Planet Mozilla

January 04, 2009

Robert Accettura

Microsoft Cutting Back On IE?

Asa pointed out an interesting CNBC piece regarding cutbacks in what looks like contractors on the IE team:

One of the units already seeing cutbacks is Microsoft’s sagging browser business. A report in the Seattle Times says 180 contract workers were told last month that their services would not be renewed. Just yesterday, researcher Net Applications reported that Microsoft’s Internet Explorer browser registered 68 percent market share in December, down from 74 percent in May.

If this is true, and I think it is likely as CNBC is a rather reputable source of business news, I predict Trident’s days are numbered. As I pointed out back in November, Balmer suggested they might look at WebKit. I should note I do not think this will have any impact on IE 8, which is nearly complete. They could of course choose Gecko which would save them from needing to work with Google and Apple (which might freak out some government regulators).

The other very real option is to either license Opera’s Presto engine, or simply buy Opera which would give them some strength in the mobile market. I think Microsoft would prefer to buy simply because of the mobile implications. Opera has a decent foothold in the mobile market. They would still have the expense of developing a rendering engine but instead of playing catch up they would be much more “ready to play”. This would save them the overhead expenses of trying to cram several years of development to simply catch up to the other browsers. Since Presto is proprietary they still can utilize their other proprietary technologies without leaking any code to the open source community. As I said in the past, keeping things proprietary is important to Microsoft’s web strategy.

Poor standards compliant, performance, bugs lingering for years, security issues, are all issues that have plagued this rendering engine. The final nail in the coffin might end up being a recession and the need to cut costs.

Of course it’s possible Microsoft may not be renewing these contractors since IE 8 is nearly done and it will simply slow down IE 9 development, but I don’t think it’s likely considering the speed the competitors are going. I don’t think Microsoft will fall asleep at the wheel a second time.

So I’d like to adjust my statements back in November regarding Microsoft’s use of WebKit. I said before that it was unlikely. If this news is true, I think it’s becomes very realistic they will drop Trident. Maybe it really is as busted internally as we’ve all suspected for years.

There will still be fierce competition between WebKit, Gecko, and Presto regardless of what happens. Innovation and competition are essential to a healthy internet. This in fact makes it much more competitive since the one in last place in terms of supporting the latest in standards would suddenly catch up overnight.

Enough speculation for now. Lets see what turns out to be fact, and what turns out to be CompSci Fiction.

Edit [1/3/2009 @ 9:40 PM EST]:: Via Asa, apparently the layoffs were actually the MSN Homepages team, not the IE team as CNBC suggested.

Comment Count

January 04, 2009 02:38 AM

Alan Starr

Firefox in Cats

You know you've spent too long with your web browser when you see a picture of a cat and think of Firefox.

January 04, 2009 01:56 AM

January 03, 2009

David Boswell

Away For A Bit

Durham Daniel Boswell was born last night and everyone is fine but sleepy. I’m going to be taking the next three weeks off to spend some time with him. Please feel free to get in touch with me during that time, but it might take me a little while to get back to you :)



January 03, 2009 11:10 PM

Andy Edmonds

Tab Usage Insights: Survey vs Instrumentation

Here’ a nice pic of results from a tab usage survey from Cognitive Daily. There are some great comments on the post as well.

David Munger summarizes “Only 16.7 percent of respondents said they had more than 10 tabs open. Three-quarters of readers had from 2 to 10 tabs, and most of those had from 2 to 4 tabs open.” The results make sense in a 7+-2 kind of way.

I was impressed with the methodology, given the low cost of online surveying. By asking the question “how many tabs do you have open now?” the survey approaches an ethnological method, while also asking “how many tabs do you usually have open?” The authors used a creative way to get responder age — by recognition of celebrities. This showed that open tabs tend to decrease with age. The Mozilla Spectator project would be a great way to get this type of distribution information, but it’s been pretty quiet on that lately.

Reactions to the (incorrect) notion that Mozilla might deploy a Google Toolbar style clickstream reporting system were appropriately highly negative. In fact, Spectator was carefully designed to never log actual URLs, but only tab creation and session trails, indicating sequences of page loads and the distribution of sessions across tabs. Pure server-side metrics can’t offer this kind of insight into technographics of internet use or, closer to home, insights for Firefox product design.

The proposed final 2010 data goals focus on data portability, which is certainly a great place to start. Still, the results of this survey remind me of the potential of Spectator to help design systems, like tabs, to manage the pervasiveness of the browser in our day to day lives.

I’ve got a backburner project using ubiquity commands to pull aggregates on places (ex. % page views that are revisits) and search quality metrics. This data could be previewed and posted to a public respository, but sampling issues remain until a truly large scale sample is achieved.

In the meantime, hats off to Dave Munger @ Cognitive Daily & Research Blogging for a useful methodology and interesting survey. I echo the comment on the tab survey post to please share the raw data!

January 03, 2009 09:11 PM

Mark Banner

Mac Thunderbird crash reporting on now working correctly

For a few months Thunderbird crashes on Mac were reporting to our crash-stats server, but unfortunately weren’t being processed correctly.

Just before Christmas, Ted checked in a change to mozilla-1.9.1 to allow crash symbols to be generated via dwarf-2 rather than the old method. Philippe then fixed up our Thunderbird tinderboxes. As a result, this work has fixed our crash-stats reporting and we are now getting valid reports at our crash-stats server :-)

For those on Mac, if you’re using a build before the 24th December 2008 (Build id: 20081224), please update as soon as possible - then we’ll be able to use any crash data you report to help improve Thunderbird.

January 03, 2009 12:20 PM

Firefox Support Blog

2009 — Making the vision for SUMO a reality?

Welcome to the future everyone! This is 2009, the year of opportunities and, if we’re lucky, a stronger world economy. Earlier this week — well, last year — I was writing about the accomplishments we made with SUMO as a project, a team, and a community in 2008. Now I’d like to spend some time to talk about our plans for 2009.

Back in September last year, I was writing a series of blog posts about what I called the vision for SUMO, which was largely based on ideas and suggestions from our vibrant SUMO community. For your reading pleasure, here’s the full list of blog posts:

This blog series wasn’t meant to remain just a vision. In fact, in 2009 we’re making it our goal! We’ve actually already started — the latest 0.8 release includes a number of significant achievements — but there’s much left to be done. Since the vision for SUMO was published, we’ve prioritized the individual goals and created an aggressive timeline that we’re confident will address many of the concerns we’ve heard from our community.

So without further ado, here is our ambitious development roadmap for SUMO in 2009!

It’s not easy to plan a detailed and accurate roadmap a whole year ahead, and as such not everything is set in stone yet. We’d love to hear what you think of our plans for 2009 and whether we’ve missed something you find important.

Also, we will definitely need more development manpower in order to pull this off. If you’re interested in helping out and have PHP experience, let us know or, even better, submit a patch to one of our 350+ open bugs! :)

January 03, 2009 09:36 AM

Eric Shepherd

Deki upgrade, coming soon to an MDC near you…

MindTouch has updated the page detailing the upcoming “Lyons” release of Deki, indicating that they expect to release it in mid-February.  This upgrade will address a substantial percentage of the issues brought up by our users and contributors, and should generally make working on MDC and our documentation vastly easier and more productive.

I’m really looking forward to it!

January 03, 2009 04:17 AM

Laura Mesa

Landing Page Progress and Analysis

As Pascal and Seth have blogged in the past month, we have been working on a landing page project to bring better visibility to the newer locales and to improve the user experience for non-English speaking Firefox users. We currently have 27 landing pages complete (you can read Pascal's bog entry here) and still have 10 remaining.

Since some of the pages have been running since early November, I wanted to share the page view numbers we're seeing (the locales in yellow do not yet have landing pages).

The first columns shows the number of page views from the relevant country of the en-us version of I'm hoping this will give a better idea of how many people these landing pages may be able to help. The second column shows the number of page views of the relevant landing page for November, while the third column shows the page views for December. (If the second column has an "x" in it, the landing page was not ready in November).

These pages are generally accessed by users typing in "download Firefox" and their locale--for example, "Firefox Arabic" in either English or the native language. The landing page should display first organically on whichever search engine the user uses.

From looking at the spreadsheet, you can see that every locale that had a landing page available in November had improved page views in December. Although some locales have very low page views, like occitan (oc) only had 44 page views in December, we need to take into account the size of the population and when the page was available. I suggest that the page views for December are lower than an average month because of the holidays--we'll only really know that after another two months of tracking, but until then I do think the number of page views of the landing pages will continue to increase as more people find out about these landing pages. Although we cannot be sure of exactly where this traffic is coming from and how much of it is coming from newer versus older users, we can guess that the people hitting these pages are hitting them for a reason--because the language and the content of these pages are relevant to the users.

Regardless of how these pages continue to perform, I do think that creating these pages has been both helpful in improving the UE of and the existing Firefox and Thunderbird community sites that are linked to these landing pages. Even if Occitan continues to average 44 page views a month, I feel like the improved UE for those 44 users was worth the effort and work of the marketing and localization team.

I will report back about page views in January and periodically there after, but for the time being, I'd like to tentatively call this project a success. We will continue working on the remaining ten languages and start working on more locales this coming quarter.

Happy New Year!

January 03, 2009 01:16 AM

January 02, 2009

Robert Kaiser

More On The New Download Manager

As I mentioned before, I started working on the SeaMonkey UI for the toolkit download manager backend.

In the last few days, I have progressed a lot on that, as one can easily see from the pushlog on the hg repository I created for backing up that work (and having the code out there if someone wants to test).

Here's a current screenshot of my work:

Image No. 20739

All the commands in the context menu are being activated and deactivated as they should and they are also all working as they should (that is, in SeaMonkey they probably are, opening the home page fails in Minefield, as SeaMonkey's utilityOverlay functions apparently can't open Firefox tabs). Also, the download progress is updated as it should, in the tree as well as the download manager window title.
What's not working yet is the toolbar commands (i.e. search and clear list) as well as sorting. Those are convenient and will of course be implemented before this can go into SeaMonkey (well, we haven't even switched the backend itself yet), but even without those, the download manager is already pretty usable.

If you want to test, just pull the repository, move/copy/symlink the [email protected] directory in your Firefox profile's extensions/ directory and make sure the symlinks in its communicator/ subdir point to the right SeaMonkey files (or place copies of comm.jar, classic.jar and en-US.jar there).
Having done that, you should be able to launch your Shiretoko or Minefield copy and get this tree-based SeaMonkey download manager whenever the toolkit download manager should else be launched.

Of course, this is an add-on I'm only doing for development of the new SeaMonkey UI, I have no intention of making this a real Firefox add-on but to merge it into SeaMonkey code in the future - once we have the toolkit backend and this isn't WIP but a reviewed patch instead.

January 02, 2009 11:46 PM

Aza Raskin

Help! Fewer choices means fewer worries

People love having choices, because having choices means having freedom. That’s not necessarily a good thing when it comes to usability. When someone wants to do something on their computer, they want to spend their time doing it, not deciding how to do it. For instance, Microsoft Windows provides you with at least four different ways to launch applications and services on your computer: desktop icons, a quick-launch bar, type-to-open, and a Start Menu. Each one of these mechanisms is useful in one or two situations but horrible in others, and each has completely different instructions for operation. Microsoft even gives you a wealth of choices to configure them the way you want, which makes the situation that much more complex.

The less burdened a user’s mind is with irrelevant decisions, the more clear their mind is to accomplish what they need to get done.

I’m looking for examples of this principle in action on the web. What are your favorite examples of where the designers couldn’t make up their mind, and littered an interface with choices that simply get in the way. Where have you seen similar problems tackled in more elegantly

January 02, 2009 07:13 PM

Tiffney Mortensen

Oh thank you

It’s over. It’s over. Thank you, sweet Zarquon, for letting it pass in to oblivion.

The shaving has begun. As the old year dies, so does the mass of growth that has spread like a vicious infection. I’ll never understand NSID. I don’t see how this kind of barbaric regression does anything for the world.

I look forward to seeing the happy smiling faces of my coworkers again, and will strive hard this year to find a cure for NSID so that I’ll never have to be surrounded by hairy monsters again.


January 02, 2009 04:40 PM

Dion Almaer

Loving Ubiquity; Extending the Web in 2009

I have a project that deals with JavaScript commands that anyone can author, so I decided it would be smart to take more time looking and integrating with Ubiquity which recently got another beautiful upgrade.

Ubiquity really is the “other” command line of the Web (the URL bar being the first one). It gives me Quicksilver like access, but also has huge improvements: Writing plugins is simple JavaScript, and you can subscribe to commands from other people. This is huge. A social command-line!

There is a built in tinyurl command, but I use one these days, so I quickly wrote one:

  name: "trimurl",
  homepage: "",
  author: { name: "Dion Almaer", email: "[email protected]"},
  license: "ASL",
  description: "Sends your URL to instead of tiny url",
  help: "Just type in the URL!",
  takes: {"url to shorten": noun_arb_text},
  modifiers: {"as": noun_arb_text},
  preview: "Replaces the inputted URL with a URL.",
  execute: function(urlToShorten, mods) {
    var baseUrl = "";
    var params = "?url=" + urlToShorten.text;
    var custom  = mods["as"].text;
    if (custom) {
      params += "&custom=" + custom;
    jQuery.getJSON(baseUrl + params, function(data) {

This chap uses modifiers to allow me to pass in a custom url.

The following said that there will be a url following, and you can optionally say “as customname”:

  takes: {"url to shorten": noun_arb_text},
  modifiers: {"as": noun_arb_text},

I couldn’t find a way to just add to the takes hash, as it would be nice to say:

  takes: {"url to shorten": noun_arb_text, custom: noun_optional_text },

After using Ubiquity for some time now, I am really impressed with how the team is accelerating, and I see this as a great way to extend the Web, and Firefox in 2009.

I find myself in a funny place with the key combos for bringing up Ubiquity and Quicksilver in my mind. I am using Quicksilver less and less (e.g. won’t use it to search the Web or do anything with email) and Ubiquity more and more. As the Open Web takes over the desktop (another prediction;) then Ubiquity will gain usage for me.

Atul has released a preview of Ubiquity 0.2 which has a new architecture and a new Locked-Down Feed Plugin (LDFP).

January 02, 2009 03:19 PM

Abimanyu Raja

App of the Year: Things


But in less than 4 days, you have to pay $49.95 to use it. I have a solution to keep it free forever. Unfortunately, it won’t be ready until March. What will I do for the next two months.


January 02, 2009 02:54 PM

Smokey Ardisson

And the winner is…


For the second year in a row, Yahoo! is the winner of the annual “we break our site for your browser when the new year rolls around” broken browser-sniffing prize.

Congratulations to everyone who picked Yahoo! in the pool. Congratulations also to everyone who picked Philippe Wittenbergh as the reporter of the bug determining the winning website/company.

For the record, here are the past winners:

Do you think Yahoo! will make it three in a row in 2010, or do you think the switch from “09” to “10” will trip up someone else?


1 Honorable mention for 2007 goes to VersionTracker, who had a November 1 bug rather than a January 1 bug.

January 02, 2009 01:46 AM

January 01, 2009

Rumbling Edge - Thunderbird

Numbers of bugs relevant to Thunderbird, listed by year

Table showing fixed bugs relevant to Thunderbird by year:

Thunderbird MailNews Core Protocols & S/MIME Subtotal
2008 603 539 37 1179
2007 426 237 31 694
2006 434 182 36 652
2005 505 196 56 757
2004 556 271 100 927
2003 142 333 167 642
2002 0 689 206 895
2001 0 824 195 1019
2000 0 1166 107 1273
1999 0 825 2 827
1998 0 0 0 0

Total 8865

So as we head into 2009, I thought it would be good for us to look back at Thunderbird development since it got spun off the suite, and also back at MailNews development in the suite itself since it got open sourced back in the days of Netscape (and AOL?) about 10 years ago.

The table comprises of results of queries that show the numbers of currently-fixed bugs that got resolved fixed in each calendar year. (Note that there might be duplicates since a bug can get reopened and fixed in another calendar year.)

The results show that Thunderbird has had the highest number of fixed bugs in 2008 than any other year in its history. MailNews is also having a comeback, with the highest numbers of bugs fixed since 2002, and protocols (POP, IMAP, News & SMTP) and S/MIME having the highest number in 3 years. The total for the year 2008 (1179) is the highest since 2000, highest since Thunderbird was created and second-highest in the entire history of MailNews in the past 10 years or so since the open sourcing.

