Picasa for Linux

Picasa 3.0 for Linux (beta)
Picasa 2.7 still available.


Picasa is free photo software from Google. This version is Linux compatible. Picasa won't delete your pictures or put them online without your permission.

This is a preview of the upcoming release of Picasa 3 for Linux. We encourage you to try out this beta release and provide feedback to help us improve our product.

Please see http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/testrepo.html for information on using Google's Linux Software Testing Repository to install Picasa 3 for Linux.

If you don't want to use the repositories, or don't have a compatible package manager, you may also download the packages directly from the following URLs:

All downloads are approximately 30 MB: Picasa software (13 MB), Wine (11 MB) and Gecko engine (6 MB).

New Features:

  • Improved integration with Picasa Web Albums
    You can sync your Picasa 3 and Web Albums edits, change your online album settings from Picasa, and delete online albums from Picasa.
  • Better uploading with the upload Drop-box and bandwidth throttling.
  • New Retouch tool to remove unsightly blemishes and improve photo quality.
  • Improved Collage tool lets you have total artistic control over your collage content and layout.
  • Auto red-eye: same results, less work for you.
  • Easily add text or watermarks to your photos.
Full list of new features.

Linux specific changes / improvements:

  • User data are now stored in ~/.google/picasa/.
  • Camera/media detection integrated with Gnome/KDE.
  • Mozilla/Firefox browser integration done via a plugin.
  • picasa:// urls work in Firefox 3.
  • Downloading albums from Picasa Web Albums launches faster.
  • Better Xinerama support.

Known Issues:

  • This is an English-only release.
  • This version of Picasa for Linux does not support movie files.
  • Picasa notices don't stay on a given desktop. Picasa pops up notices to let you know it's found new photos or has added photos to its library. These notices come on the current desktop; some users would rather they stayed on the same desktop that Picasa itself was on.
  • Several BlogThis! features do not work properly with Picasa's embedded browser window, such as spell check and new account URL tester.
  • Music playback during slideshow doesn't work.
  • If you have an NFS mounted home directory, the performance may be poor. Picasa relies heavily on a lot of files in the ~/.picasa directory, and if the home directory is slow, then Picasa will be slow. You can work around this by making a directory in /var/opt/picasa/$USERNAME/ that corresponds to your username. You have to have full rights to that directory.
  • A few print providers (namely Photobox) do not work correctly.
  • Timeline do not show full-screen images when running on a 24-bit depth X server, even if that setting is checked in the Options dialog.
  • No camera/media detection on non Gnome/KDE systems.
  • Picasa Menu items end up in "Lost and Found" on KDE 4.
  • picasa:// urls do not work in Firefox 3 if Gconf is not installed.
  • Search text box background color is wrong.
  • Picasa splash screen not centered on some window managers.
Picasa 2.7 for Linux

Total size: 24MB. Picasa software (9MB), Wine (12MB) and Gecko engine (3MB).


Please see http://www.google.com/linuxrepositories/ for information on using Google's Linux Software Repository to install Picasa 2.7 for Linux.

If you don't want to use the repositories, or don't have a compatible package manager, you may also download the packages using the links below. This will open the File Download screen and give you specific installation instructions.

This software uses these open source technologies: WINE, Mozilla.

Check our FAQ if you have any problems.

New Features:

  • Upload to Picasa Web Albums
    Use the new "Web Album" button to post your best photos online to share with friends and family.
  • Download from Picasa Web Albums
    Download albums from Picasa Web Albums directly into Picasa using Firefox.
  • Save edits to disk
    Save edits, undo saves, and revert to the original file with ease. We've got batch saving too! Picasa will even match the jpeg quality of the original. Right-click on your saved files to try the new "locate original" feature.
  • Folder hierarchy views
    Browse through folders Explorer-style. Use the button at the top of your Albums List to try them out.
  • Improvements to Import
    Import into an existing folder- we know you've wanted this feature for a long time! We've made importing photos from your camera faster too.
  • Better RAW support
    Now you can work with RAW files from the Canon 30D, the Nikon D200, Adobe DNG files, and more.
  • Internationalization Improvements
    Enable support for non-english languages.
  • Many other enhancements
    Larger thumbnails, better caption editing, ability to configure the row of buttons, special "Starred Photos" album, search by ISO and focal length.

Known Issues:

  • The system tray does not close with loss of focus (if you bring up the media detector menu, you have to either start picasa or stop the media detector to get the menu to go away)
  • This version of Picasa for Linux does not support movie files.
  • Picasa notices don't stay on a given desktop. Picasa pops up notices to let you know it's found new photos or has added photos to its library. These notices come on the current desktop; some users would rather they stayed on the same desktop that Picasa itself was on.
  • Several BlogThis! features do not work properly with Picasa's embedded browser window, such as spell check, the palette selector, and new account URL tester.
  • Music playback during slideshow doesn't work.
  • If you have an NFS mounted home directory, the performance may be poor. Picasa relies heavily on a lot of files in the ~/.picasa directory, and if the home directory is slow, then Picasa will be slow. You can work around this by making a directory in /var/opt/picasa/$USERNAME/ that corresponds to your username. You have to have full rights to that directory.
  • A few print providers (namely Photobox) do not work correctly.
  • On multi-monitor displays, some interface elements do not display correctly. We currently do not have full Xinerama support.
  • Slideshow and Timeline do not show full-screen images when running on a 24-bit depth X server, even if that setting is checked in the Options dialog.