The Mozilla Blog

News, notes and ramblings from the Mozilla project

Fennec alpha 2 released

Posted by Nicole Loux

Editor’s note: Mozilla announced the release of Fennec alpha 2, an early developer release of the mobile version of Firefox, on Monday, December 22, 2008.  See Engineering Manager Stuart Parmenter’s comprehensive post for more details, excerpted here:

We’re happy to announce that our second alpha release of Fennec has come together.  While we focused much of the previous alpha on getting the user experience how we wanted, we’ve spent much of the time since focused on improving performance.  We’ve made major strides improving startup performance, panning and zooming performance, and responsiveness while pages are loading.

The release notes have information on a quick start, how to install, what’s new, known issues and how to provide feedback. So if you’re interested in getting involved with Mozilla Mobile, install Fennec and tell us what you think.

Congratulations to the entire mobile team!

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Congratulations! “Fox For All” Wins Impact Mozilla

Posted by kkovash

Mozilla is proud to announce “Fox For All” as the grand prize winner of Impact Mozilla.  “Fox For All” was authored by Phani Kumar Vadrevu and Uttam Byragoni of India.

In total, more than 5,000 people cast a vote for their favorite plan.  While “Fox For All” received the most votes, there were several finalists who finished as close runners-up: “How Do You Firefox?” finished in 2nd place (Chicago Booth student team), “Surf On Your Own Turf” finished in 3rd (Haas business school student team), and “My Firefox” by Bruno Fleurquin of France came in 4th.

We’re extremely grateful to all ten finalists.  The degree of hard work and the diversity of ideas contributed by the teams far exceeded all expectations.  Impact Mozilla also succeeded in reaching out to groups not traditionally part of the Mozilla community (e.g., MBA students).

So, where do we go from here?

With respect to our winner, we’ll soon start engaging with Phani and Uttam to discuss possibilities for the implementation of their plan.  For our other finalists, we’ll be sending out swag as a token of our appreciation.  Impact Mozilla has been a wild success, and it couldn’t have happened without the enthusiasm of the community and strong efforts by all participants.

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Firefox on film!

Posted by afranquet

We’ve launched a new video section on to help bring some of the many great features of Firefox alive.  The feature-specific videos are narrated by the people who helped bring them to Firefox.  The new video section even includes a walk through on how to install Firefox — perfect to help people make the switch.

The videos include (and the list is growing!):

  • Firefox 3 overview
  • How to switch to Firefox with Asa Dotzler
  • Security features in Firefox 3 with Johnathan Nightingale
  • Bookmarks and tags with Alex Faaborg
  • Awesomebar with Seth Spitzer

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Firefox now available for download

Posted by Nicole Loux

Editor’s note: Mozilla released a security and stability update for Firefox 2.x users on Thursday, December 18th, 2008 at 6:04 pm PT. Check out the Mozilla Developer News announcement , reposted below, for more details.

As part of the Mozilla Corporation’s ongoing stability and security process, we’ve just shipped Firefox, which fixes a non-critical issue in the Windows version of Firefox

Firefox is now available for download on Windows, Mac, and Linux from our website.

We strongly recommend all Firefox 2 users upgrade to this latest release. If you already have Firefox 2, you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can also be applied manually by selecting “Check for Updates…” from the Help menu.

For more information, please see the Firefox release notes.

Note: Mozilla is not planning any further security & stability updates for Firefox 2, and recommends that you upgrade to Firefox 3 as soon as possible. It’s free, and your settings and bookmarks will be preserved.

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Firefox 3.0.5 and security updates now available for download

Posted by Nicole Loux

Editor’s note: Mozilla released a security and stability update for Firefox 3.x users on Tuesday, December 16, 2008 at 4:30 pm PT. Check out the Mozilla Developer News announcement , reposted below, for more details.

As part of Mozilla Corporation’s ongoing stability and security update process, Firefox 3.0.5 and Firefox are now available for Windows, Mac, and Linux as free downloads:

Mozilla is not planning any further security & stability updates for Firefox 2, and recommends that you upgrade to Firefox 3 as soon as possible. It’s free, and your settings and bookmarks will be preserved.

Also, the Phishing Protection service will no longer be available for Firefox 2 users. Firefox 3 offers a free Phishing and Malware Protection service, which will continue to protect you from online scams and attacks.

If you already have Firefox 3 or Firefox 2, you will receive an automated update notification within 24 to 48 hours. This update can also be applied manually by selecting “Check for Updates…” from the Help menu.

For a list of changes and more information, please review the Firefox 3.0.5 Release Notes and the Firefox Release Notes.

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Thunderbird 3.0 beta 1 now available!

Posted by Melissa Shapiro

Mozilla Messaging just announced that the Thunderbird 3.0 beta 1 is now available for download!
For more details about Thunderbird and this release, check out the Mozilla Messaging website.

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Impact Mozilla - Vote Now!