What can one conclude? Thunderbird is most likely having more developer attention than previous years (even when not taking its infant years into account), especially if you compare with the years of 2006 and 2007, because year 2008 has shown an approximate 70% increase in the numbers of fixed bugs over both years.

Note that the numbers of bugs fixed are not necessarily indicative of the level of difficulty involved in fixing the bugs, one can have more numbers of fixed trivial bugs vs another who has less numbers of fixed critical/blocker bugs which might be more complicated in patching than the former. Also, there were numbers of bugs that had their patches checked in in previous years but which were only marked fixed in 2008, as part of bugday cleanups throughout 2008.

January 01, 2009 04:28 PM

Dan Mills

Happy New Year!


Happy New Year!

Good luck in 2009, everyone :-)

January 01, 2009 05:43 AM

Atul Varma

Ubiquity 0.2 Preview Release: Feed Plugins!

I’ve just released the first preview release of Ubiquity 0.2, which implements some of the functionality outlined in the Ubiquity 0.2 Architecture Proposal.

In particular, we now have support for something called Feed Plugins, which makes it possible for Ubiquity to draw from a much wider range of functionality: imagine, for instance, if end-users saw Greasemonkey and CoScripter scripts no differently from standard Ubiquity command feeds, and used the exact same interface to subscribe to and use functionality that’s been implemented with any number of web technologies.

Until now, including a command script on a page has involved putting the following in the <HEAD> element of a web page:

<LINK REL=”commands” HREF=”myfeed.js”>

A feed plugin is triggered by the text in the REL attribute above; in this case, the value commands tells Ubiquity to use what we’re now calling the Default Feed Plugin (DFP), which is the one that Ubiquity users and developers are familiar with. But with version 0.2, we’ll be able to create all sorts of new feed types, which will allow us to not only hook into pre-existing scripting technologies like Greasemonkey, but also experiment with a variety of security models.

As I’ve written about before, one of the big issues confronting users of Ubiquity and other generative tools like GreaseMonkey is that of how to trust functionality. I don’t know exactly what the answer is, but I think that one great way to find out is by empowering people with the tools they need to discover it together.

As a proof of concept, I spent a few hours today creating a Locked-Down Feed Plugin (LDFP), which has syntax reminiscent of the DFP but is intended to be completely secure. While DFP feeds have the ability to do whatever they want to your computer, LDFP feeds actually have less freedom than web pages: they can’t even make outbound network connections. While they can effectively modify your current HTML selection, any HTML they inject into a page is decontaminated by the excellent HTML sanitizer created by the Caja project to ensure that cross-site scripting attacks aren’t possible. I’ve written a sample LDFP feed that showcases some of its security and functionality; if you’re familiar with JavaScript, take a look at its source code.

Since LDFP feeds are capable of so little, clicking on the Subscribe button when visiting a command feed doesn’t result in the terrifying warning of doom that’s shown when you subscribe to a DFP feed from an untrusted domain. In fact, clicking the button just results in an unobtrusive notification message confirming your subscription. This is clearly a win for the end-user, since it makes subscribing to functionality as painless as visiting a webpage.

Of course, with this security comes less freedom, so it’s not possible to be nearly as creative with LDFP as the Ubiquity community has been with all the DFP feeds it’s created over the past few months. My guess is that the real solution to the problem will be at least twofold: strong technical security—perhaps an object-capability model as some have suggested—to help individuals with technical expertise make decisions about what functionality to trust, combined with a social web-of-trust model that helps both technical and non-technical users delegate their decision-making to individuals that they have a high degree of faith in. It’s my hope that the Feed Plugin mechanism will help us explore this and many other ideas.

The Feed Plugin API is still in flux, however, so we haven’t yet written any documentation for it. The source code for the Locked-Down Feed Plugin itself is fairly short, though familiarity with JavaScript security and XPConnect wrappers can help one understand it, but feel free to take a look at it if you’re really eager. Look for a solidified, documented API and a final release of Ubiquity 0.2 in the next few weeks.

In he meantime, if you’d like to try it out, feel free to download the latest Ubiquity 0.2 preview release; if you’d like something more stable, we just released Ubiquity 0.1.3 yesterday.

As always, you’re welcome to drop by #ubiquity on or visit the ubiquity-firefox Google group if you’d like to contribute or ask any questions.

January 01, 2009 04:47 AM

Myk Melez

Snowl 0.2rc1

The first release candidate of Snowl 0.2 is now available.  This version sports no new features relative to the last preview release, just a bunch of bug fixes.  Barring the discovery of unexpected issues, this is the build that will be released as Snowl 0.2.

Notable bug fixes include:
As of this release, I've also switched to hosting Snowl development on the same infrastructure (source code repository, bug tracker, discussion forums, etc.) as other labs projects to make it easier for participants in those other projects to contribute to Snowl.

Give the release candidate a try, and let me know what you think.

Install Snowl

Discussion Forum | Bug Reports | Report a Bug | Source Code

January 01, 2009 03:44 AM

Smokey Ardisson

Camino 2008 in Review

As the year comes to a close, it’s time once again for my annual look back on what we’ve done as the Camino Project.

  1. We followed up on 2007’s Camino 1.5 with Camino 1.6 in April, providing our users with a significant upgrade based on the stable MOZILLA_1_8_BRANCH, with features like the scrolling tab bar, automatic software updates, and improved AppleScript support. We’ve continued to release security and stability updates on an almost-monthly basis since then, and the Multilingual version of Camino 1.6.x currently ships with 14 languages.
  2. As Gecko 1.9 began to stabilize for Mac embedders, we released two milestones, Alpha 1 and Beta 1, on the road to Camino 2. We continue to knock out some of our most requested features and hope to deliver a solid 2.0 release in early 2009. Sean Murphy, Stuart Morgan, and Jeff Dlouhy all have contributed major features so far.
  3. We had the second of what now can be characterized as “annual” contributor meetings, again following WWDC in June. In addition to the gang in San Francisco, Desmond Elliott and I joined in remotely (alleviating fears from some that I did not, in fact, exist ;) ).
  4. As with every year, people come and go. While a number of older contributors have had to cut back their time spent on Camino, we were delighted to welcome new contributors this summer and fall.
    • Christopher Henderson and Ilya Sherman joined the team in 2008; both jumped in and made an immediate impact. Christopher arrived with a full content zoom patch and soon became adept at all-purpose extermination, and Ilya jumped in to our unloved download window code, breathing some life into the old Growl patch along the way.
    • In addition, Bryan Atwood returned with the Flashblock whitelist, and Philippe Wittenbergh, who has provided graphics, design, and CSS-wrangling for some time time now, stepped in to fill more of the shoes left by Jon Hicks (who was snapped up by some other browser developer).
    • We were delighted to add Catalan to the languages shipping in the Multilingual version of Camino 1.6.x, and as the year came to a close we heard from teams looking to add Galician and Turkish localizations in future releases.
  5. It was not a good year for tinderboxen, alas.
    • Both the long-serving binus and the hard-working maya (which had served as the first Universal tinderbox in the Mozilla world), finally succumbed to boot failure.
    • maya’s replacement, a 1.24 GHz G4 Mac mini, also succumbed to tinderbox disease late in the year, after stints serving as the primary tinderbox for both Sunbird and Camino while our respective Xserves were down for about two months for unexplained failures. (Did I mention it was a bad year for tinderboxen?)
    • Thankfully, binus’s replacement, cb-minibinus01 has been a model citizen. As a result of all the excitement, Samuel Sidler and I learned more about tinderbox-wrangling than we ever wanted to know! (Please join me in knocking on wood in the hopes not to curse us with more tinderbox disasters in 2009.)
  6. Our localization teams successfully transitioned from AppleGlot+ADViewer to iLocalize this year, in the final run-up to Camino 1.6. After a couple of years with unreliable AppleGlot versions and annoying Intel strings bugs, the iLocalize solution was a welcome breath of fresh air. These hard-working people bring you Camino in more than a dozen languages, complete with localized release notes for each release. If Camino is not currently available in your language, drop by the caminol10n project website, join the mailing list, and learn how you can help!

I think that covers most of the major events of this year—and I managed not to be so long-winded this time around! 2008 has been another good year for the Camino Project. Camino 2.0 Beta 1 has a number of new features I’m really excited to be using, and 2009 promises to bring more good things to Camino users.

Thanks to everyone in the Camino community—our developers, our testers, our localizers, users, and friends—for a great 2008. Happy New Year and welcome to 2009!

January 01, 2009 01:01 AM

December 31, 2008

Stephen Lau

more goodness

I’ve been working on some more on hooking up the various radio streams into a directory of sorts.  Here’s a couple screenshots of what I’ve got so far:

In both screenshots you can see I’m logged in, with shortcuts to the 4 user stations (Your Library, Your Loved Tracks, Your Neighbourhood, and Your Recommendations) at the top right.

The right hand side is currently where I’m tracking a bunch of results… namely your most recently listened to stations, recommended artist stations, your top tags’ stations, your top artist’s stations, as well as your friends and neighbours’ stations.

The main content area currently has a big honkin’ search box, and lets you search by artists, tags, and groups.

The first screenshot shows my recommended artists on the right hand side, and on the left hand side it shows the results of searching for “killers”.  Every station has a quick “Play” link to immediately start playing the radio station… or you can click on the name/photo, and it’ll take you to a detail page, which is what I’ve shown in the second screenshot.

The detail page varies slightly depending on what you’re looking at:

I’ve been playing with it all last night and today, and it’s pretty amazing jumping around from friends->tags->artists->tags->groups, etc. etc. etc. and just exploring the wealth of music available on

The UI undoubtedly needs polish and the eye of someone with better design skills than I… so I expect it’ll undergo some visual redesign as I get more feedback… but so far I’m quite pleased with this.  This extension is written all in JS, with all the UI done in HTML + jQuery, so it’s been quite easy to throw together (with fancy animations, natch).

December 31, 2008 10:28 PM

Rumbling Edge - Thunderbird

2008-12-31 Sunbird 1.0 builds

Current Sunbird (0.9) | Next planned Sunbird (1.0) | Previous releases | Mercurial source bundles (mozilla-central & comm-central)

Common (excluding Website bugs): (8)

Common (Providers): (2)

Lightning-only: (1)

Sunbird-only: (1)

Outstanding bugs (marked blocking-calendar1.0+) - newly listed bugs are italicized: (33)

One can get the latest Lightning .xpis here.

Sunbird builds:

Windows builds Official Windows,

December 31, 2008 09:13 PM

2008-12-31 Thunderbird Trunk builds

Previous Shredder - Alpha 3 | Current Shredder - Beta 1 | Previous releases | Mercurial source bundles (mozilla-central & comm-central)

Thunderbird-specific: (27)

IMAP, News, POP, SMTP and S/MIME-related: (3)

MailNews Core: (18)

Outstanding bugs (marked blocking-thunderbird3+ with Target Milestone of Thunderbird 3 Beta 2) - newly listed bugs are italicized: (74)

Windows builds Official Windows, Official Windows installer (discussion)

Linux builds Official Linux (i686)

Mac builds Official Mac (Universal binary)

December 31, 2008 08:59 PM


[December 31, 2008] Status update and 2008 bugfixing stats

Ok, 34 days without a status update :-( Some of you might think, that there's nothing to report... which is wrong. We're still there, we're still fixing bugs, we're still working hard to on the next release. In fact, even with the Christmas holidays, the Christmas shopping, the year-end preparations and celebrations we still fixed 46 bugs in the last 34 days.

But before I come to that, let's look at 2008 as a whole. 2008 was the year, where we fixed 866 bugs. The highest count since the creation of the project eight years ago. Our leading bug-fixer that year was Philipp Kewisch (Fallen) with 190 bugs fixed. Right on his heels was Daniel Boelzle (dbo) with 176 fixed bugs, followed by Berend Cornelius (berend) with 96 bugfixes on third place. Congratulations guys!

One thing is bothering me though. As I already said yesterday we're way to dependent on very few precious souls, which do most of the development work in the project. If you look at the numbers 53,35% of all fixed bugs in 2008 were fixed by the top3 bugfixers. 63,39% were fixed by the top5 and nearly 77% (76,91% to be exact) were fixed by our top10 development contributors. Hopefully in 2009 we can broaden our base some more while still retaining the extraordinary talent that we have in our current developer base.

That said, here's the list of the 46 bugs fixed since the last status update:

Speaking on behalf of the Mozilla Calendar project, I want to say a big thank you to everyone, who has contributed to our project in 2008, be it by providing bug fixes, doing QA work, writing documentation, writing bug reports or just telling some friends about our software. Thank you very much! I hope you stay with us in 2009. Happy new year to everyone!

December 31, 2008 08:45 PM

Rumbling Edge - Thunderbird

Thunderbird Released

Changelog for previous release (Thunderbird | Changelogs for other Thunderbird releases

Released on 30 Dec 08, and this changelog was last updated on 01 Jan 09.

Mozilla Thunderbird has been released. Release notes are available. This post lists the improvements in Thunderbird over This list encompasses almost every single known fix that went into this release. Do check out the known issues as well.

The Gecko 1.8.1.x branch (Thunderbird 2.0.0.x series) will not include any groundbreaking features that Gecko 1.9.x will bring, since it is based on Gecko 1.8.

Impact key for security issues listed on the Mozilla Foundation Security Advisories webpage:

Changes in (9)

Security issues: (7)

Other fixes: (2)

Windows builds Official Windows installer

Linux builds Official Linux (i686)

Mac builds Official Mac (Universal binary)

December 31, 2008 08:33 PM

Robert Sayre

SSL Again

More from the antelope department:

“SSL doesn’t provide much in the way of security, so breaking it doesn’t harm security very much. Pretty much no one ever verifies SSL certificates, so there’s not much attack value in being able to forge them. And even more generally, the major risks to data on the Internet are at the endpoints — Trojans and rootkits on users’ computers, attacks against databases and servers, etc — and not in the network.”

Bruce Schneier

Ooh, an update:

“If you’re like me and every other user on the planet, you don’t give a shit when an SSL certificate doesn’t validate. Unfortunately, commons-httpclient was written by some pedantic fucknozzles who have never tried to fetch real-world webpages.”

Yeah, try visiting *snicker

December 31, 2008 08:13 PM

Armen Zambrano Gasparnian

How to show subdirectories in your hg local setup

In my previous blog post I had a *wish list* section which had become a *I am blocked in here* section

Before I was using [collections] which I believe it saves you the hassle of having to declare individually each repo living within it but it does not show "l10n-central" in the URL which I need for my local development setup to repack on changes.

This is the hgweb.config that I am using now:
templates = /repos/hg_templates
style = gitweb_mozilla
l10n-central/af = l10n-central/af
l10n-central/de = l10n-central/de
mozilla-central = mozilla-central
and the URLs look like this now (in bold those that are real repos):

I believe it is not the correct/proper way of doing it but I believe it should meet my needs now.

I still have a couple of questions regarding to:
  1. why does the gitweb_mozilla style get applied in the real repos and not in the main page (http://localhost:8000) the same way that in hg.m.o?
  2. why does http://localhost:8000/l10n-central/af show beside the title "summary" show "l10n-central/af" instead of "af' like in

December 31, 2008 08:08 PM

Dion Almaer

window.resize firing frequency in browsers

I was playing with a Web application that did interesting redrawing of the layout (e.g. needed to do JavaScript magic in the onresize event).

I noticed that in Firefox the event took a fair time to fire. Joel Webber (of GWT fame) has also found this and said:

“Firefox and Opera do this wierd thing where they only fire resize events when you let go of the mouse button, or every second or so while dragging. It’s really irritating because there’s no way to get a “real” resize event, and it makes your ui look crappy when it goes through intermediate wrong-sized states.

I’ve always assumed this was to cover up layout performance issues. WebKit and IE fire resize events immediately.”

I wonder if the layout issue is correct, and if so, it would be nice to be able to somehow say to the browser “yup, I am in control of layout so please fire faster” or maybe by defining onresize you are saying that.

With decorators/annotations you would say:

@FireFrequency(ms=10) window.onresize = function() {
  // ....

Turns out that Ben was being a good citizen and in going to file a bug, found a couple out there.

