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Question: Anyone else experiencing regular crashes? Report abuse

Level 1
I have not modified chrome at all besides making a bunch of bookmarks and one day it began to routinely crash after being open for about a minute and a half. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling but nothing really helps. I don't remember bookmarking anything right before this started happening so I don't think a bookmark is doing it. I have the newest version installed and it crashes everytime I open the program, regardless if I click on any links or anything. Help?

Answers: 1 of 28 All answers

Level 1
1 person says this answers the question:
Same issue.  Today I tried to upgrade/download to latest version, but am having trouble doing so ('download server not available)
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Mohamed Mansour
Top Contributor
Hello, Are there steps that you can provide us that can replicate this crash "always"? That could help narrow down where the crashing resides.
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Level 1
Basically, I open Chrome and no matter what links I click on, it crashes about 2 minutes later. I just did a couple tests by letting it sit, open, without clicking on anything and it still crashes the very second I click in the window and go to a webpage other than the homepage. I even tried bringing up the history and sure enough, 5 seconds later it crashed. Basically, the more links I click on, the faster it crashes.
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Level 1
I am also facing the same issue from today. Till yesterday night it was working fine. Today morning when i started the browser, it is crashing in 2 minutes no matter what links i click on. I tried re-installing but of no use. My Laptop is Windows Vista.

I have taken a snapshot of the message window, chrome shows when it is crashed, but i don't know how to attach the file in this post. Anyways the pop-up windows shows the error message as,
" Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now ?" with 2 buttons "OK" and "Cancel".

I tried clicking "Ok" button and "Cancel" button. But the browser crashes after 2 minutes again.

I haven't faced this issue till yesterday. Also i checked if there is any updates installed in my system recently. There was none.

Please post if there is any solution.
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Mohamed Mansour
Top Contributor
Can you guys try running a fresh profile?
chrome.exe --user-data-dir=c:\foo
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Level 1
For all your google chrome shortcuts, try this. add " --no-sandbox" everything within those quotes to the end of of the shortcuts link.
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Level 1
the  use of --user-data-dir=c:\foo works in preventing crashes as where the --no-sandbox does not.. but i dont like the fact that i loose all my browsing history every time i close out of the browser... any further help to fixing it and keeping regular performance would be nice
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Level 1
I have been having a continuous crash every time I visit (may not be exact like because of the crash I cannot see to where I am going on the website. However is is the garagegame website) once this crash happen chrome will not look at ANY web page and will just crash. I have to Rename my 'Default' folder to 'Backup', or get rid of it

I found the 'Default' folder here Windows XP: \Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
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Level 1
Update.. it only happens when I login to the second I log it it shows me the webpage and asks if I want to save the password no matter what I do say yes click the x ignore it the next click I do in chrome crashes it
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Level 1
I wish I could edit but through my ever persistant snooping I found out 2 things.

I can reproduce the crash from this link just download the first demo and go to save it and chrome will crash. Second I found out how to save all my settings.
Seem the restart is controled be the preference file located here: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default

It will look something like this

   "default_search_provider": {
      "id": "2",
      "name": "Google",
      "search_url": "{google:baseURL}search?{google:RLZ}{google:acceptedSuggestion}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}sourceid=chrome&ie={inputEncoding}&q={searchTerms}",
      "suggest_url": "{google:baseSuggestURL}search?client=chrome&output=chrome&hl={language}&q={searchTerms}"
   "download": {
      "directory_upgrade": true
   "geoid_at_install": 244,
   "profile": {
      "exited_cleanly": false,
      "id": "not-signed-in",
      "name": "",
      "nickname": ""
   "session": {
      "urls_to_restore_on_startup": [  ]

All I have to do to stop the crashing is change the "exited_cleanly": false, to "exited_cleanly": true,

This way I get to keep my settings and I know I cannot yet use chrome on that site.
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Mohamed Mansour
Top Contributor
@Jeffg100: Please post your crash bug here, as well state how you fixed that. One of the Chromium Engineers would look into it:

@brandon.whipp: if changing your profile worked, it means your profile was corrupted. If it happens again, please report it to the bug tracker.
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Level 1
@Mohamed: where is the error log I have check everywhere I can think of and still I cannot find an error log
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Level 1
Ok I found the EnableLocalCrashDumps.reg but here is the wierd thing. I enable the crash dumps and no crash dump build. I notice that where the instruction states the file should be I get nothing. I crash everytime I try the download. I build the directory CrashReports and I crash about 1 out of 10 times. Still no crash report at all. I disable the crash dumps and I get crash 8 out of 10 time. So right now I am running with crash report enabled but nothing is being generated during the crash
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Mohamed Mansour
Top Contributor
The best that you could do is check the box to send crash reports to the developers team within in the Chrome Options. Once you set it, and a crash happens, you can send me the crash id, and will take a look at it. Make sure you have a clean profile as I previously mentioned to make sure nothing is corrupt.
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Level 1
I've been facing the same problem since some 6 hours continuously - same as K.G. described that here:

[quote]Basically, I open Chrome and no matter what links I click on, it crashes about 2 minutes later. I just did a couple tests by letting it sit, open, without clicking on anything and it still crashes the very second I click in the window and go to a webpage other than the homepage. I even tried bringing up the history and sure enough, 5 seconds later it crashed. Basically, the more links I click on, the faster it crashes.[/quote]

The ironic thing is that even when I click to close google chrome, the latter still crashes saying "Whoa! Google Chrome has crashed. Restart now?"
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Level 1
I installed Chrome again and it worked!. I don't know what went wrong in between to crash the browser continuously. I had tried reinstalling the browser 3 times, 3rd time it worked.
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Level 1
1 person says this answers the question:
That prob was solved after I restarted my OS and re-launched Google Chrome back!!
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Shawn (Googler)
Google Employee
Mohamed Mansour (Top Contributor) + 5 other people say this answers the question:
Thanks for fielding this one m0! And thanks guys for detailing this out so that other users can learn from this as well.

