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Should Netscape Continue To Update Ne...

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Jay Garcia
by :   Jay Garcia

votes :   213
Latest :   1/5/07
The poll has closed
Should Netscape Continue To Update Netscape 7.2 For Security And Other Bug Fixes?
185 votes (87%)
28 votes (13%)

#2 of 70

     Posted 12/29/06 4:35 PM   
From  digravioandsons  Posts 88  Last 4/2/07
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.2 Message 6303.2 replying to 6303.1 6303.1 ]    

Jay is there a reason for the poll. When Netscape 8 came out I posted that Netscape 7 should still be updated because it was a good browser. You said Netscape 7.2 was a dead issue. I always used Netscape 7.2 it was fast and did not crash. I now use

Seamonkey mostly. It has same feeling as Netscape. It is fast, and to me and others it is faster than Firefox. I do not like Netscape8 it is slow and buggy. If I wanted a Firefox like browser i will use Firefox. If Netscape 7.2 gets updated it will be back on my computer.


#3 of 70

     Posted 12/29/06 5:35 PM   
From  dergeisterbote  Posts 73  Last 9/14/07
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.3 Message 6303.3 replying to 6303.1 6303.1 ]    
Even though NS 7.2 is no longer my default browser, I would like to see updates as mentioned in poll. I use it for certain sites, such as my online banking and eBay, because it works best on those sites. Better than IE 6, better than FF 1.5, and better than NS 8.1.2. It is faster, cleaner, and more agile. So my vote is yes.

#4 of 70

     Posted 12/29/06 7:27 PM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  digravioandsons      [Msg # 6303.4 Message 6303.4 replying to 6303.2 6303.2 ]    
Yes, there is a reason for everything ... :-)

Since Netscape now has it's own programming staff once again and the outcry for updating NS 7 is quite loud, I thought it a good idea to bring this poll to the attention of management for review. That's all can say at the moment. This is just a beginning, don't get too many hopes up for now.
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion

#5 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 12:25 AM   
From  tmkworld  Posts 9  Last 6/8/07
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.5 Message 6303.5 replying to 6303.1 6303.1 ]    
I voted 'No' myself. I would rather see the staff spend their time on improving version 8 instead of working on old legacy products. Look forward and not backwards.

Just my humble opinion...

Edited 12/30/06   by  tmkworld

#6 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 7:08 AM   
From  emoaconr  Posts 74  Last 5/6/08
To  tmkworld      [Msg # 6303.6 Message 6303.6 replying to 6303.5 6303.5 ]    
You've made me reconsider my vote now! Damn
As much as I'd like Netscape 7.2 to get updates, I'd also like the existing Netscape software to progress rapidly. Since Netscape 7.2 was the latest suite, I think however it should be treated as a seperate product, and since there has been no suite since, 7.2 should be Netscape's flagship suite alongside the flagship standalone browser, Netscape 8.x, for example the most recent Microsoft Works suite is older than standalone programs from Microsoft Office. However that is a bad example because Works and Office are generally unrelated besides their developer, but I hope you get what I mean!

However since times have changed and Netscape's development teams have changed over and over again, I can't see 7.2 being supported once more. However if people are eager to re-define such a product and have the appropriate knowledge, let them, and make Netscape 7x a suite alongside the most recent browser.

#7 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 10:56 AM   
From  mitrichr  Posts 95  Last 6/26/08
To  emoaconr      [Msg # 6303.7 Message 6303.7 replying to 6303.6 6303.6 ]    
I really don't get it. Netscape 7 was just the Mozilla Suite anyway. So, since that has been replaced by SeaMonkey, why bother with Netscape 7?

#8 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:06 AM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  mitrichr      [Msg # 6303.8 Message 6303.8 replying to 6303.7 6303.7 ]    
Well, let's see .... Mozilla was started by Netscape Corp. Then Mozilla branched off as their own company. Then SeaMonkey branched off on their own ... So, why not just call SeaMonkey "Netscape" ?? :-)

Identity is all important to those who follow it.
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion

#9 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:07 AM   
From  emoaconr  Posts 74  Last 5/6/08
To  mitrichr      [Msg # 6303.9 Message 6303.9 replying to 6303.7 6303.7 ]    
Which is basically what I meant - but it would be good for those people who want a suite from a name that they know, however I'm not suggesting SeaMonkey isn't a respectable suite, I'm just saying a lot of "casual users" wouldn't have heard of it. While the 7.x suite is still in working order, there will be people who will want to use it.

#10 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:12 AM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  emoaconr      [Msg # 6303.10 Message 6303.10 replying to 6303.9 6303.9 ]    
> While the 7.x suite is still in working order,

Exactly .. NS 7.2 is a very stable and proven product so why move to something that may not be at the moment.
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion

#11 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:16 AM   
From  emoaconr  Posts 74  Last 5/6/08
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.11 Message 6303.11 replying to 6303.8 6303.8 ]    
> Well, let's see .... Mozilla was started by Netscape Corp. Then Mozilla branched off as their own company. Then SeaMonkey branched off on their own ... So, why not just call SeaMonkey "Netscape" ?? :-)
Identity is all important to those who follow it.

