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Google Chrome crosses 1% market share again PDF Print E-mail
By Wolfgang Gruener   
Monday, December 15, 2008 11:02
Chicago (IL) � Google�s strategy to update its browser more frequently has positively impacted Chrome�s market share and the release of the final version of the browser helped the software to jump back over the 1% mark again.

Chrome�s market share does not reflect the media attention the software usually receives and the browser needs still time to grow until it could be considered a �major� browser that can compete with the big boys. If we believe data published by Net Applications, there are seven times more Safari users than Chrome users, twenty times more Firefox users and about 70 times more IE users globally.

Chart: (c) TG Daily

But it seems that Google has found an effective strategy to increase its market share � frequent updates. Google began pushing its updates more often in late October, not quite two months after the browser�s initial release and was able to slow the browser�s market share decline and grow its share again. According to Net Applications, Chrome hit a record 1.16% three days after its release on September 4 and hit its lowest share at 0.69% on October 15.

Curiously enough, this was about the same time when Microsoft was able to almost match Chrome�s market share with its IE8 beta 2 release, which is pictured in our chart as well.

Last week�s release of Chrome 1.0 pushed Chrome back above the 1.0% mark for the first time since September. Chrome saw a 1.05% share on Saturday and 1.09% on Sunday. Chrome�s market share tends to be higher on weekends, according to Net Applications, and Chrome typically by up to 0.10 percentage points during the week. However, it appears that Google has now created a solid user base from where it may be able to grow.  
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Dec 15, 2008 11:33     
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