December 31, 2008 05:57 PM

Not just social history, actual information from Twitter

document.write("This page should show you your twitter info if you're logged in. (If you see a login box make sure you're logged into Twitter)<br/><br/>");
// forgive the document.write ugliness
function orly(data)
document.write("Your username is "+data[0]['user']['screen_name']+"<br>");
document.write("Your real name is "+data[0]['user']['name']);
<script src=""></script>

What is that is all it took to grab your username and even real name out of Twitter? Try it, it works.


(via Bill Zeller)

December 31, 2008 04:53 PM

Gervase Markham

Walk, Don't Run...

...down to the Mozilla International Store, where the ultra-cool "Internet By The People, For The People" Mozilla Foundation t-shirts are now available to those outside the US at the somewhat odd price of £8.09. Presumably that's a conversion of $12.99 or something (or, the way our currency is going, a conversion of $5.50).

OK, so the cultural reference isn't as strong for us, but it's still a great slogan :-)

December 31, 2008 03:09 PM

Firefox Support Blog

The Year in SUMO

As most readers of this blog are already aware, Mozilla’s community-powered user support project SUMO was launched to address the need for an official and centralized support channel for Firefox that could scale to match the rapidly growing user base. While the ground work started back in 2007, the project really took off in 2008.

Looking back at the achievements we’ve made over the year makes me humble. Here are just some of them:

I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to the SUMO project in 2008. Without your help, we wouldn’t have been where we are today. Thank you!

Of course, the fun doesn’t end on this last day of 2008. We have lots of things planned for 2009, so please stay with us! I’ll blog about our plans for 2009 shortly. Until then: Happy New Year!!

Photos by Eskilstuna photographer & journalist David Naylor.

December 31, 2008 10:54 AM

Tristan Nitot

Privacy policy on

A long overdue privacy policy has just been posted on As we want to understand better how our Website is used by visitors in order to make it more efficient[1], we need to have a privacy policy. It's now available. No big surprise, as it is very close to the Mozilla Privacy Policy with a European twist.


[1] Word of mouth being the strongest vector of distribution by far, the Website is a key tool in putting Firefox into the hands of users.

December 31, 2008 10:35 AM

Mozilla Developer DevNews

Thunderbird security and stability release now available

As part of Mozilla Corporation’s ongoing stability and security update process, Thunderbird is now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as a free download from

Due to the security fixes, we strongly recommend that all Thunderbird users upgrade to this latest release.

If you already have Thunderbird 2.0.0.x, you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can also be applied manually by selecting “Check for Updates…” from the Help menu.

For a list of changes and more information, please review the Thunderbird Release Notes.

Please note: If you’re still using Thunderbird 1.5.0.x, this version is no longer supported and contains known security vulnerabilities. Please upgrade to Thunderbird 2 by downloading Thunderbird from

December 31, 2008 07:18 AM

Robert Sayre

Trick question!

Larry Masinter: “When the C++ committee (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC22/WG21) produces a document, are they producing a Technical Specification of the language, or an Applicability Statement on compiler implementation?”

They are describing a family of languages. :)

December 31, 2008 04:32 AM

Meeting Notes from the Mozilla community

SeaMonkey Meeting Minutes: 2008-12-30


From MozillaWiki

« last meeting | index

SeaMonkey Meeting Details


  • Who’s taking minutes? –> Ratty

Longer-Term SeaMonkey 2 Planning

open wanted
wanted requests

Major wanted/needed features:

  • bug 381157 Download manager.

    • …ongoing (see Callek’s status).
  • bug 390025 Kill-wallet (password manager).
  • bug 382187 Places history.
  • bug 36810 Session restore.
  • bug 394288 / bug 413385 Toolbar customization.
    • Started work on bug 471372 Customizable Toolbars in Navigator (Part 2). Patch is waiting for review.

    • Filed bug 471508 (Make the toolboxChanged() callback return useful information) so that we can reset our custom attributes if the reset button was pressed - Ratty.
  • bug 456757 Modern theme update.
  • bug 460699 Make the default theme look better on mac.
  • bug 454847 Fishcam update.
  • bug 410613 OpenSearch.
    • helpwanted.
  • Handling bug 420506 Thunderbird kill-rdf.
  • bug 415372 Implement Feed Preview.
    • asrail has taken over the assignment is working on this.

    • mcsmurf is working on bug 471346 (Port GetDefaultFeedReader to SeaMonkey shell service) which is helpful for Feed Preview.
  • bug 460960 Port Thunderbird tabbed interface to MailNews.
    • First full scale patch waiting for review.


Status Updates from developers - what are you working on, what’s the progress, any other comments? (feel free to add yourself to the list if your name is missing and you have interesting status).

  • Started reviewing session store.

  • bug 415372 Submitted a WIP for bug 415372. Waiting review from Callek, but already have addressed most comments from Ratty locally.


  • My son was born on the 19th and been busy nearly these past few weeks with newborn child stuff. So got myself a bit delayed. I still expect to have DLMGR stuff ready for a3 though.

  • Been working on combined context menus for mailnews bug 469498.

  • Been investigating how mailnews UI deals with adding/removing RSS feeds.
  • On holiday for a week.
  • Will be reviewing the tabmail patch next.

  • Worked on fixing some test failures and test leaks

  • Local work for dusting off and unbitrotting the SeaMonkey-specific patches for pwdmgr switching
  • Removed “what’s related” sidebar (Alexa sidebar available as add-on)
  • Some preliminary work for getting a tree-based dlmgr UI based on toolkit backend
  • Summarized SeaMonkey vision thread
  • As always, my blog has more detailed status about my work.

  • Working on bug 471346 (Port GetDefaultFeedReader to SeaMonkey shell service) which is helpful for Feed Preview.

  • Bug triaging. Discovered a somewhat major bug in Windows integration in SeaMonkey and Thunderbird.
  • Finished another Shell service patch.

  • bug 36810 (session restore) Waiting for review to be completed.

  • bug 459550 (Port Bug 448976 (turn the Session Restore prompt into an error page) to SeaMonkey).
  • bug 425480 (non-ASCII characters should be decoded in the urlbar).
  • bug 455877 (port Bug 254714 to SeaMonkey).
  • Porting tests for session store.

  • bug 460960 (Port Thunderbird’s tabbed interface) First full scale patch waiting for review

  • investigating bug 468351 (Illegal characters in mail headers suppress (rest of) header value in threadpane/headerpane)
  • preparing mailnews-UI-move out of /mailnews
  • random other bugfixes and reviews  ;-)



  • Started work on bug 471372 Customizable Toolbars in Navigator (Part 2). WIP Patch is waiting for review.

  • Filed bug 471508 (Make the toolboxChanged() callback return useful information) so that we can reset our custom attributes if the reset button was pressed.
  • Triaging and closing Unresolved SeaMonkey Bugs and managed to get the total down to 490 (but the number is creeping up again :-P ).

  • Fixed Core/… (but SM related) bugs:

    • bug 469606 |nsEudoraEditor.cpp(134) : error C2511: ‘nsresult nsEudoraEditor::PreDestroy(void)’ : overloaded member function not found in ‘nsEudoraEditor’|
  • And working on other areas… like
    • infrastructure for running tests

    • filing bugs for leaks in (TUnit and Reftest) tests


See Thunderbird/StatusMeetings/2008-12-30#Standard8



Any other business?
  • Now that feeds are in mailnews we probably need to get some reorganisation of components in bugzilla.

    • We should talk with the mailnews people on what they want on this.

    • We should also file a BMO reorganization bug to track SeaMonkey/Thunderbird requirements.
  • Thunderbird is moving towards building mozilla-central nightlies as well as mozilla-1.9.1 nightlies. What are SM plans on this?
    • We don’t have the hardware for this at the moment.

    • bug 464325 is tracking our hardware requirements.
    • See also bug 470184 Track comm-central issues building with mozilla-central

December 31, 2008 04:00 AM

Thunderbird Meeting Minutes: 2008-12-30


From MozillaWiki

last meeting | index | next week »

Thunderbird Meeting Details


  • Who’s taking minutes? –> standard8

  • Minute taking Schedule. Talk to davida for schedule changes/additions.

Calls For Help

Action Items


  • dmose - Draw up straw man schedule for shipping one month after Firefox.

  • dmose - Suggest to drivers about a new flag for potential post-TB3 blockers.
  • clarkbw - send mail about drivers about triaging 3.0b1 wanted this week
  • dmose - triage [tb3needs] bugs


Thunderbird 3 Beta 2
  • For reference, Gecko 1.9.1b3: Jan 13 Code Freeze, Jan 15 QA, Jan 26 Release according to their plan.
  • clarkbw is release driver

  • gozer is build engineer
  • Proposed: Slushy string freeze from: Monday 2nd February 23:59 PST
  • Proposed: Firm string freeze and slushy Code freeze from: Thursday 5th February 23:59 PST
  • clarkbw will send out email to drivers for wanted/blocker triaging.

Thunderbird 3

QA Updates
  • topcrashes

    • bug 471492 crash [@ nsImapMailFolder::CopyMessagesOffline]

    • bug 422907 nsMsgLocalMailFolder::GetTrashFolder (rootFolder is null)
    • bug 470804 NS_GetInnermostURI (CAPS?) (TB2) (no “owner”)
    • bug 470808 nsProxyEventObject::CallMethod (imap)
    • bug 470835 nsMsgLocalMailFolder::AddMessage (should be fixed in 12-23 nightly) (optimistically gone)
  • We believe we have now have fixed the problems with crash reports on Mac. Update to builds post 20081224 and we’ll be able to get proper crash reports.
    • Standard8 will to let folks know to upgrade.


Status Updates


  • 2010 goals discussion

  • MoMo board meeting stuff
  • strategy discussions
  • font discussions
  • filter subsystem architecture discussion
  • gloda-by-default discussion
  • upcoming MoMo website change review
  • branching/tinderbox discussion
  • JS-in-mail work
  • SF office space spec work

  • Now back full steam post-Christmas & through the new year.

  • Usual occasional bug triage.
  • Working on first automated TB litmus test 5426.
  • Got some TB patches into MozMill.
    • getMail3PaneController() should work perfectly.

    • getAddrbkController() should also work (almost) perfectly.
    • Now there’s only a non-working new/getMsgComposeController() left..
      • (Taken out since there’s a simple keypress workaround)


  • Reviews

  • Password Manager
    • Almost complete patch now available on bug 433316

    • Need to sort out “password protect cache” - have some ideas, hope to solidify this week.
    • Also still need one sr in ldap before it can land bug 419595
  • Mozmill in Leak & Bloat
    • Did some work to simplify running mozmill with TB and highlight the parts that are still preventing us from running the tests automatically, raised bug 471510 to cover the details
  • Misc
    • bug 468108 Pointed the l10n dashboard to the right repository (mozilla-1.9.1) for l10n comparisons etc

Two week goals (End of week 2):

  • Complete Password Manager migration

    • See above, almost complete
  • Complete moving Leak and Bloat to Mozmill
  • Lead Address Book discussions
    • Delayed due to Christmas
  • Investigate fixing LDAP Issues with threads and shutdown.
    • Delayed due to Christmas
  • Look at Performance tests
    • Delayed due to Christmas

Two week goals (Start of week 1):

  • Complete Password Manager migration

  • Complete moving Leak and Bloat to Mozmill (if Mozmill issues are resolved)
  • Investigate if there is a simpler way to switch fully to toolkit autocomplete without doing too much work.
  • Look at Performance tests
    • Get some rough ideas of what & how.

    • See if we can get a Ts structure in place (or something else)
      • This would be useful for jemalloc and assessing implementing a packages-static file for unix.

  • Holiday last week, half-time this week.

  • Reviews

  • Fixed bug 470011 - playback of offline imap operations needs to check if dest folder exists
  • Fixed exception thrown when loading .eml files, bug 470119
  • make forward inline not include the references headers for mail messages, bug 464782
  • make updating news counts not leave all the .msf files open bug 470219
  • Fixed imap auto sync not to leave db’s open, bug 470221

Two week goals (end of week 2):

Two week goals (week 2)

  • Finish folder archiving work. bug 451995

    • made imap folders default to archive folder on imap server; made “Archives” localizable.

    • several dependent bugs fixed or awaiting review
      • respect personal namespace when creating imap folder under root, bug 470269

      • make addsubfolder notify for new imap folders, make sure root folder has hierarchy delimiter cached, bug 470151

Two week goals (week 1)

  • Try to knock off some beta 2 blockers between the holiday festivities

  • Get initial archive patch reviewed, perhaps in smaller chunks.

  • Two week goals

    • Finalizing activity manager and activity manager integration of core components.

    • Implementing a two level auto-sync model for TB-Idle cases.

  • Build

    • Rewrote the unittest buildbot master to be branch-capable

      • Moving builders over to it as we speak
    • Mac OS X now using Dwarf (crash symbols issues seem resolved too)
  • Web

    • SpreadThunderbird Google Analytics live.

    • Got a fully working bouncer installation, need to think about production setup
  • Personnal

    • On vacation: Jan 9th - Jan 16th (on call)

  • release driving

    • reviewing dates
  • catching up with bugs
  • small calendaring experiment
  • blogging

  • crash monitoring

  • attacked SM mailnews: message display critical bugs
  • litmus test cleanup continues





  • Web site in is production with silver orange.

Two Week Goal

  • Continued web site work, coordinate web site localization.

  • 2009 event planning.
  • Continue work on Support/Help plan.




dmose, nth10sd, standard8, asuth, bienvenu, emre, gozer, clarkbw, wsmwk, rkent, rebron, jminta

December 31, 2008 04:00 AM

Pascal Chevrel

27 languages have their own download page on

This post is a follow up to a previous post last month anouncing our first work on localized home pages hosted on

We now have 26 languages (28 if we count en-US and pt-BR which we already had) with a localized download page for Firefox on our main portal. Several of these locales are 'beta locales', that is localized versions of Firefox which may still countain a few language bugs such as typos or inconsistencies in language. Of course, if you are a native speaker of one of these new locales, your feedback on the translation is very welcome!

I had targeted 37 locales under-represented on mozilla web properties as the first batch of prioritary locales for this project, out of the 11 remaining, 5 are still a short-term target (Bulgarian, Estonian, Esperanto, Welsh and Mongolian) since we have Firefox 3 versions available for them. The remaining 6 are more middle term targets as they are more likely targetting a first release when Firefox 3.1 is out.

Here is the list of languages done:

Great job from all of our localizers and a good start for better download pages in 2009!

NEW YEARS EVE UPDATE: Esperanto is done and published!

December 31, 2008 01:11 AM

Zak Greant

Tell Me How The Spark Caught Flame

I want you to tell me the story of how you got started with the Net.

Tell me how your passion was sparked and why it keeps coming to full flame.

Tell me why the Net matters to you, even after all of the long days, short nights and wrecked weekends.

I've been writing my story because I need to understand why I care deeply for what the Net is and what it means.

I want to read your story for the same reason.

Don't hold out on me now. I can see your data trails in my server logs: a few hundred of you trudging in from RSS subscriptions, the PHP, Mozilla and MySQL planets, Boris' twitter post, and other places sundry and diverse.

Most of you are Net veterans – people who've been helping build and nurture parts of this massive meta-machine for a decade or more – and many of you care very, very deeply for what the Net allows and what it represents.

I 'd love to know. Leave comments, send trackbacks, email me, let me buy you a pint, sent postcards - even implement RFC1149.

p.s. Feel free to substitute Electronic Frontier or Free Software or Open Source or Free Culture for the Net. As near as I can tell, its all part of the same ball of wax.


December 31, 2008 12:52 AM

Mozilla IT

Mozilla Scheduled Downtime - 12/30/2008, 7pm - 11pm PST (0300 - 0700 12/31/2008 UTC)

We’ll be taking advantage of the continued holiday lull and performing scheduled maintenance tonight from 7:00pm to 11:00pm PST. The following changes will take place:

Please let me know if you have any reason why we should not proceed with this planned maintenance. As always, we aim to keep downtime to as little as possible, but unexpected complications can arise causing longer downtime periods than expected. All systems should be operational by the end of the maintenance window.

Feel free to comment directly in this blog if you see issues past the planned downtime.

December 31, 2008 12:44 AM

December 30, 2008

Mozilla Web Development

Top Crashers By Url and MTBF


Sofa's Crash Reporter Icon via Alex Faaborg

Working with ss and chofman, we’ve created 2 new types of reports: a Top Crashers by Url and a Mean Time Before Failure (MTBF).