If you put it that way, Netscape could have become AOL Communicator! :o
As much as I could say about them, I respect AOL for continuing the Netscape brand and development of its products. When I first heard of SeaMonkey I was like "what the hell is that?" - they've sure got a reputation to build there!

#12 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:36 AM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  emoaconr      [Msg # 6303.12 Message 6303.12 replying to 6303.11 6303.11 ]    
Netscape 7, Mozilla, SeaMonkey and Firefox all are products from the same Mozilla source developed by Netscape employees/programmers in 1998 when Netscape released most of the Communicator code to "open source". Mozilla was supposed to be Communicator 5.0 but that was dropped as the source "just didn't fit" and an new source was written basically from the ground up ..... and here we are today!
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion

#13 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 5:08 PM   
From  mitrichr  Posts 95  Last 6/26/08
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.13 Message 6303.13 replying to 6303.10 6303.10 ]    
Oh, come on, Jay, no one here disrespects Netscape in any way, but do not try to imply that there is anything not perfectly solid and stable about SeaMonkey.

Anyone who has maintained an interest to this point, even folks like me who do not have Netscape installed, are hoping for the chance to see some of the promise of Netscape 8 realized in something that works. I am not a suite user, so I do not have the same interests regarding mail and all that.

But Netscape 8 had the most advanced security, on the fly, the best user id and password control for lazy people like me.

I am currently using Firefox, because it works. And SeaMonkey works. All the time. Every time.



PS: Happy New Year!!

#14 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 6:37 PM   
From  benoitren  Posts 10  Last 1/12/07
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.14 Message 6303.14 replying to 6303.1 6303.1 ]    

Netscape 7.2 was released in August of 2004, based on Mozilla 1.7.2.
SeaMonkey 1.0.7 was released this month (!), and would have been Mozilla if the same people had continued to oversee its development.

You want a suite? You already have a suite! It's called SeaMonkey, which is just Mozilla under a different name, a product that has already proved itself. This idea of updating Netscape 7.2 with fixes is a waste of time when there's a perfectly capable suite out there already that looks and works almost exactly the same.

Who cares about the name? It's the product that counts. As Shakespeare said:
What’s in a name? that which we call a rose
By any other name would smell as sweet;

#15 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:58 PM   
From  philchee5  Posts 57  Last Sep-27
To  All      [Msg # 6303.15 Message 6303.15 replying to 6303.14 6303.14 ]    
It is always possible that AOLTimeWarnerNetscape will follow the same strategy and base NS 7.3 off the current SeaMonkey 1.1 codebase. Although the current SeaMonkey team has been busy of late deleting the stub files in the SM codebase that only exist so that Netscape can easily hook in their "valueadded" content stuff in NS 7.2.


#16 of 70

     Posted 12/30/06 11:58 PM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  mitrichr      [Msg # 6303.16 Message 6303.16 replying to 6303.13 6303.13 ]    
> but do not try to imply that there is anything not perfectly solid and stable about SeaMonkey.

I did no such thing. SeaMonkey, when compared to Netscape 7.2 is the new guy on the block.
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion

#17 of 70

     Posted 12/31/06 12:09 AM   
From  philchee5  Posts 57  Last Sep-27
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.17 Message 6303.17 replying to 6303.16 6303.16 ]    
> I did no such thing. SeaMonkey, when compared to Netscape 7.2 is the new guy on the block.

They both come from the same lineage. The only difference is that SeaMonkey continues to be actively developed while Netscape 7.x died on the vine.


#18 of 70

     Posted 12/31/06 1:39 AM   
From  samba30i  Posts 273  Last 3/6/08
To  philchee5      [Msg # 6303.18 Message 6303.18 replying to 6303.17 6303.17 ]    (Unread)
i like the idea, but keeping it as a standalone browser but with updated Gecko an other features like firefox has,

#19 of 70

     Posted 12/31/06 6:54 AM   
From  P.M.  Posts 16  Last Dec-11
To  Jay Garcia      [Msg # 6303.19 Message 6303.19 replying to 6303.1 6303.1 ]    
Well, why not update the Netscape Communicator (the version 4 series) as well :-)

No, SeaMonkey is maintaining the suite heritage just fine. The Netscape team should fully concentrate on the most user-friendly browser ever, i.e. Netscape Browser, version 8, and perhaps a Netscape Mail (based on Thunderbird). IMHO

Cheers  /PeEmm

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#20 of 70

     Posted 12/31/06 9:47 AM   
Jay Garcia
From  Jay Garcia  Posts 8401  Last Jan-8
To  philchee5      [Msg # 6303.20 Message 6303.20 replying to 6303.17 6303.17 ]    (Unread)
> SeaMonkey continues to be actively developed

That's due mainly to the codebase being open-source, anybody can contribute and be part of the team.
Jay Garcia - Netscape Champion
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NS 8 General

Should Netscape Continue To Update Ne...


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