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By David Meyer ZDNet.co.uk
Posted on ZDNet News: Apr 30, 2008 7:21:27 AM

Companies building websites should beware of proprietary rich-media technologies like Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight, the founder of Mozilla Europe has warned.

Speaking at the Internet World conference in London on Tuesday, Tristan Nitot claimed such applications threaten the open nature of the internet because the companies behind them could "have an agenda". While he conceded that Flash was currently necessary for consistently displaying content such as video, he suggested that the upcoming revision of the HTML specification would make it unnecessary to use proprietary technology.

Flash is already used to display multimedia content on many websites. According to Nitot, the Adobe Flash Player is on 98 percent of all PCs in the world. Silverlight is a similar technology, launched by Microsoft last year.

Nitot was speaking on the subject of "the dangers of the proprietary web". He described the nature of the web at the moment as open, but suggested that "proprietary solutions running on top of the web are trying to take over". Referring specifically to Flash and Silverlight, he said that "people depend on the vendor to provide them with the runtime [browser plug-in that runs the code]."

"So far there has not been a problem," Nitot said. "Both Adobe and Microsoft have been willing to give [Flash and Silverlight away] for free. But maybe they have an agenda. They're not here for the glory; they're here for the money." Currently both Microsoft and Adobe make money from their respective web multimedia software by selling developer kits, but there are now a number of open-source projects for developing Flash and less mature, but still active, efforts to create open-source Silverlight development software.

Nitot gave two historical examples of Microsoft and Adobe withdrawing or withholding products from certain platforms: Microsoft's discontinuation of Internet Explorer for Unix and Mac, and Adobe's long-standing refusal to "provide a recent version of Flash for Linux users". He suggested that web developers should be asking those companies whether they are "sure that Silverlight and Flash will always be available on all platforms [and] run decently on all platforms."

"You're producing content for your users and there's someone in the middle deciding whether users should see your content," Nitot said. "If Adobe or Microsoft decides to compete with you and you're using their technology, you cannot compete."

"If you consider proprietary technologies, think hard; are you really trading convenience in the short term with independence in the long term?" Nitot asked. He conceded that "if you want to have a commercially viable website, in most cases you need Flash," but continued: "In HTML 5 there will be video and audio; you won't need Flash for video and audio". HTML 5 is currently a work in progress. Although the specification can be used in some cases now, it is not likely to reach completion until 2010 at the very earliest.

Talking to ZDNet.co.uk after his speech, Nitot said he had "nothing against Adobe". "Flash… is a success, although I don't think it is [compatible with] the open web," he said. He added that Adobe should open source Flash and claimed that there was a possibility of this happening if Silverlight becomes a successful rival to it.

Nitot also claimed that Mozilla was "leading [open] web standards adoption" by gaining significant market share for its Firefox browser, thereby forcing competitors such as Microsoft to use web standards in their browsers.

ZDNet.co.uk approached Microsoft and Adobe for comment on Nitot's speech but neither had responded at the time of writing.