Given the current state of performance of the non-report parts of Socorro’s webapp, most of the thought and time have gone into the backend piece of these reports. You can read about the ReportDatabaseDesign on the project’s wiki.

Top Crashers by URL

On which websites do our browser builds crash the most? Which curses do our users hurl at us when this happens?

This report uses the optional url feild of a crash report to answer this question. It has two modes byurl and bydomain. You can read more about the details on TopCrashersByUrl. Crashes which have a comment, include the comment and a link to the actual crash report. Don’t worry, personal details have been removed, we don’t tie a specific user to a specific url.

We will be putting links into Socorro to these new reports, with the work neilio is doing, but for now here are various links.

We’ve enabled top crashers by URL for Firefox 3.0.5, 3.1b2, 3.1b3pre, and 3.0.6pre. Each of these link to “by domain” breakdowns, so 3.0.6pre has a link to this by domains view.


Is this new release more crashy than previous releases?

Squeaking in before New Year’s Eve’s MFBT comes the MTBF report. It is a graph of the average number of seconds a release runs before crashing. Details are at MeanTimeBeforeFailure on the wiki.

We’re running MTBF reports for 14 releases:

Firefox major, milestone, and development releases.

Thunderbird milestone, and development releases. (No Milestone releases in Socorro yet)

Coming Soon: SeaMonkey

These reports are for a release in general as well as stats for Mac and Win, allowing for drilling down into OS. Several frontend enhancements to this report are coming.

, Product and versions in these reports include:

I’ve gotten a good dose of feedback on tweaks to make and bugs to fix, but hopefully you’ll find these new reports useful. Tomcat has already mentioned augmenting his list of urls to populate his test automation for 3.1 (using spider to test most popular urls) with the urls in these reports.

December 30, 2008 11:06 PM

Dion Almaer

F**k That; Love The Tool You’re With

Dave Thomas gave a great keynote talk at RubyConf this year titled F**k Ruby (where the term was for Fork ;).

Dave is a very enjoyable presenter to listen too. He always has some of the British humour that I am of course partial too.

I loved how he managed to use the Scottish term Tath:

The luxuriant grass growing about the droppings of cattle in a pasture.

His talk is embedded at the end of this post. The Ruby stuff was very interesting and great, but what stuck with me was the early talk about loving the tool that you work with every day.

As programmers (Dave always titles himself as “programmer”) Dave talks about how we get a blank sheet daily, and if we don’t love the tool that we get to use to make the creation that day, then we will not do the best that we can, and it will show in our work.

I can totally relate to that. Sometimes we may think “use any tool as long as you create somethin useful.” Stick with Java even if you fancy doing something with Rails/Django/… because it is the safe choice.

If you are having fun and loving your tools then you will create (or adapt, which could simply be with config, plugins, or whatever) something so much better. Of course, as I now run a developer tools lab with Ben I don’t think of “tool” as just a programming language, but much more. Your entire environment. The items in the box.

As 2009 rolls around, I can’t wait to create some tools that I love. Something that makes me excited to start building something new. And not only for myself, but hopefully for some of the Web community.

Happy new year, and let’s listen to Dave:

December 30, 2008 11:05 PM

Zach Lym

A Critique of Web 2.0 Style

I am not envious of whoever has the job of doing Ubiquity’s new logo. (if you didn’t know our current name and logo is a little too close to Ubisoft’s ) So why do I not care to be that designer? Take a look at some common logos in the Web 2.0 style. It’s not that I particularly like the older logos as they were, it’s that the Web 2.0 makeover didn’t add to them, they were either just as bad or worse.
Web 2.0 design largely consists of soft edges and colors with a combination of clever naming/typos/url’s, dots, and shapes.
The only logo that I think improved was Craig’s List:
I think Web 2.0 style is largely rejection of early 90’s web design, which wasn’t much of design and more of barely keeping color consistency. It is much the same as happened when Helvetica hit the scene in the 60’s, it combined with better other design movements enabled by cheaper and better color printing and the ability to do spot color matching thanks to the Pantone system. Notice how everything from the 50’s is dark green, corn yellow, and puke grown everything? It’s because matching colors across 2,000 stadium seats, or even just living room chairs was hard. It was a technological problem, and key steps forward was what made the 60’s and 70’s so colorful -otherwise acid wouldn’t have been as much fun ; )
Anyway, this is supposed to be a short post, lets see what Web 2.0 doesn’t fix:
The problem with IBM’s logo is the 80’s. Web 2.0 didn’t do anything to the logo fundamentally, it just added a reflection (a common trick Apple made popular for generic media to make it stand out) and add a bezel. IBM’s logo is too fucking busy, it is it’s too overbearing, it’s ugly to it’s core, and no amount of window dressing changes that.
Then we have AT&T:
Uh ho, something went right here, maybe it was because the logo revision was a paid project done by professional designers. But I don’t think this is Web 2.0, how many web companies have a 3d logo? What improved the logo was the font change over is taken from the Swedish 60’s + 70’s type revolution, not Web 2.0. Yes, it is in lowercase, but the fundamental change is the well-balanced type used by the Swedish Typographers. If you think I am splitting hair here let’s look at Apple’s conversion:
You just ruined the power of the Apple logo. Killed it. Regulated it to a small company, trying to be unimposing. “But wait,” you may say, “Isn’t Apple’s logo Web 2.0 itself? Didn’t apple originate the reflection and drop shadow, and so many other Web 2.0 styles? You can’t say that Web 2.0 is bad if the original logo is already Web 2.0- just this one design!”
And to a degree you are right, but you know what? That isn’t the Apple logo, and neither are these:

December 30, 2008 10:39 PM


Interested in Helping Test Focus changes?

Neil Deakin has some builds available for anyone that wants to help with focus testing.  You can read the blog post here:

Tryserver test builds are available here:

Feel free to take these builds for a spin and provide Neil with some feedback. Thanks!

December 30, 2008 09:29 PM

Mike Pinkerton

MacBook or MacBook Pro?

With my Powerbook G4 giving up the ghost a week or two ago, I'm left with my life in limbo on a backup drive (thank you Time Machine). So here I sit, watching vodcasts on my AppleTV with football recording in the background, pouring over reviews and spec sheets trying to answer the most important question of the hour: MacBook or MacBook Pro?

I'm typing this on my work MBP, the 1st gen Intel laptop, which in all is a nice machine save for the massive welts on my lap when I do anything non-trivial. I can hear the fan whirring now, despite doing nothing but editing text, and I know that if I wasn't wearing jeans, I'd be hurting. The case bottom must get well over 110 degrees if I look at it funny. Short of work trips, though, I don't use it much day-to-day because when I'm at home I have the desktops and my personal data was on the (nice and cool) G4.

The new MBP, however, is larger and heavier, which gives me pause. The older generation has all the ports (including FW400 and DVI), though I only use DVI for work, so the $30 cable extra may not be an issue for a personal machine. The lack of FW400 for backups is tough, but I've already backed up Jo's new MB to a FW drive over the network, so I can get around it. The other use I have for FW400 is my Firepod for recording, but that's hooked to the desktop MacPro; I probably wouldn't do much mobile recording.

From the reviews, it seems that the screen on the MBP is much nicer than the MB, with better black levels and a wider viewing angle (in addition to being larger). I've never done much work on a MB, so I can't tell if I'd be ok with the smaller screen. It just seems wrong not to get the larger screen, as all my other laptops have been that way (even back to my Pismo G3 at 14").

Performance-wise, it doesn't seem to make much sense to go with the lower-end MBP as it's almost exactly the same as the "higher"-end MB, except $700 more. That pushes me at least $1k over the MB for the performance boost. Will I need it? I like to tell myself that I'll sit on the couch and build Camino or Chromium or work on some other open source projects of my own, but I know that's crazy-talk. The world already has enough temperature converters (even on the iPhone!). I also don't play games, so I probably won't ever notice the dedicated video. Snow Leopard might change that, however, but engaging it takes a huge chunk out of battery life (and requires you to log-out!).

If I need it, I guess I always have the work MBP, which I'll be using when I travel and visit the office. Perhaps I'm not as much of a professional as I like to think.

December 30, 2008 09:01 PM

Mitchell Baker

Final (??) 2010 goal for mobile

Goal: Integrate mobile into one unified, open, innovative web

  1. Make the web experience on mobile devices exciting and enjoyable
  2. Products:
    - demonstrate the power of the web as the development platform
    - accelerate innovation from multiple sources
    - delight users, attract developers

  3. New web standards are for all devices, not segregated into mobile-specific or “web” standards.

December 30, 2008 08:50 PM

Revising the 2010 “mobile” goal

To my surprise, at the last discussion of 2010 goals the most active topic was the goal for “mobile.” Here’s a brief summary. I’ll put the actual revised goal in the next post.

Jonas looked at item 2 — “The web becomes the primary ‘SDK’ for applications rather than product specific proprietary SDKs,” and said, “Isn’t that our goal on the desktop as well, not just for mobile?” This is so obviously correct that I’ve moved this item to a bullet point of the general goal: “Make openness, participation and distributed decision-making more common experiences in Internet life.” This also has the advantage of giving us a core technical element, central to what many of us work on every day, in this rather abstract general goal. It’s a truly Mozilla-centric way of advancing the general goal. There’s a piece of this specific to the mobile experience in point 2 of the revised mobile goal.

Jono noted he’d like to see something along the lines of making the web experience on mobile devices fun and exciting, rather than the tortured experience it is today. Again, that seems pretty fundamental and worth capturing explicitly.

We had a long discussion about innovation, fragmentation, mobile devices and the desktop. My response has been to simplify, and try and state the high level  goals, and work out the interactions and complexities as we go along. So I’ve reduced the previous point: “accelerate innovation by reducing the fragmented operating system / carrier / handset problems that developers face today” to “accelerate innovation from multiple sources.” To do this we probably need to reduce fragmentation. We may need to be successful at making the web the development platform. But whatever it is that needs to be done, the goal is  to increase the innovative and generative potential.

We also discussed the question of how to make the web accessible / available to the billions of people who don’t have access today. We haven’t found an approach to this where we have a sense we can make a significant difference so there’s no specific goal here.

December 30, 2008 08:32 PM

Neil Deakin


I mentioned recently that I was working on some significant focus-related changes. I’ve just posted the patch into bug 178324. Test builds are available here. Some tests fail. Help with testing is very appreciated.

The basic idea is that focus can only be in one place at one time. Thus, the currently focused element is only stored in one place, as opposed to the multiple places that the old code did. It addition, all of the code to store and manipulate the focus is all in one place. Thus, focus and blur events only get fired from one place and in a specific way that is far easier to understand. The old way involved a variety of undocumented functions which appeared to adjust the focus or some aspect of it, but it was never clear which of these functions was the right one to call in which situation. Now, all actual focus changes all eventually go through a single function, either directly or via a number of existing APIs (such as by calling an element’s focus method). This eliminates the confusion of multiple code variants, and, more importantly, one cannot change the focus in some other way. The result is that extra focus and blur events do not fire, events do not get lost and you should no longer have the problem of mutliple focus rings appearing or focus rings that just won’t disappear.

The old code was further muddled by having to call into the native operating system at various times (often needlessly doing so repeatedly), which in turn would sometimes fire various focus events back again, causing recursive situations. This was dealt with then by adding focus suppression flags and bailing out when they were set. Unreliable and confusing, of course. In the new world, there’s none of this. Instead, the native platform is only called when necessary. And due to other changes, the calls back again don’t need to be responded to at all anyway. So, they just get ignored.

It’s quite possible that some of these changes break plugins or embedding or some such. However, I think finding a solution to that would be easier with a more logical focus architecture.

The patch includes a test which tests a wide variety of things, including tab navigation (which doesn’t get stuck anymore, see bug 399427), tabindicies, accesskeys, clicking on focusable and non-focusable elements, frame navigation, window switching, as well as some specific tests for elements with particular focus behaviour such as imagemaps, labels and legend elements.

In the following weeks, I’ll be posting more information about all of this. In addition, I plan to provide some documentation for developers, explaining how and when to manipulate focus, as well as specific nuances associated with this.

Finally, I’d like to apologize to all of the Mozilla developers that have spent tireless hours adding hacks on top of hacks in the focus code. Unfortunately I’ve had to remove all of these hacks.

December 30, 2008 07:27 PM

Giorgio Maone

Putting SSL in Perspectives

2008 has not been a happy year for web security, especially regarding trust you can have in the identity of web site you’re visiting:

  1. Dan Kaminski shook world’s faith in DNS. BTW, you already checked your DNS hardness or switched to OpenDNS, didn’t you? Anyway, DNS security or not, you cannot trust non-SSL traffic when you’re traveling, or you’re behind a proxy you can’t control (TOR, for instance), or otherwise not using a trusted ISP… wait, do you really trust your ISP? OK, you should not trust non-SSL traffic, period.
  2. But then, Mike Perry demonstrated how cookies can be stolen from SSL-secured sites (and NoScript deployed some countermeasures).
  3. Unfortunately, a shameful incident revealed that you can easily buy a valid SSL certificate for a web site you’re not related with, if you find an unscrupulous enough vendor: in this case, a certificate has been obtained by Eddy Nigg of StartCom Ltd. from the Certstar Comodo reseller, no question asked. Of course, as a work-around, you could remove the offending CA root, but you must expect side effects (I discovered this breaks cleverbridge e-commerce back-ends, for instance). And, most important, are you sure this is the only sloppy CA out there?
  4. As if this didn’t suck enough, a speech has been given today at 253c by Alex Sotirov, Arjen Lenstra and other high-profile researchers, who managed to leverage known MD5 weaknesses and not-safe-enough practices of some certificate issuers to build their own rogue CA.

The implications of the 3rd and 4th scenarios are scary: as long as these issues stand, trusting internet transactions is an act of faith.
CAs definitely need to move their asses, performing and proving their due diligence on “basic validation” when issuing a proof of identity (which a certificate is), rather than focusing on overpriced “premium services”. Obsolete technologies like MD5 in SSL certificates must be deprecated and banned, both by CAs and browser vendors, as soon as possible.

In the meanwhile, there’s not much we as end-users can do, other than checking for a sudden and unjustified change in the SSL certificate of a site we usually do business with, and that’s not simple either, because there’s no built-in browser alert of the kind we’ve got in SSH clients, for instance. Anyway, some help can come from the Perspectives add-on for Firefox.

Even if Perspective’s primary and most advertised aim is enabling SSH-style certificate “validation” for self-signed certificates (those not issued by an established certification authority), it can be configured to act a second validation layer for CA-signed certificates too, by checking their consistency from multiple internet nodes (called “Notaries”) and/or over time:

This way you should obtain some protection against rogue but “valid” certificates.
Happy new year!

December 30, 2008 07:03 PM

Dave Bottoms

Understanding the other 80%

User insights are an essential part of creating successful marketing programs that hit the mark.  As a result of a recently concluded research project, I believe we are well positioned heading into 2009 with a better understanding of who our users are – and aren’t– and what we can do to continue to grow the base in the new year.

Getting to this point began with a simple question: if Firefox has 20% worldwide market share, what about the other 80%?
•    Who are they? How are they different than our current, loyal user base?
•    Why haven’t they downloaded Firefox yet (or have they)?
•    Have they even heard of Firefox – if so, what do they think about it?
•    What types of activities and tasks do they perform online?
•    Where and how might we connect with them to introduce Firefox?

To get at these questions and more, we recently conducted an Internet market segmentation study. By better understanding the Firefox user base within the broader context of the overall Internet user population, we hope to discover what makes the “other 80%” different from Firefox users. And in doing so, formulate some new ideas for continued growth.

Background [if methodology makes you yawn, skip down to Key Learnings]
The objective of any segmentation research project is to identify distinct sub-groups that exhibit different behaviors, attitudes and perceptions than other segments. In the case of the web browser market, we essentially wanted to take a snapshot of the entire Internet population at a moment in time to see what segments exist and what we could learn from them.

Unfortunately, it is not possible to do segmentation on a global scale – the estimated 1.4 billion Internet users worldwide do not lend themselves to a research methodology at that scale. Even in large markets like the United States, the total market size presents a challenge without doing some degree of sampling. If you know anything about how long it takes the government to collect census data, you’ll appreciate that we took a few shortcuts.

