
  • Weave


    Weave is an experimental framework for services integration in the browser.
  • Personas


    Dynamic lightweight theming for Firefox.
  • Prism


    Blurring the lines between the desktop and the Web.



Labs Update - December 2008

December 2008 Edition
Concept Series

University of Michigan Design Jam
The University of Michigan’s School of Information held their third Design Jam as part of the Concept Series. This session took ideas generated at the two previous Design Jams and had students work together in small teams to develop and refine detailed mockups.
Campus Outreach
In early [...]

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Mozilla Labs Meetup - Thursday 12/18

It’s time for another Monthly Meetup. This month’s Labs Night will be next Thursday, December 18th, 6pm at Mozilla’s office - 1981 Landings Drive, bldg K in Mountain View, California.
Last month’s meetup with the Seedcamp teams was awesome, thanks so much to all who attended. Next week - the final meetup of 2008! - we [...]

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Labs Update - November 2008

Welcome to the first issue of about:labs, a new weekly newsletter that showcases innovation across the Mozilla community. In the coming weeks we’ll adopt the same infrastructure as the popular about:mozilla newsletter.
Concepts of the Week
Here’s some ideas we’ve found that have sparked thoughts in our minds from the Concept Series and across the Web; we [...]

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Extend Firefox 3

Extend Firefox 3

Are you ready to take the first hill? Now is your chance. The next edition of Extend Firefox is here!

Extend Firefox 3 is a global developer contest with prizes awarded for developing new Firefox Add-ons for the upcoming production release of Firefox 3.