Posted by kkovash

Our Impact Mozilla competition has reached its final phase – and now it’s your turn to determine the winner.  After a month of hard work, all ten finalists have returned with their developed strategies and complete marketing plans.  Here’s an overview of how things will play out:

  • To judge all ten entries, simply go to
  • Please consider giving yourself at least an hour to read through multiple plans and to carefully consider all finalists
  • The entry with the most votes wins Impact Mozilla
  • Voting is open to everyone.  Only one vote per person is allowed.
  • Voting closes on Wednesday, December 17th
  • Mozilla then intends to execute the winning idea in early 2009

Congratulations to our ten finalists for their impressive efforts!

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Firefox 3.1 beta 2 now available!

Posted by Melissa Shapiro

Editor’s note: Mozilla released Firefox 3.1 beta 1 on Monday, December 8, 2008 at 2:39 pm PT. Check out the Mozilla Developer News announcement reposted below for more details.

Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 now available for download

Please note: Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 is a public preview release intended for developer testing and community feedback. It includes many new features as well as improvements to performance, web compatibility, and speed. We recommend that you read the release notes and known issues before installing this beta.

Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 is now available for download. This milestone is focused on testing the core functionality provided by many new features and changes to the platform scheduled for Firefox 3.1. Ongoing planning for Firefox 3.1 can be followed at the Firefox 3.1 Planning Center, as well as in and on in #shiretoko.

New features and changes in this milestone that require feedback include:

  • This beta is now available in 54 languages - get your local version and let us know if it looks right.
  • A new Private Browsing Mode that allows you to browse without Firefox storing any traces of where you’ve been - perfect for online holiday shopping!
  • New functions that make it easy to remove the history of your past few hours of browsing, or remove all traces of a website.
  • New support for web worker threads.
  • The new TraceMonkey JavaScript engine is now on by default for web content.
  • Improvements to the Gecko layout engine, including speculative parsing for faster content rendering.
  • Removed the new tab-switching & preview behavior based on feedback from Beta 1 users
  • Support for new web technologies such as the <video> and <audio> elements, the W3C Geolocation API, JavaScript query selectors, CSS 2.1 and 3 properties, SVG transforms and offline applications.

Testers can download Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 builds for Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux in 54 different languages. Developers should also read the Firefox 3.1 for Developers article on the Mozilla Developer Center.

Note: Please do not link directly to the download site. Instead we strongly encourage you to link to this Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 milestone announcement so that everyone will know what this milestone is, what they should expect, and who should be downloading to participate in testing at this stage of development.

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The Mozilla Community Store is here!

Posted by tshahian

Masthead blog image2

This morning we announced the launch of the Mozilla Community Store, a new open source approach to our t-shirt creation process that allows anyone to submit their original designs and make them publicly available for purchase.

The Store gallery is comprised entirely of community-generated art from around the world, all of which can be fully customized through Zazzle — a leading on-demand retail platform offering customization tools to help you create products fitted to your unique personal style. The process is pretty straightforward and there are lots of options to choose from, including:

- Over 400 apparel products including basic t-shirts, sweatshirts, and tanks.
- Styles covering women, men, kids, and baby.
- Detailed size charts that range from XS - 6XL.
- A wide variety of shirt colors.
- Scaling and repositioning of the design on the shirt.
- Adding custom text and other images.
- And more!

The Mozilla Community Store was inspired by the Firefox 3 t-shirt design contest, which resulted in a large pool of really impressive designs and a demand to make more of them available for print. We’ve seeded the Store with 60 of the best submissions from the contest, and are excited to see the collection grow.

You can contribute designs at any time through the upload tool on the site. Send us high resolution PNGs or JPGs of your best work, and make sure to enter your name so that we can give you full credit. We encourage you to be creative, but design concepts should generally be based on: Firefox, Thunderbird, SeaMonkey, Camino, Bugzilla, Sunbird or Lightning. Please read the Guidelines and FAQ for all the details.

In support of the launch, Zazzle is offering 20% off purchases through December 25th. Enter the special promo code MOZILLAMERCH at checkout for the discount…happy shopping!

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Bugzilla 3.2 released!

Posted by Nicole Loux

Editor’s note: The Bugzilla Project released Bugzilla 3.2 on Saturday, November 29, 2008. Check out the full release notes for more details.

The Bugzilla Project released Bugzilla 3.2, the first major feature release since Bugzilla 3.0.  Bugzilla 3.2 brings a lot of great improvements and polish to the Bugzilla experience, including major UI improvements, a new default skin, custom status workflow, easier installation, experimental oracle support, improved UTF-8 support, group icons and more. It’s exciting to note that there are as many new features between Bugzilla 3.0 and 3.2 as there were between 2.22 and 3.0. For more details, see the complete list of new features.
If you’re upgrading to Bugzilla 3.2, make sure to read How to Upgrade From An Older Version. If you are upgrading from a release before 3.0, make sure to read the release notes for all the previous versions in between your version and this one, particularly the “Notes For Upgraders” section of each version’s release notes.

Check out Max Kanat-Alexander’s blog, one of the main developers in the Bugzilla Project, for more information on the release.

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