The first was to limit scope to the US. No slight to any other region intended – in many non-US markets Firefox share is much higher – but the objective was to execute this phase of the research without introducing the complexity and cost to replicate on a global scale. We worked with comScore, a well-known market research vendor with a consumer online “panel” of one million users in the US, large enough to serve as a representative sample of the market.

A few bits to note:
•    panel data is a sample; just like all the political polls leading up to election day, there is a +/- margin or error to consider;
•    the comScore panel is opt-in – consenting participants are aware their online behavior is being tracked for research purposes;
•    the panel is made up of Windows PC users only – the Mac and Linux population is accounted for as an overall % of population but their actual online behavior is not captured;
•    for more about comScore’s panel, visit comScore methodology.

The decision to use a 3rd party panel like comScore was driven by practicality and timeliness – their primary business is collecting behavioral data, normalizing and extrapolating it to represent the online activity of the broader population. For this project, comScore created a US segmentation matrix that crosses US Firefox users against all US browser users. The distinct segments are categorized by time spent (total minutes) as a proxy for browser usage intensity and engagement. The cells are defined as:
•    Super-Heavy = top 5% of users
•    Heavy = next 15% of users
•    Heavy-Moderate = next 15% users
•    Light-Moderate = next 15% of users
•    Light = bottom 50%

The resulting matrix is a way to cluster “like” groups together to better understand their population size, online usage patterns and most importantly what sets them apart from other segments. The first phase of the process began in September looking at July 2008, the first full month of data following the release of Firefox 3.0 in mid-June. The second phase concluded with an in-depth survey of the three primary segments identified.

Whew — that’s a lot to say, but it’s important. What follows are some of the highlights that might be most interesting to the Mozilla community. Some findings are consistent with data we’ve collected from other sources, such as NetApplications, while other insights are new and need to be further vetted and scrutinized. But the overarching point is that even directional insights are better than none at all (so the theory goes).  So without further delay, here’s a bit of what we learned.

Key Learnings, Part 1
For the month of July 2008, there were approximately 29.3 Million US Firefox users representing roughly 16% of the total US Internet population. For the month, comScore estimated the total US population at 189 Million, which is notably higher than Nielsen Netratings July total of 165 Million, but largely in line with eMarketer’s comparative roll-up of 193 Million users.

Interestingly, this estimate of total unique users translates into a disproportionately higher percentage of monthly browser usage:
•    24% of total Page Views on Firefox (avg. of 3,650 PVs p/user)
•    22% of total Minutes on Firefox (avg. 2,283 minutes p/user)

Given that we typically think of Firefox users as more tech-savvy and online intensive, it is not such a stretch to believe that both engagement metrics – Page Views and Time Spent – are above 20% and thus, in line with US market share as measured by NetApplications. What gets somewhat more interesting is the break down of total population into discreet segments.

Usage Segments
At first glance, the segmentation matrix (chart #1 below), looks like a 5 x 6 patchwork quilt. The horizontal axis represents the total Internet population, while the vertical axis represents US Firefox audience. Below the line is that “other 80%” of the US Internet base with no Firefox usage in the monthly snapshot.

comScore US Internet Segmentation matrix, July 2008

comScore US Internet Segmentation matrix, July 2008

For each cell in the matrix, we collected the following data:
•    Total unique users (UUs)
•    Avg. Usage days
•    Avg. Page Views
•    Avg. Minutes
•    Avg. Browser sessions

The color-coding shows how we’ve clustered similar segment cells based on browser type (Firefox vs. non-Firefox) and usage intensity (online minutes). Then, we named the discrete segments for the strategy that might be employed with that particular segment. Here’s how:
•    Green = Retention segment using Firefox for majority of online minutes;
•    Blue = Engagement segment uses Firefox but not for majority of minutes;
•    Orange = Acquisition segment with no Firefox usage in a given month;
•    Gray = Light segment, the bottom half with low monthly online usage;
•    Primary groups = the heaviest online users in terms of usage intensity;
•    Secondary groups = exhibits some of the same characteristics as the primary segments, but less online intensive (fewer minutes + page views per month).

While there’s clearly a lot of data to digest, this chart doesn’t show the relative size of each or usage intensity of each segment. To put that into context, we created a visual representation of the segmentation matrix to show each segment’s size as a % of the total (#2, top) and online usage intensity in % of total minutes (#3, bottom).

US Internet segments, source = comScore July 2008

US Internet segments, source = comScore July 2008

US Internet Usage % Minutes, source = comScore July 2008

US Internet Usage % Minutes, source = comScore July 2008

Some Highlights and Interesting Takeaways:
•    The top 20% of heavy US Internet users make up 69% of online time spent.
•    75% of heavy users are NOT using Firefox [Primary Acquisition segment].
•    Primary acquisition segment is approx. as large as the Firefox base (29 Million unique users), but has a different profile. (More on that later). Also, note this heavy user segment is 15% of the population that represents over half of the usage– wow!
•    Primary engagement segment (4.1M unique users) are dual browser users who use Firefox but spent the majority of their online time using IE.
•    Of Firefox users, nearly one-third are heavy Internet users and represent 78% of the total time spent on Firefox.
•    The primary retention segment (approx 4.9 Million unique users) or 3% of the total US Internet population drove 10% of the total online minutes.
•    Current Firefox users range from light to heavy Internet users, while about half are light Internet users.

Remember, the objective of this segmentation project is to help us think about how to action insights to better inform our marketing. Rather than boil the ocean and develop a set of strategies for each group, we decided to focus on the three primary segments (right side of the chart in the red box) that collectively represent the top 20% of US Internet users.

In my next post, I’ll get into more detail about each of these primary segments. Meanwhile, I would welcome your thoughts and ideas about things the marketing team should consider to either help acquire new users, engage those secondary Firefox users, or retain our most loyal users.

Posted in Firefox, Mktg, Mozilla   Tagged: Market Share, Marketing, Mozilla, survey   

December 30, 2008 05:15 PM

Mozilla Security

MD5 Weaknesses Could Lead to Certificate Forgery


Researchers have recently found weaknesses in the MD5 hash algorithm, relied on by some SSL certificates. Using these weaknesses, an attacker could obtain fraudulent SSL certificates for websites they don’t legitimately control.

Impact to users

If a user visits an SSL site presenting a fraudulent certificate, there will be no obvious sign of a problem and the connection will appear to be secure. This could result in the user disclosing personal information to the site, believing it to be legitimate. We advise users to exercise caution when interacting with sites that require sensitive information, particularly when using public internet connections.


This is not an attack on a Mozilla product, but we are nevertheless working with affected certificate authorities to ensure that their issuing processes are updated to prevent this threat. Mozilla is not aware of any instances of this attack occurring in the wild.

Microsoft has released their own advisory as well.


Alexander Sotirov, Marc Stevens, and Jacob Appelbaum presented this work at the 25th Chaos Communication Congress.

Johnathan Nightingale
Human Shield

December 30, 2008 03:41 PM

Robert Kaiser

Weekly Status Report, W52/2008

Here's a summary of SeaMonkey/Mozilla-related work I've done in week 52/2008 (December 22 - 28, 2008):

I spent most of this week without a computer or Internet at all, during the holidays I didn't turn the laptop on in 4 complete days, with "only" 1.5 hours of checking email on a 5th day, so naturally I didn't get much stuff done for SeaMonkey. On the other hand, I could "recharge my batteries" having some fun time with my parents, brother and friends, so I should have even more energy for doing work now - I hope you all had a chance to regain energy this way as well.
And, adding to all the joy: Congratulations to our SeaMonkey team member Justin and his fiancée on having their first child!

December 30, 2008 12:58 PM


Looking back at 2008 from a calendar perspective

We're just two days away from 2009, so this is probably a good time to look back on 2008 and some of the good and some of the not so good stuff that happened in that year from my own perspective.

First the good stuff:

Now the not so good stuff:

That is my perspective on 2008. I would be interested in hearing your take on the Up's and Down's of our project in 2008. Until that I wish everyone of our blog readers a happy new year 2009!

December 30, 2008 11:24 AM

Ben Galbraith

Thoughts on the Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

Rise and Fall of the Third Reich

For as long as I can remember, my family has spent time each year in Cedaredge, a small little town in western Colorado. During our most recent visit, I was caught unprepared in a rain shower and, seeking cover wherever it could be found, I stumbled upon a library book sale. The combination of ridiculous prices, an eclectic selection, and nothing else to do with the rain about me conspired to fill many bags with good old books. Among them was an old edition of William Shirer’s classic Rise and Fall of the Third Reich.

At over 1200 pages, it’s not a quick read–but it’s not a difficult one, either. The author is a journalist rather than a historian, and to the great credit of the book, he was a first-hand witness of many of the events chronicled in the book. The result is a rather interesting account of a pivotal period of the past century.

But then, there is a natural drama and grandeur to these events that transcends the pages. We see Hitler’s rise from a penniless wretch on the streets of Vienna to the most powerful man in Europe; we witness the shame of Nevill Chamberlain’s “leadership” contrasted with the breathtaking courage and splendor of Winston Churchill; we marvel as Fate herself seems to conspire to keep Hitler alive against all odds as he survives many would-be assassins only to topple from power due to countless bungled decisions for which only he can take blame.

As I plowed through the book as fast as I could manage, I was fascinated by how much of the history was readily applicable to our own time and place. Let me share some of the points that most resonated with me.

Religion and Wars

Some make the argument that religion is the primordial source of conflict in the world and were we but unshackled from our silly delusions of God’s existence, peace and harmony would break out across the land. (In an era of terrorists blowing up thousands of innocents under the banner of religion, it’s easy to be sympathetic to that position.)

The horrors of the war waged by the Nazis should give pause to that assertion. While not as hostile towards religion as the Communists, the Nazi Party’s leadership openly disdained organized religion and crushed any religious leaders unwilling to support the Party. To replace religion as the moral core of society, the Nazis established a new set of values anchored in the faux-science of their philosophers–and managed to get a significant portion of the populace to embrace them.

The sheer evil of the Nazis is breath-taking. The holocaust, of course. Their half-executed plan to simply starve the Russians and Ukranians–to ship their food to Germany and let them all die. Their reign of terror over all of their occupied territories.

And then, there was Stalin who had guns mounted behind his own front lines to shoot any of his men who retreated; who interned his own country’s POWs when they were liberated because he expected them to fight to the death; who killed thousands of his own people as they fled Moscow when it seemed clear that the Nazis would occupy the city (he wanted them to stay as a show of support).

Religious extremists have no monopoly on evil.

Media Propaganda

The Nazi’s exploited a basic human flaw with great success: we are heavily influenced by repetition. In a particularly memorable passage, the author describes how he personally witnessed countless people from educated backgrounds adopting the silly and baseless ideas of the Nazi party only because they were repeated so constantly through every medium. Even otherwise respectable, credentialed scientists and academics fell victim to the echo chamber.

Are there shared beliefs in our zeitgeist based on shabby science oft-repeated that we no longer question, that even our men-and-women-of-letters champion or fail to challenge? How much original research is in place before the media machine takes over, repeating it a thousand times until many or all believe?

We must question everything and have an anchor in something more than the fashion of the moment.

Deception in Foreign Relations

It is tempting to believe President Ahmadinejad of Iran when he asserts publicly that his government is seeking for nuclear technology only to provide power for his people. Especially when he is courteous and photogenic.

The Nazis bluntly lied shamelessly to any member of the press or foreign statesmen they could find. The sheer audacity of their deception is impressive. They lied about invading every country they eventually crushed. If rhetoric was not enough, they created fake events upon which to base their rhetoric. Yet their actions betrayed their true intentions; it was only the world’s willingness to accept seemingly innocent explanations for their war preparations and their troop movements and their alliances, etc. that led to disaster.

Effective foreign policy must simply ignore rhetoric and focus relentlessly on action.

Records of History

Rise and Fall would have been impossible to write had it not been for the voluminous records kept by the Nazis–the same records that contributed so well to their executions and imprisonments at the trials at Nuremberg. Some of the most interesting revelations were made possible by the odd memo here or the random piece of correspondence there. These threads would have been impossible for history’s actors to have seen as they were woven in time; historians had to discern the pattern. All thanks to meticulously filed and archived documents, preserved for us.

There is something about the Truth that is larger than any of us, or all of us. We owe it to our successors to clearly present their legacy. As tempting as it may be to manipulate facts and control the narrative–to emulate the totalitarian regimes in their absolute control of the facts–we cannot indulge in this desire.

We need to work out how to effectively archive digital information and how to balance the need for Truth with the right to avoid self-incrimination. I hope we get that figured out before many of us succumb to the temptation to shred a part of our society’s story.


The man at the head of the machine which caused the deaths of countless millions and further hardships upon most of the entire world never had to face justice. Hitler died on his own terms, so completely that his remains were never recovered. He left behind his belief that the Third Reich fell because the German people did not deserve him.

Some others in positions of authority were executed after the war following the various Nuremberg trials, but so many of these oversaw or directly committed mass murders. To kill one who has killed another is itself hardly justice–for the second killing cannot begin to undo the first–but it has a certain symmetry that feels to some like justice. But you cannot kill such criminals more than once. How do you extract justice from such monsters? Of course, you cannot.

And yet, shortly after sentencing many such to jail terms and executions, the sentences were commuted and the criminals were set free. Men who killed defenseless prisoners of war. Men who burned little children. Terrible people.

Still, the Nazi regime had a gangster element to it–via the SS and its derivatives–that successfully prevented dissent. Had these men refused to fulfill their dreadful orders, they would have reason to fear brutal torture of themselves and their families. Of course, the right thing to do is take a moral stand regardless of the outcome, but then, thanks to the propaganda built on “science” mentioned above, on what moral ground do you stand? Moral relativists at this point must eat their cake as we realize that, without immutable moral anchors, there can for some be no stand to take.

There is no justice in this world, though we try our best.


December 30, 2008 08:49 AM

Zak Greant

Hitchhiking the Information Superhighway

« Post 2 | This is the 3rd post in my MoFo Futures 2009 blog series.

"As for the future, your task is not to foresee it, but to enable it."Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

I like beginnings. This is a constant. In primary school, I tried to re-invent arithmetic. My D&D characters were be obsessively re-rolled and scrapped. On various computers, I'd start my games of Civilization over and over. I'd hope that if I could just get the beginning right that the rest wouldn't be so hard or boring.

There were three other constants in my life during my teen years: a loving family, a long-running D&D group and near-complete loathing of school. Before I hit twenty, these three constants had dwindled down to one. While my family remained (and remains) wonderful, but my D&D group evaporated - a dozen or so friends each fumbling their separate ways into life - and I had managed to drop out of school not once, but twice.

It wasn't much change but it wasn't much of a life and I still found myself adrift. I wandered from job to job, holding six different positions in the space of two years. Each time I'd quit in frustration and go looking for a new beginning to try and get right.

In early '94, financial pressures mounting, I landed a job at a dental lab and clung to it for dear life. I liked the work. I made friends. I even survived my first evaluation. Thankfully, I had a kind boss who turned me into a project. It was a good job. Some years later, I even met my lovely wife there. So, by late '94, I was pretty sure that I would be a dental technician. Full stop. For the foreseeable future, I would spend my nights playing D&D and my days crafting false teeth while wearing a turquoise smock. Life would be good.

Then the province of Alberta drastically cut funding for senior's dental care and, with it, much of the profit involved in running a dental lab. Waves of layoff swept the industry and, as lifelong staffers at the lab were let go, I was sure that I would be next.

One night in January, while I moped over my coming unemployment, my mother saw a segment on the local news about the Information Superhighway.* Around this time, my mother was taking a business course and one of the other participants told her about something called the Information Superhighway. The idea of the Net set a fire in her which quickly spread to the rest of the family.

I hardly remember the six months that followed — they are still a blur of days at the dental lab (I never did get laid off) and of nights exploring the Net with my family. As best I can recall, it went like this:

Dream. Dream a lot. Get quotes on web page development. Beat a hasty retreat from $10,000/page. Scrape some cash together. Buy a second-hand 286. Buy a modem. Find cheap Web access via a local BBS. Spend three days figuring out how to actually get to a website. Surf the awesomeness of the textual web with Lynx. Fail to understand the HTML spec. Buy a second-hand 386. Get Netscape Navigator. Freak out at the total awesomeness of the graphical Web. Discover View Source. Lose mind. Build hideously malformed web pages stitched together from the HTML sources of Netscape's site, and hotwired. Work ourselves into a bleary-eyed, sore-fingered, sweaty, sleep-deprived lather. Repeat several times. Finally, in June of 1995, publish an online travel magazine with 20-something articles and, somewhat oddly, a satirical paperdoll of Canadian politician Preston Manning.