As m0 alluded to, it sounds like there's profile corruption going on. For those of you who are still facing issues, can you test something out? If you delete the Local State file, does the problem go away? It can be found here: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\Local State.

Also, while adding --no-sandbox may solve this problem, it also leaves yourself open to security vulnerabilities. Thanks for the help Adragon202.

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Level 1
think shockwave player problem.. ..reinstall the flash player and also google chrome.. ..restart ur sys. ...and iam sure it ll stop crashing.. ..
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Level 1
Hey. I have an issue with the Shockwave Flash plugin (in all browsers: Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera...) I am able to watch Youtube and other videos fine (at least till now) but I recently tried recording a video on Facebook (Facebook has an option to record and add videos on your Friends' walls) and I got an error saying: The following plug-in has crashed: Shockwave Flash. I also got the following error report:

Add-ons: {7694c49c-9fbd-11dc-8314-0800200c9a66}:3.0.2,{972ce4c6-7e08-4474-a285-3208198ce6fd}:3.0.6
BuildID: 2009011913
CrashTime: 1234961245
InstallTime: 1233806473
ProductName: Firefox
SecondsSinceLastCrash: 2780
StartupTime: 1234958472
Theme: aquatint_gloss
Vendor: Mozilla
Version: 3.0.6

I tried uninstalling and re-installing shockwave, as well as the browser, but the problem still persists. I am using Vista SP 1, and Adobe Flash Player 10 plugin (and Adobe Shockwave Player 11) It's really frustrating so any help would be good.

Thanks a lot !
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Level 1
What's the version of Shockwave that doesn't experience the Shockwave Flash Crash error thing?
Version 8? 9?
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Christofer D
Level 1
Yep, all the time : (

I found out I was using an OLD VERSION. Chrome 1.0.x wasn't updating itself, nor was it checking and reporting to me that it's wayyyyy outdated.

Updated to 2.x hope this minimizes further crashes :-/
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Level 1
OK,.....EVERYONE WHO USES A COMPUTER...!!! >>> ....We ALL...Hate to HAVE TO ~Buy programs off the I~net to HELP OUR Computers RUN Better and without PROBLEMS...RIGHT !!!??? ...BUT unfortunately ITS a MUST in todays world of Computing. I Have purchased 2 Software programs THAT I AM COMPLETELY SATISFIED WITH...That KEEP MY system RUNNING FAST,CLEAN, AND  "PROFICIENT"...!!! Go to "" and spend appr. $60.00 for a couple programs called "Speed up my PC", & "Registry Booster" (They are "Bundled" together), for cost Savings..!! My( WinXP O.S., duo core2) computer RUNS FAST W/ NO CRASHES...ANYTIME,...EVER !!! Everyone should DO This!! YOU NEED These Programs in todays Computing World !! :)...
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Level 1
I tried both deleting my User Profile file, and changing that code, and neither worked. And as was said before, the more links you click on, the faster it crashes. It has been very annoying, because it was working fine for the several months since it came out. All of a sudden it started crashing last night while I was in the middle of doing some research, and I lost the pages I had open. I hope someone can resolve this issue, because Chrome has been by far the most stable, and the fastest of all the internet browsers that I have used.
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Level 1
Chrome had been working great then CRASH!!!  This stated just a couple days ago, but has happened quite often since then.  I don't know much about what causes this, I only hope that the experts at google can get the problem fixed quickly.  Until then, I'm forced to use good old IE for most of my surfing.
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Level 1
I think I managed to get it working. All I did was clear all my history, cache, temp files for all time. I kept my passwords of course. After I restarted Chrome, it works fine. Im still keeping an eye out for it, you never know when it will crash again. Oh and I updated my flash just in case, so that might have helped.
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Level 1
I was able to solve the problem by uninstalling Chrome, removing the residual application files and reinstalling. Crude, but effective.
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Shawn (Googler)
Google Employee
Hey guys,

Can you verify if these steps help?

1. Rename your 'Default' folder to 'Backup'
You can find the 'Default' folder in the following locations:

Windows XP: %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data\Google\Chrome\User Data\
Windows Vista: %LOCALAPPDATA%\Google\Chrome\User Data\

2. Move the 'Backup' folder
If Google Chrome continues to crash, move your newly renamed 'Backup' folder from the 'User Data' directory up one level to the 'Chrome' directory.

3. If that still doesn't work, does a manual uninstall and reinstall work?

And finally, if renaming your profile does work, it'd be super helpful if you could send us the corrupt profile so we can figure out what exactly is going on and try to solve it for you all. You can use the contact form below. Be warned that your profile contains your browsing history but if you do send it to us, it'll only be used in troubleshooting this specific issue.

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