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Google Chrome Help

Clear Personal Information: Remove password records


You can remove some or all records of usernames and passwords that you've previously asked Google Chrome to save.

Open the 'Passwords' dialog box:

  1. Click the Tools menu tools menu.
  2. Select Options.
  3. Click the Minor Tweaks tab.
  4. In the 'Passwords' section, click the Show saved passwords button.

Remove specific password records

  1. From the list, select the website for which you'd like to remove Google Chrome's record of the username and password. If the browser has multiple username and password combinations stored for a particular website, select a listing of the website and click the Show password button. The password associated with that username will display underneath the button.
  2. If you're certain that you want to remove the record of that username/password combination, click the Remove button.

Remove all password records

Click the Remove all button at the bottom to delete Google Chrome's record of all usernames and passwords for all websites you've visited. Alternatively, you can also remove all password records saved during a specific time period using the Clear browsing data option in the 'Tools' menu.

Click the Close buttons for the 'Passwords' and the 'Google Chrome Options' dialog boxes when you're done.

Although the records of your usernames and passwords are removed from Google Chrome, the passwords and usernames still work for their respective websites.
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