The first few weeks after publishing, we'd refresh our log files every few minutes to see who had visited, cheering as people worked their way from article to article. Good times.

I hold much fondness for this year. It still feels like we just wandered up to the side of the information superhighway and stuck out our thumbs, waiting in the bright sunshine for the future to pull up in a fast car. And when she pulled up, we were so naïve that we weren't even surprised — with a nod of our heads we just got in.

(I'll finish this story up on Jan. 2)

« Post 2 | This is the 3rd post in my MoFo Futures 2009 blog series.


December 30, 2008 04:46 AM

Meeting Notes from the Mozilla community

Mozilla Project Meeting Minutes: 2008-12-29


From MozillaWiki

« previous week | index | next week »

Meeting Details

  • 1:00pm Pacific time (21:00 UTC until March 8, 2009)

  • Mozilla HQ, 1st floor conference table
  • +1 650 903 0800 x92 Conf# 8600 (US/International)
  • +1 416 848 3114 x92 Conf# 8600 (Canada)
  • +1 800 707 2533 (pin 369) Conf# 8600 (US Toll Free)
  • sip:[email protected] from generic SIP clients
  • to watch and listen
  • join #staffmeeting for backchannel

note: all participants are muted automatically; if you want to talk, press *1 to un-mute yourself

WeeklyUpdate Live: You can watch the weekly meetings live at Air Mozilla You can also view previous meetings from the “on-demand” button on the Air Mozilla player. Meetings will be posted for on-demand consumption shortly after the meeting conclusion.

Friends of the Tree

Please send FotT nominations to [email protected]. This is a great opportunity for the community to recognize those who go above and beyond, so please tell me when you see that happening. Thanks.

Development Updates

Branch work: Firefox 3.0.6 / Major Update

  • Firefox to 3.0.5 Major Update

    • Going out to Beta today (12/29)

    • Final release in early/mid January
    • Localizations are working on translating the new major update banner
  • Thunderbird
    • Being released tomorrow at 11am (ahead of schedule!)

    • Next Thunderbird 2 release will likely be in March
  • Firefox 3.0.6
    • Code freeze is January 6 at 11:59pm

    • Final release is targeted at early February

Gecko 1.9.1

Firefox 3.1

Firefox 3.1 Beta 3

  • Dec 31 - string freeze <– coming soon! take note!

  • Jan 13 - code freeze
  • Jan 19 - QA start
  • Jan 26 - ship to users

TB 3



  • No real updates this week.

  • Last week was slow, took advantage of the slowness to run through kernel upgrades and other miscellaneous updates.

Release Engineering

  • Releases discussed above.


  • Releases (mostly covered above)

    • Thunderbird testing, attempt to release this week

    • Pre-release testing of Major Update to 3.0.5
  • 100,000 top site test ongoing
    • Found and reduced two crash bugs to reproducible testcases so far, more to follow
  • Tested and Released Alpha 2 for Fennec!
  • Keeping abreast of Firefox 3 testing in CSS Tranforms, Session Restore, and PPC support among others
  • Code coverage statistics are almost ready, getting the last kinks worked out
  • Mozmill 1.0 will be released this week
    • Bug fixing for Thunderbird support

    • UI improvements


Mozilla is investigating the issue of improperly issued SSL certificates from a Comodo reseller. See extra long thread here:




  • New wiki page posted with Dec08 update slides.



No updates this week. Thanks to all SUMO contributors (and of course the SUMO team and all helpful peers) for a fantastic 2008! Here’s to an even more spectacular 2009. :)



  • No Updates.


Developer Tools



  • No updates.


Foundation Updates


Other Business

December 30, 2008 04:00 AM


Scheduled downtime for Blog and Wiki

UPDATE @ 10:00: Wiki is back up.
UPDATE @ 8:34: Blog is back up.

We’ll be doing some end of the year clean up in our data center tomorrow, Tuesday December 30th. We expect our Blog and Wiki to be down for about 2 hours. The maintenance window will start at approximately 8:00 am PST (view in your timezone) and be back online around 10:00 am PST.

December 30, 2008 02:00 AM

Alex Vincent

Arrays of strings in XPCOM

In my XPCOM Cheat Sheet (which I really should look at updating), I wrote:

As a rule of thumb, use XPIDL-based arrays for arrays of a single primitive type, in or out (not inout). For anything else, use nsIArray or nsIMutableArray.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work with native string types like DOMString:

interface nsIFooArray : nsISupports
  void setArray(in PRUint32 count,
                [array, size_is(count)]
                in DOMString strings);

Error: [domstring], [utf8string], [cstring], [astring] types cannot be used in array parameters

To which I say, "Well, that sucks." Read on in the extended entry for more details.

December 30, 2008 12:29 AM

Stephen Lau radio

lastfm-screenieSince Ian left, I took over his prototype work on radio support in Songbird.  I know I’ve said before that I, but I’ll say it again.. their use of semantic web technologies is fantastic…

Anyway, so far we’ve got support for the lastfm:// protocol, as well as support for redirection urls of the form*, so all the “Play your library” links, etc. you encounter as you browse just work.  It’s hugely satisfying to just browse around the site and click my friend’s radio stations and have them start playing inside of Songbird.

Some points of note from the screenshot:

December 30, 2008 12:09 AM

December 29, 2008

Mozilla Labs

Labs Update - December 2008


December 2008 Edition

Concept Series

University of Michigan Design Jam
University of Michigan Design Jam
The University of Michigan’s School of Information held their third Design Jam as part of the Concept Series. This session took ideas generated at the two previous Design Jams and had students work together in small teams to develop and refine detailed mockups.
Campus Outreach
In early January we’ll be launching a Concept Series Design Challenge that will provide new opportunities for students to exercise and refine their skills in user interface and user experience design. As part of the Challenge, students will be invited to participate in a new tutoring and mentorship program that we’re developing to increase the effectiveness and scale of the Labs effort. More details on the Design Challenge will be posted soon, the first round will be focused on the question: “What would a windowless browser look like?”.

If your school is interested in participating, please contact us at [email protected].

Concepts of the Month
From Tony Farndon, an experimental addon that takes Auto Dial (i.e. add-on to view most visited bookmarks rather than a blank page whenever you open a new tab) and mashes it up with a 3D parallax effect.

From Chris Heilmann, a concept to improve Web accessibility of videos by moving their controls out of the Flash object and on to the Web page using Greasemonkey scripts.


We’ve released a beta version of Personas this week that fully supports Firefox 3.x and includes a new directory of designs along with a revamped server architecture that’s been designed to scale to millions of users.

We’re also working toward a 1.0 release with new content and capabilities in January, and a plan for potential inclusion of a Personas-like feature in a future Firefox release.

We’ve released the third and final preview release of Snowl. It includes an updated “river of news” with many improvements suggested by Alex Faaborg and others.

It also supports sending Twitter updates in addition to receiving them via an interface built into the river and stream views. Just click on the “write a message” icon to expose it:

We’ve released a release candidate for the next major update to Ubiquity. This release features significantly improved performance and adds skinning support.

We’ve released a release candidate for the next major update to Weave that includes significantly improved performance and bookmarks & history support for the new 0.3 server architecture.

We’re also introducing preliminary support for Fennec based upon Jono DiCarlo’s detailed proposal.

Based upon the success of the Prism experiment, we’re now working on a plan to uplift a Prism-like feature into a future version of Firefox. You can follow the early specification work on the Mozilla Wiki.

The Prism experiment and platform itself will continue in its exploration independent of this effort. If you’re new to the concept of site-specific browsers, be sure to check out the Prism for Firefox add-on.

December 29, 2008 11:01 PM

David Boswell

New Mozilla Shirt Now Available In International Store

I wanted to let people know that the new Mozilla shirt is now in the International store. It was posted in the domestic store a couple months ago, but it took a bit longer to make it available in both stores. Apologies for the delay. The links to both are:


December 29, 2008 10:48 PM

Planet Mozilla Interns

Brian Krausz: Obscure Wordpress Bug

While working on my new WordPress plugin (announcement post coming soon), I stumbled upon an interesting point in the way WordPress plugins work (well, Jorge stumbled upon it, I debugged it). Plugins are loaded as files in the global namespace, not within the confines of a function. This means that variables you declare can have an impact on the rest of WordPress.

A specific example: my plugin had the following lines of code:

foreach($custax_style_pages AS $page)
    add_action('admin_head-'.$page, 'custax_styles');

Harmless, right? Wrong! Unfortunately, the way WP parses queries includes this code:

for ($i=0; $ipublic_query_vars); $i += 1) {
    $wpvar = $this->public_query_vars[$i];
    if (isset($this->extra_query_vars[$wpvar]))
        $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $this->extra_query_vars[$wpvar];
    elseif (isset($GLOBALS[$wpvar]))
        $this->query_vars[$wpvar] = $GLOBALS[$wpvar];

The end result is that, since $page gets registered in $GLOBALS, and “page” is common enough to be a query variable, everything goes to hell fairly quickly.

The moral of the story? Prefix your variables - all of them - unless you’re positive your code is encased in a function.

December 29, 2008 10:22 PM

Alix Franquet

Engagement update: top priorities

There is an opportunity to increase the number of active Firefox users by:

Check out past posts for a more complete overview of the opportunity: revisiting engagement and retention and from click to download to engagement.

After getting feedback from the community and analyzing the latest surveys and market research, we have put together a list of the next priorities for engagement and retention and proposed corresponding projects:

  1. Remove any barriers to successful download and installation to make sure that users who intentionally click on the download button will get to the first run page. This will be done mainly by optimizing the download.html page and providing targeted support.
  2. Make the availability of support top-of-mind so users who encounter an issue even months after installing Firefox will remember that help is available and contact Mozilla support instead of just switching browsers.
  3. Help new users become power users of Firefox sooner so they can experience the benefits of Firefox right away and break old habits. Ex: more tips & tricks available via multiple channels (such as email or live bookmarks), more add-ons collections, more videos.
  4. Engage the Mozilla community to help showcase the benefits of using Firefox, so we will be gathering more video and text testimonials. Because engagement starts at the acquisition stage (when someone decides to switch) we’ll also be asking for your help in getting the engagement message out: when you tell your friends about Firefox, tell them about add-ons and a few cool features too.
  5. Facilitate the transition from other browsers to make switching simple. We’re going to provide a guide for switching to help potential new users become familiar with Firefox quickly and to answer their most frequent questions.
  6. Address site incompatibility issues, whether real or perceived, to ensure users enjoy the best possible experience on Firefox.

I’ll be blogging about each point in the next few weeks, including some of the projects that have already started, but you can get a sneak preview on the Engagement wiki page, which has summary slides describing the opportunity and the priorities.

December 29, 2008 07:51 PM


Riffing into 2009 with Hendrix

In the midst of end of the year holiday cheers, we’ve busily been planning the release to follow Songbird 1.0. Based on the great feedback you gave us via Get Satisfaction and those pesky surveys you diligently filled, we will focus on improving the audio playback and management experience as well as continue to enhance performances. This is what we’re working on for the next release known as Hendrix:

Our plan is to ship Songbird 1.1 before the end of February 2009. You can follow our progress directly on our current working plan. We’ll continue to update the Roadmap to reflect our plan for the rest of 2009.

Thanks for your continuous support. The Songbird team wishes you a Happy New Year 2009.

December 29, 2008 07:20 PM

Aza Raskin

Improving Bugzilla: People, Bugs, Search, and Planning

The Firefox UI team recently got together with the Bugzilla UI team to brainstorm future features and user experiences for Bugzilla.

We scoped our brainstorming session to be between trivial fixes and doable-in-a-couple-months features. That is, pragmatic, nearish-term sorta-big thinking. Our brainstorm revolved around four major themes: People, Bugs, Search, and Planning. Of course, during the session most of the themes blended together — real-life is never as orderly as our a priori taxonomies would have them.

Before we delve into our thoughts, what would make Bugzilla better for you? For a beginning contributor? For project management types? For a one-time bug submitter? Most of the Firefox contributors spend most of their day in Bugzilla, so any improvements made are dramatically multiplied.

Many thanks to the folks on both teams who took the time to sit down for the better part of an afternoon. In particular thanks go to Max Kanat-Alexander, Alex Faaborg, Jennifer Boriss, Madhava Enros, Dave Miller, and an especially large thanks for Guy Pyrzak (who took notes and guided the session).

Thoughts on Bugzilla


* Bugzilla is fundamentally about issue tracking. But Bugzilla is also scaffolding and structure for the people who report and fix those bugs. Make people first-class citizens in Bugzilla (yes—a social platform…)

* Help users determine “who is this guy”, when looking at bug reports and commenters. Dashboard for people: what bugs they’ve filed, what patches they’ve submitted, what groups they are in, how active they are, etc. See   Github for an example.

* Social rankings by participation (bug submitting, duplicate marking, patch submitting, patch reviewal, high-valued comments, etc.). Social incentives and social standing.

* Help create a “team” feeling. Should be able to become a part of a virtual working group (I’m interesting in UI, Graphics, Networking, etc.). There are some open questions here: Are built in user groups good enough? Is fluid definitions of groups better than restrictive (probably, yes).

* Autocomplete for user names, ordered by social ranking.

* Extensible, RESTful APIs for accessing the social graph and other social features. Support Open Social API.


* Allow tagging comments with meta data (useful/troll/repeat/etc.) to make it easier to read, parse, and participate.

* Display users and groups in comments (in the classes/style area). This way ambient information about which comments are important can be visual indicated.

* Understanding how “Hot” a bug is. How many times has it been viewed? How many times has it been commented on? How many times has it been marked as a duplicate of other bugs? How often people start to create a bug that they find out is a duplicate?

*A five-minute undo/edit ability for bug comments. So that when you’ve got that bother-I-forgot-to-spellcheck feeling just after hitting submit, you can do something about it.

* Google Mail style shortcuts to help with efficiency handling bugs (would require some more info on most used actions)

* Improve Bugmail work-flow with a more human readable format. Better fonts, better diffs, built-in threading.


* Make search not horrible! It should be as painless and as easy to find the bugs you need to find (or the ones you didn’t know you need to find) as a web search.

* Make automatic finding of duplicate bugs a zero-cost action for users.


* Create a dashboard overview of projects, groups, and sets of bugs. See Trac. Questions the dashboard should answer: When are we going to release? What needs to be done for the next milestone? How can I get involved, and at what level? What’s happened since the last time I checked? Which things are at risk? What’s the big picture? What’s the long term trending?

December 29, 2008 06:33 PM

John Resig

A Web Developer's Responsibility

It's safe to say that the biggest tax on a web developer is spending so much time dealing with browser bugs and incompatibilities. Thus it has become the favorite past-time of all web developers to complain about having to deal with them. Browser bugs are annoying, frustrating, and make your job incredibly difficult.

Because browser bugs are so frustrating and such a burden on top of normal development it should be the responsibility of every web developer to make sure that the browsers they develop for are able to find and fix their bugs. By taking responsibility for the bugs that you find - and to not assume that "someone else will find it" - will accelerate the rate at which browsers can improve.

The solution to helping browsers is two-fold: 1) Every time you find a browser bug, file a bug report to the respective browser. 2) Actively test your sites in the latest builds of the major browsers.

The vast majority of web developers have never filed a bug report with a browser vendor - or even used a nightly version of a browser - which is a shame. If you think about it there are few who are more qualified to assess what is going wrong in a browser than those who spend every day developing for them.

I'm especially surprised when I see professional developers not filing bugs with browsers, or testing on nightlies. Since one of the primary tasks of most developers is to paper over cross-browser issues it becomes in their best interest to see the number of bugs reduced (and making their job dramatically simpler).

I've personally filed bug reports with every major browser vendor and I've noted a couple characteristics that make for a good report.

How to File a Good Bug Report

The three points that make for a good bug report are: categorization, test case, and reduction. Any bug that is categorized correctly and provides a reduced test case is guaranteed to be reviewed by a browser developer.

Let's start with where to file the bug itself.

Filing a Bug Report

Frequently when you go to file a bug report you have to wade a couple layers deep before you can get to the actual submission form. I've provided direct URLs to the best forms to use, below.