  • Talkback
  • Most Recent of 111 Talkback(s)
Gee arent you special
Well no, you are just an idiot. The rest of the world could care less about the 5% of rebel techies out there that hate anything unless its 100% free or open source. Sometimes there are things that ju... (Read the rest)
Posted by: jimk_z Posted on: 05/27/08 You are currently: Logged In as: a Guest  | Login | Terms of Use
The "may"...?  Qbt | 04/30/08
When must-have programs become Trojans  terry flores | 04/30/08
Try Flash and Pics Control for IE.  Anton Philidor | 04/30/08
RE: Try Flash and Pics Control for IE  bfilipiak@... | 04/30/08
Hey Anton  theo_durcan | 05/01/08
Once again the myth of going to Firefox  tonymcs@... | 05/05/08
Monopoly is against the law, and is despised  shannon.vanwagner@... | 05/11/08
My, you are bitter and twisted!  GOTBO | 05/01/08
Pardon me...  Four-Eyes | 05/05/08
Me too - sort of  sagax- | 05/04/08
Proof exists  Update victim | 05/01/08
motivation  coffeeshark | 04/30/08
According to Mr. Nitot, the motivation should be...  Guy Smiley | 04/30/08
Destroy prorietary software  elderlybloke | 05/01/08
Hardware costs are different to software  quantumstate | 04/30/08
software costs a lot, though  coffeeshark | 04/30/08
Well, You're correct about no guarantee on  Update victim | 05/01/08
Not quite right  Dr. John | 04/30/08
Just like an open source guy  mydasx | 05/05/08
"It's their software to do with as they please"  philDaniels | 05/01/08
FUD  shawn_dude | 05/01/08
I use flash player in Linux np  starcannon99022@... | 05/01/08
flash player in Linux  LinuxEnduser | 05/02/08
The market will work - let it!  Carrion | 04/30/08
I agree with you, to the extent that the market is "open"  terry flores | 04/30/08
Open Source Flash  pj_mouse | 05/01/08
This line of logic supposes...  starcannon99022@... | 05/01/08
The market will work - let it!  vilppuu@... | 05/08/08
The internet has never been "Open" in nature. QUIT trying to paint.....  xuniL_z | 04/30/08
Open source is not government controlled  quantumstate | 04/30/08
you are right  xuniL_z | 04/30/08
The Internet IS BY AND LARGE OPEN  chaz15 | 04/30/08
Oh Gosh  TtfnJohn | 04/30/08
Well said  balaknair | 04/30/08
Pappy of the internet  candusound@... | 05/01/08
Al Gore  bahera | 05/02/08
Your wrong  starcannon99022@... | 05/01/08
Proprietary software is patriotic  elderlybloke | 05/01/08
Striking a balance  Spats30 | 04/30/08
Oh God ! here we go again --- quick call the EU...  socialism=nowhere | 04/30/08
MS and Google called the EUq  bahera | 05/02/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  johnpills | 04/30/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  ah.lopes@... | 04/30/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  fewiii | 04/30/08
Great retort  bahera | 05/02/08
XUL  zd@... | 04/30/08
RE: No Flash Needed  Mr_Wizard | 04/30/08
Gee arent you special  jimk_z | 05/27/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  ibtechnologies@... | 04/30/08
Flash and Silverlight ..Apples and Oranges  ibtechnologies@... | 04/30/08
No, Flex is a counter to WPF/.NET  PB_z | 05/01/08
Wrong  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
Adobe AIR + Flex is counter to WPF  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
Can you say "AIR"  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
????  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
Gotta love it...  jackbond | 05/01/08
WRONG  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
OOPS Sorry posted to wrong reply  ibtechnologies@... | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  webm0nster | 04/30/08
Gratitude? Nice logic.  bahera | 05/02/08
RE: "Adobe's long-standing refusal to...  Louis.Ross@... | 04/30/08
Works like an alpha...  Necrolin | 05/01/08
Beta beta beta  bahera | 05/02/08
I must have lucked out.  Louis.Ross@... | 05/02/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  walkerjian@... | 04/30/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  iHateMorons | 05/01/08
HTML/CSS = unexciting?  bahera | 05/02/08
This guy is an IDIOT  iHateMorons | 05/01/08
HTML 5 is a total joke  jackbond | 05/01/08
You must be talking about a different HTML5...  shoktai@... | 05/01/08
No, not a mistake, HTML 5 is a fuken joke  jackbond | 05/01/08
They're taking a bad approach with HTML5  PB_z | 05/01/08
Small competitors?  bahera | 05/02/08
Over the top.  tonytopper | 05/01/08
AMEN!...  socialism=nowhere | 05/01/08
EU boo-hoos?  bahera | 05/02/08
Idiots and agendas?  bahera | 05/02/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  JasterMereel | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  philDaniels | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  philDaniels | 05/01/08
Mozilla sucks!  qmlscycrajg | 05/01/08
The consistently high intellectual level  mhenriday | 05/01/08
Trust consumers and let the Free Market decide  ElgatoNL | 05/01/08
Everybody's an Idiot  aureolin@... | 05/01/08
Competition is building something better  THEE WOLF | 05/01/08
This guy is annoying...  tucker@... | 05/01/08
Flash = not out there  bahera | 05/02/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  abarten | 05/01/08
squack about flash and silverlight, but don't provide a solution...thanks!  quarky42 | 05/01/08
Adobe and MS  theo_durcan | 05/01/08
Mozilla = MS?  bahera | 05/02/08
Adobe has open-sourced Flash  Paul C. | 05/01/08
Flash is NOT open-sourced  bahera | 05/02/08
An overview...  Mitch 74 | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  tem@... | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  admin@... | 05/01/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  bahera | 05/02/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  mattjpoole@... | 05/02/08
Translation...  Spiritusindomit@... | 05/02/08
Flash is useful in some cases...  Four-Eyes | 05/05/08
Flash is net Blight  proton_z | 05/06/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  Ceridan | 05/06/08
This story is so damn right.  magallanes | 05/06/08
Heck  Boot_Agnostic | 05/07/08
Name a website that requires Safari?  sw0rdfish | 05/07/08
Flash and Silverlight are more than just Video  royalstream | 05/07/08
Don't whine, please...  srkinyon | 05/07/08
RE: Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  fsadfas | 05/09/08
Mozilla warns of Flash and Silverlight 'agenda'  fsadfas | 05/09/08
What if flash suddenly wasn't free anymore?  skate323k137 | 05/10/08
I guess Google supports proprietary software  jimk_z | 05/27/08

What do you think?


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