsoft -
or others - would try and offer us. One of the greatest strengths of FOSS is
diversity (and the core freedoms that make it possible) - and we should cherish
that above all things.

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What would happen if this came to court?
Authored by: Anonymous on Wednesday, June 04 2008 @ 09:38 PM EDT
Let's posit a case where Microsoft claims that a particular piece of software
incorporating Silverlight is breaking this license, and should be withdrawn. The
product's owners say that it isn't, and refuse to withdraw it.

Microsoft then has three choices. It can withdraw its claim, it can try to buy
off the owners, or it can go to court.

Assuming the case goes to court and the owners can afford to defend themselves,
then Microsoft has to argue its interpretation of the licence against the
interpretation put on it by the product owners. At this point, wouldn't the
probability be that the court would find the extremely convoluted and ambiguous
wording of the licence counts agains Microsoft, especially given Microsoft's
other claims that Silverlight is cross-platform and open, and Microsoft's
obvious ability to create a simple and unambiguous licence should it so choose?

Put another way: in the absence of clarity, would this licence survive an
examination of its bona fides?

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