QCon is coming back to London... 

Tutorials: March 9 - 10, 2009
Conference:  March. 11 - 13, 2009

The third annual London enterprise software development conference designed for team leads, architects and project management is back! There is no other event in the UK with similar opportunities for learning, networking, and tracking innovation occurring in the Java, .NET, Ruby, SOA, Agile, and architecture communities.  Key takeaway points and the many blog discussions from last year's QCon London can be found in this article.

Some of our speakers for QCon London 2009 include:

Tony Hoare, Inventor of Quicksort, Turing Award Winner

Joe Armstrong, Father of Erlang

Martin Fowler, Loud Mouth on Object Design

Steve Freeman, Agile Software Development Pioneer

Michael T. Nygard, Author of "Release IT"

Rod Johnson, Creator of Spring

Dion Hinchcliffe, Web 2.0 and Social Media Industry Expert 

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Geek Night: Ruby and Rails

In this talk Dan North, ThoughtWorks provides a brief introduction to Ruby and Rails and highlights some of the drawbacks of the Rails / ActiveRecord model for web applications. Then he demonstrates an alternative web stack called Ramaze that he believes addresses many of these drawbacks, particularly around the areas of evolutionary design and testability.

January the 27th at 6.30pm

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