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What People Are Talking About

IE Market Share Drops Below 70%

Slashdot is running an article claiming that IE usage has dropped below 70%.
Looking at the originating stats site http://marketshare.hitslink.com/browser-market-share.aspx?qprid=1 it looks like this was actually the case last month as well - but Firefox is still gaining ground back from Microsoft!

How to earn points in spread firefox?

I see many users have earned their points.
How to earn these points?
By speading firefox to others?
How can I earn points in spead firefox?

attn:new campus reps..spread firefox by sending emails

apart from all the ways of spreading firefox...i think sending emails telling people about the imporatance and advantages is the best way to convince them to download firefox and use it as their default browser.
what i have learnt from my personal experience is that the emails are very well received and acknowledeged (provided they are written alluringly well)..

Firefox Gift Certificates - Print them, email them

Firefox gift certificate
