Remembering passwords

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In a safe and secure manner, Firefox can store usernames and passwords that you use to access sites on the Web. Using Firefox's Password Manager, you can manage the passwords you want Firefox to remember. When you access a site for which Firefox has stored your username and password, Firefox automatically fills in the appropriate fields for you.

  • Through the Password Manager, you can review the actual passwords that are stored by Firefox, which is helpful if you forget your password to a site.

Note: When the Password Manager is used to store usernames and passwords, this sensitive data is stored on your local hard disk in encrypted format.

Table Of Contents

Remembering passwords

When you submit your username and password to a website, Firefox prompts you to ask if you want Firefox to remember the username and password.



Note: If Firefox does not prompt you, see Username and password not remembered.
  • To have Firefox remember your username and password, click Remember. The next time you visit the website, Firefox automatically enters your username and password in the appropriate location.
  • To instruct Firefox to never ask or remember passwords for the current website, click Never for This Site. When you visit the website again, you are not prompted to save the password.
  • To skip storing your username and password for now, click Not Now. You may be prompted to store the username and password when you visit the site again.

Managing stored passwords

At any time, you can review the usernames and passwords that Firefox has saved for you.

  1. At the top of the Firefox windowOn the menu bar, click on the ToolsFirefoxEdit menu, and select Options...Preferences....

  2. Click the Security icon.
  3. 3:
    Click Saved Passwords....

    Click Show Passwords....
  4. Your stored passwords are displayed in the Password Manager:

    • To search for passwords in the Password Manager, enter either a site or username in the box marked "Search:", the results will show up automatically.
      • To return to a full listing of entries, click Clear
    • To remove a password from the Password Manager, select the password, and click Remove.
    • To remove all stored passwords from the Password Manager, click Remove All. When you confirm that you want to remove all of your stored passwords, they are deleted.
    • By default, Firefox displays only the name of the site and the username. To display the associated passwords for each site and username, click Show Passwords. When you confirm, the passwords are displayed.
      • To hide displayed passwords, click Hide Passwords.

Protecting your passwords

Firefox protects the passwords that you store in it with a master password. If you are storing passwords, you can create a master password, which must be entered once per Firefox session when you access the Password Manager or attempt to view saved passwords.


For help troubleshooting problems, see these articles.

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Page last modified on Thursday 18 of December, 2008 19:07:46 PST.
Contributors to this page: Bo , myles7897 , bkrausz , skulvis and Chris_Ilias .
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