Contact with Bill. (updated) PDF Print E-mail
Written by Dan Edin   
Tuesday, 05 December 2006

No its not Bill Gates, but rather the developer of the OSBOS Cosmoe.

For those who do not know what Cosmoe is, the following introduction is for you.

Cosmoe was one of the first OSBOS announced at beunited and was also the first OSBOS to successfully run the OpenTracker. It is, to this day, developed by a man called Bill Hayden. The big difference between Haiku and Cosmoe is that it runs on the Linux kernel and that it's using GPL as its license.

Click below for a short Q&A with Bill and more...

We had a brief contact with Bill to check up on him and to see how the project is progressing and it seems that Bill has chosen to stop developing Cosmoe for the moment and is looking for anyone interested in carrying on with his work. So if anyone is interested in developing this promising OSBOS and at the same time even help out with Haiku through its development, this is the time to do so.

Dan: How is Cosmoe fairing? I mean, is it dead, dormant or active?

Bill: I haven't actively developed Cosmoe for quite some time now.  I still think it's a cool project, but I have no time for it whatsoever.  If someone wanted to continue with it (presumably using the latest Haiku sources), I would welcome it.

Dan: If so, may i ask, what are your priorities now?

Bill: Family mostly. I have five children, a full-time job, and a consulting job, and that leaves very little time for projects like Cosmoe.

We all at ICO wish Bill all the luck with his choice and best wishes.

And here comes the obligatory screenshot of the project of course.I personally don't know if this is the latest build but its all we got.


Click me...

Update: Ithamar build the latest Cosmoe under Ubuntu and posted a screenshot here.

Written by ithamar on 2006-12-06 15:45:16
The screenshot looks very much like AtheOS/Syllable, but that is because they actually used the Syllable code for a long time. I think the 'new' version with Haiku never got so far to actually display much (AFAICR). 
It _would_ be interesting to see when upgrading the source base if it could work..... ;) 
Written by greger on 2006-12-06 17:00:30
impressing project, im thinking of taking it up, but i like to see more.
Cosmoe latest code / screenshot
Written by This e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it on 2006-12-06 17:18:47
The screenshot displayed was an early version of cosmoe using the AtheOS/Syllable code. Since then, they moved over to using the Haiku code. 
I downloaded the tarball from, fixed and built it on Ubuntu, and see here the resulting shot: 
Please note that I might have some config errors somewhere causing problems as well, but it is more-or-less what I remember. 
If anyone is interested, please drop me a mail, and I could have an SVN repos + Trac environment setup @ _real_ quickly to see if we can get some more working.... 
(At least I will be playing with it this weekend) 

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