When you're filing your bug be sure to also test it in the latest nightly of the browser you're filing against (which I'll describe later on). This will be one of the first things that a browser developer asks. If you can show that the bug still exists in the current development version of the browser, that it has not been fixed, then it'll be that much easier for them to get started.

Note: Many of the bug report pages require that you create an account before submitting a report. This is an annoying one-time cost.

Categorizing the Bug

Categorizing a bug properly is an important first step. Frequently the owners of particular modules (such as layout or DOM) watch all new submissions that come in. Assigning a bug to the correct category will instantly put it before the eyes of the very person most capable of fixing the bug.

The categorization of a bug depends on the browser (some browsers, like Opera and Internet Explorer), provide simplified categories for filing a bug while others (WebKit/Safari and Mozilla/Firefox) use complex categories to denote the specific module where a piece of functionality might exist.

Mozilla/Firefox: Choose a Component. Some of the most common ones: DOM, Layout, JavaScript Engine.

WebKit/Safari: Choose a Component. Some of the most common ones: HTML DOM, Layout and Rendering, JavaScriptCore.

Google Chrome: Figuring out if you should file for Chrome is tricky. First test your bug in both the latest release of Safari and in the latest WebKit nightly. If the bug exists only in Chrome then file there, otherwise file the bug with WebKit/Safari. One problem, though: Bugs that only exist with the Chrome JavaScript engine (V8) should be filed in the V8 bug tracker instead of the Chrome one (lest it get lost in the shuffle).

Also, Chrome does not provide an explicit means of categorization. All bugs are reviewed by a developer and then categorized (you have no control over this process).

You should also take the quick step of testing on more than one platform (OS X and Windows, Windows and Linux, etc.). Simply determining that the bug exists on more than one platform can dramatically help to reduce the time needed to locate the cause of the bug by the browser developer.

Providing a Test Case

Any type of reproducible test case is better than nothing. A web page that's able to encapsulate the problem is generally a good start. If the web page is able to be attached to the bug report directly, that's even better (it may take a while for the browser developer to get around to your ticket and if your test case no longer exists at the URL that you specified then they'll likely just close your ticket and move on).

That being said there is such a thing as a bad test case. The worst kind is something like: "I have a web site at and it doesn't work in browser X, please fix." That will take someone a considerable amount of time to locate the exact reasons for failure and will likely push your bug much farther back on the queue.

The best kind of test case is one that provides a reduction.

Providing a Reduction

Providing a simple test case is absolutely the hardest and most frustrating part of creating a bug report - but it's also the point that'll make your report most likely to be noticed and fixed. Even for the most qualified developers it should take no more than 30 minutes to create a good-enough test case.

The process for creating one is simple: Take a page that has the bug in it and rip out anything that doesn't affect the reproduction of the bug. This includes stylesheets, images, JavaScript files, JavaScript libraries, and HTML.

For example, a while back when I was running the Dromaeo test suite and I noticed that WebKit kept crashing when it hit a certain point. I began by ripping out tests, unnecessary HTML, CSS, and images. I eventually worked my way down to a single test: Splitting a string. I then worked to strip out as much of the test suite as possible so that there were no external dependencies required.

Note the final result:

var str = "", ret, fn = [];

for ( var i = 0; i < 16384; i++ )
  str += "a";

for ( var i = 16384; i <= 131072; i *= 2 ) (function(i){
    ret = str.split("");

  str += str;

window.onload = function(){
    if ( fn.length )
  }, 13);

What was left was about as simple as you could get while still having the crash occur. This is a good reduction. Based upon this reduction the reason for the problem was quickly identified and resolved just a couple weeks later.

Is my bug being worked on?

This is a challenging point - but one that's easier to determine with Mozilla/Firefox, WebKit/Safari, and Chrome (since they're all relatively open projects). Here's the best way to determine the status of the bug with each of those browsers.

Mozilla/Firefox: Your bug will start out being assigned to the default contact for the component category that you originally selected. This doesn't mean anything, yet, it's simply attracting people in to look at your ticket. People will start to CC themselves in to the ticket (which means that they're interested in its progress). The defining moment, though, is when someone assigns the bug to themselves, effectively stating that they are taking responsibility for the status of this bug. Most contributors have it set up so that any future comments on the bug are automatically emailed to them so if you have any questions about the status of the bug you can feel free to post a comment - but please do so at a reasonable pace (asking for daily, or even weekly, updates would be frustrating).

WebKit/Safari: WebKit uses a very similar setup to Mozilla/Firefox - just look for someone to take control of the bug and drive it to completion. The golden ticket, though, is when your bug "goes to rdar". Radar is Apple's internal (private) bug tracker. Having your bug move to there means that your bug is, effectively, guaranteed to be completed at some point (if not by the person who 'owns' it then by another Apple employee). Since Apple is still the major driving force behind WebKit updates having your bug move to rdar is what you should be hoping for. That being said, since rdar is private to Apple employees you no longer get the benefit of knowing if or when your bug will be completely fixed - it's just a waiting game.

Chrome: Chrome uses a system very similar to Mozilla/Firefox. Be sure to keep up communication with whom the bug is currently assigned to and to answer any questions that they might have.

If your bug eventually gets resolved then congratulations! You just helped to make the web a better place for everyone.

But that's not always the case.

What happens if my bug gets rejected?

Rejected bugs fall into two categories:

  1. It was rejected because it was not a bug.
  2. It was rejected because they browser vendor does not feel like working on it.

The first point is broken down into two further sub-categories:

It's legitimately not a bug. Congratulations! You've learned something about a standard, or some other browser obscurity, that you weren't familiar with: you're now a better web developer! You should fire up your blog and write about the obscure new bug or API that you discovered and explain it to the world.

Or it is a bug and the owner unnecessarily closed it. At this point you need to argue your case to re-open it.

The second point (the vendor does not feel like working on it) is also handled in two ways:

First, argue your case for the bug. This should help inform the browser developer that they should dedicate valuable resources to fixing this issue.

Or second, if they are truly unwilling to fix the bug: Raise holy hell on your blog, Twitter account, and any other place where other web developers will listen to you. If you can't find anyone else who agrees with your plight then you are probably crazy - but if it's a legitimate problem that the browser vendor is refusing to fix then you should easily find others with whom you can band together and complain openly to. But that's OK: You've earned this right. By doing all the due diligence necessary to bring this bug to light you earn full privileges of bitching about it in every other sentence.

Arguing a Bug

So you're at the point where your bug has been closed and you need to convince the closer that this was a mistake - that what you have is an actual, legitimate, bug.

Here are some of the best arguments that you can use, in order of which they should be used:

  1. Show that the bug was a regression. Prove that it was something that worked in a previous release that stopped working because of a change. Works great in conjunction with #2.
  2. Show real-world web sites breaking. If you can show that actual users are going to no longer visit X bank in Poland or Y shopping site in Canada then browsers will easily bend over backwards to fix the issue (unless it's Opera, in which case they may use their browser.js to force a site to work - but that's another story).
  3. Show a web standard that is being violated by not fixing this bug. If you're able to show that the W3C DOM specification is not implemented correctly because a certain bug is not fixed then a browser vendor should feel compelled to fix it. If not, this will make for great blog fodder.
  4. Show that not fixing the bug makes a browser incompatible with other browsers. If IE, Safari, and Opera all implement a specific feature or fix a specific bug then Firefox should be compelled to comply with the other implementations (as long as its not in contradiction with a specification). This is the hardest one to argue - but it becomes easier the more browsers that are on board.

If you can't prove any of those steps then you're probably just scratching your own itch anyway - and should lay off.


I want to show some representative examples of bugs that I've filed with different browser vendors.


Canvas arc() with radius of 0 throws exception: Calling the Canvas arc() method was throwing an exception. I provided a super-simple test case and pointed to the specification that they were in disagreement with. Was resolved the same day it was posted.

Out of Memory Error with .split("") due to large number of live objects: Provided a simple reduction with hosted web page, was fixed about 3 weeks later.


Huge Speed Drop in Array.prototype.sort: Showed a regression with a simple reduction. Included a bunch of very-useful Shark profiling data to help pinpoint the exact issue. Was fixed within a month.

Implement .children: Argued that Mozilla needed to implement the .children method (which was in every other major browser). A good debate led to its eventual inclusion (about 6 months later).

Internet Explorer 8

querySelectorAll NodeList Exception: Provided simple test case, was rejected due to 'lack of time':

At this time we do not plan on fixing this issue. We appreciate the report, but unfortunately we are at a stage where need to choose what we work on to maximize the value for customers and web developers.

So while they agree that it is an issue - they do not plan on fixing it. That means that I now get to complain about it!

HTMLElement.prototype.querySelectorAll doesn't exist: As it turns out this was because querySelectorAll only exists in standards-compliant pages (not in quirksmode). This is positively bizarre but I think I understand their rationale behind the decision. I suspect that this will bite a lot of people once IE 8 goes live, we'll see. I now know more about IE8 and am a better developer for it.

Google Chrome

for in loops don't occur in defined order: This was a compatibility issue (all other browsers behaved in a particular manner). I provided a simple test case. It was accidentally closed as WontFix (which caused confusion) but was actually fixed. I made a mistake here and actually filed this bug against Chrome when it should've been against V8 - here's the bug that dealt with the issue over there.

setTimeout(..., 0) fires too quickly: This was actually due to a structural change made by the Chrome team. Mike Belshe (the author of the change) personally emailed me to explain what happened. I became much more informed as a result and blogged about it.


(Opera does not provide an official public view for bug reports, that I know of.)

How to Test a Nightly Build

Before we get into the details of testing a nightly build of a browser I should probably answer the most common question: Why should I care about testing a nightly build of a browser? There are a couple reasons.

First, when filing a bug report you're going to need to determine if the bug you're submitting has already been fixed, or not. If it's already been fixed in a nightly then you don't need to worry about submitting it - the bug will be fixed in the next release. If the bug has not been resolved, though, then you should be sure to continue filing the bug.

Second, you should periodically test your site or library in the latest browser nightlies - to make sure that your code isn't going to break when the browser is released. How often you test is up to you - but the more frequently you test the more likely it is that your site or library won't hit a massive regression at some point. I think it's pretty safe to say that no developer likes finding out that there's a new browser version on the market that breaks their site.

Filing a bug for a nightly is just like filing any other bug. Provide a reduced test case and be sure to emphasize that a regression occurred. If you're testing frequently enough this should be sure to get the developers hopping into action.

Getting the Latest Nightly

Browser vendors provide a variety of techniques for getting the latest version of a browser. Some browsers release more frequently than others, as well (for example, Chrome updates multiple times a day, Firefox once a day, and Opera every couple weeks or so).


Mozilla provides nightly releases of Firefox. It can be installed, and used, alongside your existing copy of Firefox using Firefox Profiles. Once you download one nightly release it should update itself, automatically, every day.

Download: Firefox Nightly Release


WebKit nightlies are easy to install on OS X - they can live completely side-by-side with no profile details. However they do not update automatically. I use NightShift to make sure that my WebKit nightly is kept up to date (on OS X).

Doing a nightly install on Windows is much more cumbersome (it involves running some scripts and copying files around) but it works.

Download: WebKit/Safari Nightly Release

Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer installs are "a big deal" - they completely blow away any previously-installed copy of the browser. For this reason you should be sure to use some tricks to keep multiple copies of Internet Explorer installed on your system. There's one installer that can handle IE 6 (and older) and another one for taking care of IE 7. Once you have all those standalone versions installed you can feel safe downloading and installing IE 8.

IE 8 automatically updated from each beta release but it doesn't appear to do it any more. If you sign up for the Microsoft IE Beta Connect program you can get more recent builds to test against. Again, all of these builds will overwrite older versions of the current browser.

Download: IE 8 Betas, IE 8 Weekly Builds

Google Chrome

Google provides multiple builds per day (one for each revision). These builds can live side-by-side with one another but they do not update automatically. One user built an automatic update application that you can use to make that happen.

Download: Google Chrome Nightly Builds


Multiple versions of Opera can be installed side-by-side and they update automatically. They don't provide nightly builds (they come out every couple weeks, or so) but they should serve as a relatively-current example of the browser.

Download: Opera Desktop Team Blog (builds are posted here)

The importance of taking an active role in the future of web development cannot be overstated. Shifting from a passive position of hoping that other developers will be proactive about filing bugs or hoping that browser vendors will notice every possible regression to one of active diligence gives you an incredible amount of power. The minimal amount of work that you do to improve communication between the web community and browsers does volumes for helping to improve the quality of the entire web.

You should wear every bug that has gotten fixed, because of you, as a badge of honor: You've done your part to make the web a better place.

December 29, 2008 06:17 PM

Firefox Support Blog

SUMO 0.8

A couple of weeks ago, the bug fixes for SUMO 0.8 were pushed to This update has quite a few goodies!

New search engine

Over the summer, student Alexandre Michelis and mentor Nelson Ko worked on a Google Summer of Code project to create a search engine specifically for SUMO. In SUMO 0.8, the back-end code for the new search engine was implemented. After many months of hard work, we just need to do some final testing, then we are going to switch over to the new search engine. When that happens, we’ll post in detail of all the great advantages of the new search engine.

Support for Firefox 3.1 specific content

In the Firefox Support Knowledge Base, we use a great feature called “SHOWFOR” that allows articles to display different content, depending on the users’ operating system and version of Firefox. When it comes to version numbers, we have only been able to differentiate between Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 content. Now I am pleased to announce that we can now differentiate between Firefox 3.0 and Firefox 3.1! For more information on how it works, and updating articles for Firefox 3.1, you can read the previous blog post.

Template for new articles

So you’ve decided to create a new article. Great! But you open the article editor to start writing the article, and don’t really know how to format the article. We now have pre-filled markup and text in the article editor when creating a new article, that includes where to put the problem and solution, but how to format the problem and solution. This should make it easier for people to get involved, as well as improve the continuity of Knowledge Base articles. And….it’s localizable! I’ll be in contact with Firefox Support locale leaders with instructions, and if you don’t want to wait, email me or comment on this blog post.

Secure log in

When you log in or register, it is done through a secure (https) connection.

Forum performance

There has been quite a bit of work done to improve the performance of the forums, which has been a major issue.

There are more highlights that we post about soon. In all, SUMO 0.8 is the without a doubt the most significant SUMO release; and the SUMOdev team deserves a big applause for working so hard. You can see a full list of SUMO 0.8 bug fixes in Bugzilla. Remember that if you see any bugs on or you think of a great new feature for the web site, please let us know about it in the Contributors Forum or file a bug in Bugzilla.

December 29, 2008 05:31 PM


sb_core winner for October/November 2008 and credits!

I’m a little late in posting this, so apologies to all, but we got a little caught up in the 1.0 release.  Our winner for October & November for sb_core is Mitchell Field!

Anyone who hangs out in #songbird on IRC will recognise Mitch (a.k.a. Mitch_1_2)… he’s the prolific developer who brought us ChatZilla’s Songbird support (one of our Top 40 winners!), as well as collaborating with GeekShadow on BirdQuizz.  In addition to all that, Mitch represented at OSDC 2008 in Sydney, giving a great talk on Songbird there.

Many thanks to Mitch for all his contributions to the Songbird developer community!

Speaking of thanks… we also finally got around to adding credits to Songbird.  If you use a recent trunk nightly (that would be a Songbird 1.1.0pre nightly), and go visit ‘about:credits’, you’ll see a credits page listing all the folks that have worked on the core app, in development, QA, and with translations (currently we’re listing folks who have contributed >300 translated strings).

December 29, 2008 05:19 PM

Robert Sayre

You don’t have to be the fastest antelope

The posts after the Comodo incident initially worried me very much. I felt it revealed a systemic weakness in the Web’s PKI system that would compromise the security of Mozilla’s users. I now think it does reveal a systemic weakness, but I don’t think it matters that much, because there are far easier targets. After all, your average phisherman doesn’t even bother with TLS.

We could revoke the Comodo root, or something similar but less drastic. I think such measures would mostly serve to give the appearance that Mozilla is serious about security. Sort of like x-raying shoes at airports. Incidentally, you can board a plane in a middle eastern country, shoes unscanned, and fly to the US.

This sentiment does cut both ways. I don’t see any reason for people to pay five or fifty dollars for certs when they should probably be pay 50 cents.

December 29, 2008 09:36 AM

Aza Raskin

RESTful Rhyme Dictionary Web Service

For a side project, I needed a simple rhyming web service. Pass in a word, and have it spit out that word’s rhymes. A quick scan of the internet showed the impossible — it didn’t exist! 30 minutes of Python hacking later and the problem was rectified.

The service can take two paramaters: q and callback. The former specifies the word to be rhymed with (self-rhymes excluded), and the later wraps the results in a function callback in JSONP-style. Data is returned in JSON format.

Here are two examples to get you started:

["curled", "hurled", "swirled", "twirled", "neworld", "transworld", "unfurled"]

hello(["curled", "hurled", "swirled", "twirled", "neworld", "transworld", "unfurled"])

The results are ordered by number of syllables and then alphabetically. If you make something cool, let me know! (I’m thinking about uses for the new canvas-based text APIs).

Easter egg: If you don’t specify any arguments then the service returns the rhymes of a very special word.

December 29, 2008 03:40 AM

December 28, 2008

Jeff Walden

One reason why Mozilla doesn’t use platform libraries

Every so often (okay, ALL THE TIME) someone (Linux users, of course :-) ) wonders why Mozilla doesn’t use platform libraries for things like networking code. One commonly-argued reason is that it gives us the flexibility to fix security problems without waiting on those upstream libraries to make the fix themselves — we control the code, and we can make the fixes ourselves.

Another reason not to use platform libraries occurred to me while reading Planet WebKit today, specifically the recent WebKit’s week - #7 post. Quoting from that post, added emphasis mine:

HttpOnly Cookie (38566)

An Internet Explorer extension (added in Firefox and Opera since) will soon be supported by WebKit based browsers. This restricts the access to certain cookies. They are only available for an HTTP request and so not from JavaScript. This is an important functionality to restrict the damages of an XSS vulnerability. This is not available in the nightlies because you need some updated Apple proprietary libraries (CFNetwork).

As noted, Firefox supports HTTPOnly cookies; after the patch to add this support was committed, you could download nightly builds which included the fix, and HTTPOnly would Just Work. No mess of upgrading platform libraries to make it happen, no separate-package updating, no waiting on Apple to update their platform libraries. (Incidentally, will Apple make those updates for 10.4 users as well, assuming they even decide to release a browser upgrade for a, er, “dying” OS release? Maybe, maybe not, who can say; “Apple does not comment on future products.”) Just download the build, build it from source yourself if you like building from source or if you’re a Gentoo ricer, and you have a working browser with the fix.

There are tradeoffs to be made rolling your own code when you could use something provided by the OS or by a third-party library. However, it should be equally clear that there are tradeoffs to be made going the other way, at least if you truly care about being cross-platform.

(On an almost entirely unrelated note, I was pleased to discover while writing this post that HTML5’s outline-generation algorithm properly handles headings inside blockquote elements. Yay for specs anticipating my concerns! :-D )

December 28, 2008 10:02 PM

Davide Ficano

Spread XUL (Sunday Thought)

My friend Hamen made me a question about context menu on statusbarpanels, the answer was very trivial for me but I realized should be complicated to find XUL snippets using only web search engines (eg googling).

Are duplicated informations present on the web the hell?

Suppose you need to write some code to read a socket in C/C++ or Java or your preferred language and you use Google or Yahoo to find a snippet, your search produces millions of  interesting results so the information is duplicated and this duplication can confuse you but it has a great advantage, you can copy and paste like a monkey :P discovering the code fits your needs.

Please consider duplication different from clone, duplication from my point of view means “the same topic explained many times in different manner”, clone means “exactly the same code reported in many different places”.

I don’t consider duplicated informations the hell because you can compare found results, you can discover new techniques or simply you can study deeply some aspect of the original problem.

Today XUL/XPCOM searches rarely produces hundreds (certain not millions) of results, the developer is like a pioneer.

I like to be a pioneer ;) but a novice developer can feel discouraged.

XUL developer isn’t alone, he/she has many friends

Ok, actually web search results about XUL are not comparable to other programming languages but developer can use al least two types of resources: human and software

  • Human

The irc channels are great, I always found people ready to help me, also forums and mailing lists are very useful.
Honestly I consider some forum less useful, rarely I’ve received reply to my posts but I’m sure my ugly english didn’t helped me.

  • Software

lxr is the first resource developer must learn to use, searching XUL code directly inside code

MDC and XUL Planet don’t require presentation ;)

Many novice developers don’t know DOMInspector, this is also due to the fact last Firefox releases removed it from standard installation

Help the community to help you

I admit, IRC is my preferred way to ask help but to speed up the process I try to prepare the code to discuss about so developer encounter another friend, the pastebin service.

I’ve written a Komodo macro that quickly submits a code selection to pastebin detecting language and other stuff.

You can find more info here, I’m sure other text editors allow similar solutions  (if they don’t, drop them and use Komodo)

Unzip the world

Dear novice XUL developer, you must simply unzip the world!

What you are trying to do probably is already yet been done, so unzip extensions and take a look at their javascript/xul code.

The 80% of extensions don’t contain platform specific binary code so you can find all inside the XPI.

If you can’t access to Internet try to obtain a tarball with Firefox (or any other Mozilla application) source code and use your editor ‘Find in Files’ feature.

Take a look also inside the chrome directory of your installed Firefox ;)

I will try to spread XUL

Using this blog I want to create duplicated informations :D (garbage??)

I will start a new section dedicated to XUL snippets for beginners users (like me at all), this snippets will be ready to run (when possibile).

I hope to spread XUL know-how starting from the basics.


December 28, 2008 09:26 AM

Robert Sayre

Here’s the thing

Brent Simmons: Here’s the thing, though: it’s not a free market. It’s owned and operated by Apple, and there is no alternative…

It is a free market. It’s just not a free market for Apple sharecroppers.

I would point out that Apple is something akin to Standard Oil for iPhone developers, but that overstates their plight, since they deal in cellphone ornaments for rich people. Morons.

December 28, 2008 06:17 AM

Henrik Skupin

Getting the list of fixes between two Firefox versions

If you are using a beta version of Firefox or even a nightly build, to help in testing brand-new features and verifying fixed bugs, it’s sometimes necessary to identify a regression. Normally you will start in narrowing down the regression range by dividing the possible time frame in smaller chunks. It will take some time but finally you will end-up with two identified builds. One build with the feature working and another one with the regression starts happening.

The next step will be to get the list of patches, which have been checked-in between these builds. Until now I did that by taking the build id from each build and entering it in the date fields on the pushlog page on The problem here is, that you have to remember to add the time difference from PST to UTC or even your local time. I forgot this a couple of times and wondered why none of the listed check-ins were related in any way to the regression I’ve found.

But today I got a nice hint from Ted Mielczarek how to get the correct list of check-ins more easily. With his comment on Bugzilla he pointed out that recent builds offer the changeset information on the “about:buildconfig ” page:


The only thing you have to do now is to copy the changeset id for both versions and to create an URL like this one which will show you the list of check-ins.

For the moment it seems like that there is no UI for such a query but it would be great to have one in the future. But even in the current stage it will boost your work flow to finish any regression test.

Update: I’ve filed bug 471321 which covers the missing ui issue.

December 28, 2008 12:01 AM

December 27, 2008

Zak Greant

Back to the Beginning

« Post 1 | This is the 2nd post in my MoFo Futures 2009 blog series. | Post 3 »

"When a job went wrong, you went back to the beginning. And this is where we got the job. So it's the beginning, and I'm staying till Vizzini comes." — Inigo Montoya, The Princess Bride Screenplay by William Goldman

Being a part of Mozilla over the last three years has been a humbling experience.

When I started with the project, I imagined great personal success. Like a happy little worker bee flitting from Free Software flower to Free Software flower, I would cross-pollinate Mozilla with PHP's community savvy and pragmatism, MySQL's  disruptive innovation canny, and the Free Software Foundation's dedication to their mission and service ethic to Free Software developers. Mozilla would be better, stronger, faster (and, by happy side-effect, I would be a hero.)

Instead, I've experienced a mix of tepid success and equally tepid failure in my Mozilla Foundation work - the sparks I strike never seem to make it into full flame. While I'm proud of my Age of Literate Machines work, it's still just a spark.

If you had asked me why this was a year ago, I probably would have told you that it was because I worked with world-changers - people who've helped build the foundations of the net, people who've stood up to powerful governments, people who've helped build things that are the foundations of parts of my life - and that it is difficult to be a peer in this group.

Reflecting on this after the last three months of personal and organizational soul-searching, I think that the key reason being a part of Mozilla is uniquely humbling is that we have a massive constituency and want to effect global change across the breathtaking complexity of the net. To make meaningful positive change at this scale requires deep clarity of thought, a singular purpose and a lot of luck. I've had the luck, but to get to where I must be I need to go back to the beginning.

« Post 1 | This is the 2nd post in my MoFo Futures 2009 blog series. | Post 3 »


December 27, 2008 08:12 PM

Jeff Walden

The twelve days of Christmas

An amusing video via my favorite economist, even if it’s obviously not true to real life:

As a computer scientist my first thought is that it’s a very good thing there are only twelve days; imagine the cost if it were O(n2) rather than O(1)! (There’s a very large constant in this video’s case, of course, but as it’s not intended to accurately reflect reality there’s no reason to optimize. :-D )

December 27, 2008 12:45 PM

Jay Patel

Watch our Campus Reps hit the streets…

Our Mozilla Campus Reps wrapped up the “On the Street” Interviews project in December and produced some very cool videos.  There were 12 submissions from our reps in the US and in India… and I hope that future projects like this will allow us to see more of the world as reps in other countries get involved.

I wanted to share all of the great videos with the Mozilla community…and congratulate Mauricio, Fazulul, and Galen on their videos, which were voted the “Top 3 Favorites”  by the Mozilla marketing team.

Here are the 2008 Campus Reps “On the Street” videos with some comments from our reps about their experience:

Mauricio Zepeda, Florida Institute of Technology, Melbourne, FL

By knowing how much time of our life is spent online, the purpose of this video was to capture people’s feelings and preferences  regarding Internet Browsers. We received a lot of help from different people who supported Firefox and believed that making this video was a good cause. Among this people are the Camera Man and Editor, “Kleber Garcia”, who managed to borrow a professional camera from his job; The people behind ACM Florida Tech Chapter, who provided us with their time and support; And the Christian / Emo / Happy Hardcore artists from Solo, Norway “Shari Vari” who granted us permission for using their music.

Fazulul Rahman, Sri Sakthi College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu

It was really an awesome experience hearing the exceptional usefulness of Firefox from the public.It made me to think that people are very much aware of the world’s most fastest,safe and useful browser “Mozilla Firefox”.  In this on the street experience, i met loads of people.  They find Firefox as their best companion when it comes to surfing or searching…while there are only few who have little knowledge of just loading web pages through firefox.  And there are even few who haven’t heard of Firefox and still stick on to the old default Windows browser “Internet Explorer”.  I took  this opportunity to teach and show them that there is Firefox for them to lead.  I also helped them come out of that little knowledge and made them use the world’s fastest browser “Mozilla Firefox”.  I helped installing them the recent firefox and showed them the difference in speed for loading webpages between Firefox and IE.  Also I explained them of the useful features like add-ons, private data clearing, player integration, download manager integration, popup blockers, etc…

Galen Weld, The Evergreen School, Shoreline (Seattle), WA

I really enjoyed interviewing my teachers to create this video. For me, it was interesting to hear about all my teachers experiences with Firefox. I never really thought about their opinions on the subject. I was surprised to learn that a lot of my interviewees preferred Firefox over IE. I had always thought of my self as one of the lone Firefox users, trying heard to convert the others. Creating this video really helped me think about the fact that some of my teachers really care about open source software. Also, it was a great opportunity to have a much needed laugh.

Vishal Jalan, Indian Institute of Management, Indore, India

The interview were mostly conducted amongst MBA students who are normally not that “Tech” savvy. Quite a bunch of them still use internet explorer.
It was a wonderful experience talking to people about firefox and mozilla in general. I got to meet some die hard firefox fans to some who had absolutely no idea what mozilla was. It was amazing to see some of them belonging to the same campus but such a vast difference in the awareness about mozilla. One thing which was common across people was that all of them who used Firefox were very proud of the fact.

Abhishek Suresh & Sheriff Mirza, Sri Shakthi Institute of Engineering and Technology, Tamil Nadu, India

We visited a couple of places, and it was an amazing experience speaking to many people. It was embarrassing and funny in the beginning, eventually we got a hang of it and it was fun indeed. We made a compilation of the funniest and best interviews which would of course make the video a bit interesting to watch.

From our Statistics, this is what we obtained:
Google Chrome - 20 Users
Mozilla Firefox - 16 Users
Safari - 15 Users
Opera - 15 Users
Internet Explorer - 8 Users
Maxthon - 1 User
Ares? - 1 User

Udit Sharma, Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering and Apex Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur, India

I am Udit Sharma & I am Campus REP of Kautilya Institute of Technology & Engineering, Jaipur. While shooting this interview, I enjoyed a lot, it was amazing experience. While shooting the videos, I concluded that 4 out of 10 people don’t know about Mozilla and don’t know about Firefox…. I am shocked!! to observe this in my city Jaipur. Even the lecturers & professors of my neighborhood campus i.e. Apex Institute of Engineering & Technology, Jaipur don’t know about Firefox, if they would.. than they don’t know that Firefox is Free, open source etc. They are still using boring, slow, MS Internet Explorer…. I interviewed the professors of my neighborhood campus and included in my On the Street Interview. I told many people about Mozilla Firefox and its features and most of them promised me to use Firefox as there default browser. I observed many people saying that they know about Firefox but they don’t bother to download Firefox and than using it…….as…Firefox doesn’t come default with the MS Windows…as 75% users are still using Windows….. Some people comments are funny & crazy and some people are really have knowledge about Mozilla, Mozilla Firefox, Open Source etc… I think this “On the Street” project helped me a lot to understand people minds for WEB etc. I am always ready for these kind of projects and I can do anything to promote Mozilla products….. MOZILLA ROCKS!!!!!!

Ahana Datta, Springdales School, New Delhi, India

I was amazed at the response that students were ready to give, even though many of them were not aware of Firefox or Open Source or the difference between Mozilla and Firefox. But I was glad to know that all of them have at least heard of Firefox, may they not be using it. Anyhow, I had a fun session making them aware of the browser and trying to convert them to it!

Gracelyne Fernando, Suburbs of Tuticorin, Tamil Nadu, South India

My on the street experience was good.. I met people who weren’t really all that computer literate.  I wish I could have done a more professional campus sorta footage.  i had some hilarious incidents too.. like when I told people to try out firefox for mobiles when its released,one girl joked by showing her nokia 1100 set and said nothing could be used on her mobile…! on the whole it was a fun-filled session.

Anil Pai, Bangalore, India

The campaign was started in the first week on November. Initially I started alone capturing videos in my home locality, at my campus asking questions to my classmates and neighbours. In the second week, I went to shopping mall (Big Bazaar) after buying a mini DV video cassette along with two of my friends in the evening and asked questions to everyone around the mall. The mall security persons and policemen did ask some questions to us to know what we were doing, and we answered that its a marketing project for our college exams… Thankfully they dint ask us to show our mozilla ids.. ( i had ur letter ready in my bag which u had sent the other day,  to show them in case they ask)… We gave them mozilla goodies and they thanked us.. :-) The very next day there was Abode Boot camp goin on in the other part of the city.. I went there with my friend and questioned two guys there, and they answered really well… We thought marketing mozilla in abode boot camp may lead to problems, so we just listened to some demos there and returned back… Some video coverage was also done by me  in the parking lot of my campus asking questions to 1st, 2nd, 3rd and final year students , to check their Mozilla Knowledge..  Finally, it was a great experience for me and my friends. All the speakers of the On the Street campaign video were given a set of Mozilla goodies containing stickers, hats, lanyards, badges etc.. Hope you and Mozilla team will love watching this video and also the other Mozilla Campus Reps who havnt started with the campaign yet will get some idea

Shreyank Gupta, Kolkata, West Bengal, India

Vishnu S., VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India

Vineel Reddy, Hyderabad, India

Thanks to all the reps that participated and for everyone that helped review the videos.   I am working to put together the best clips from all the submissions into one highlight reel that we will be showcasing on Air Mozilla and YouTube in early 2009… so keep an eye out for that.

December 27, 2008 04:19 AM