Example Screenshots of Strider URL Tracer with Typo-Patrol


Target: Slashdot.org


        �Top Domains� view: 20 typo domains fetched parking ads from oingo.com; slashdoit.org is just one example; see other examples.

      Clicking on the ads will send your browser to pagead2.googlesyndication.com.



        �Top Domains� view: 12 typo domains fetched parking ads from sedoparking.com; wwwslashdot.org is just one example; see other examples.



        �Top Domains� view: 2 typo domains fetched parking ads from information.com and 2 typo domains fetched parking ads from domainsponsor.com; see other examples.




        �Top Domains� view: 2 typo domains fetched parking ads from netster.com; see other examples.

      Clicking on the ads will send your browser to pagead2.googlesyndication.com.

      Slahdot.org � WhoIs registrant: POPULAR ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., Knoxville, TN

      Slasdot.org -- WhoIs registrant: POPULAR ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., Knoxville, TN

      Netster.com -- WhoIs registrant: POPULAR ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., Knoxville, TN (https://secure.onlineaccess.net/iyd/whoislookup.php)






Target: WashingtonPost.com


        �Top Domains� view: 30 typo domains fetched parking ads from oingo.com; washingtoinpost.com is just one example; see other examples.




        �Top Domains� view: 11 typo domains fetched parking ads from information.com and 3 typo domains fetched parking ads from domainsponsor.com; see other examples.




        �Top Domains� view: 6 typo domains fetched parking ads from sedoparking.com; see other examples.

      Clicking on the ads will send your browser to pagead2.googlesyndication.com.



        �Top Domains� view: 3 typo domains fetched parking ads from netster.com; see other examples.

      Clicking on the ads will send your browser to pagead2.googlesyndication.com.

      Washingtonmpost.com � WhoIs registrant: North American Internet, LLC, Knoxville, TN

      Washingtronpost.com � WhoIs registrant: North American Internet, LLC, Knoxville, TN

      Netster.com -- WhoIs registrant: POPULAR ENTERPRISES, L.L.C., Knoxville, TN (https://secure.onlineaccess.net/iyd/whoislookup.php)



        �Top Domains� view: 5 typo domains generated third-party traffic to hitfarm.com; see other examples.

      About hitfarm.com: http://beta.hitfarm.com/

1.       http://www.dnforum.com/f60/hitfarm-com-ppc-provider-thread-106757.html?highlight=hitfarm

2.       http://www.dnforum.com/f222/hitfarm-thread-110506.html

3.       http://www.dnforum.com/f222/who-hit-farm-thread-124180.html?highlight=hitfarm

4.       http://www.dnforum.com/f160/parking-sites-allow-typos-thread-124678.html?highlight=hitfarm



        �Top Domains� view: 4 typo domains fetched parking ads fromTrafficZ.com; this one has the title �Washington Post�; see other examples.



        �URL Scan History� view: these two typo domains do not fetch parking ads from a third-party domain; see other examples.




Other Targets


        �URL Scan History� view: each of these two typo domains generated third-party traffic to a traffic-aggregation anchor domain; see other examples.

      Cojmcast.net � WhoIs registrant: Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc (a wholly-owned subsidiary of The Vendare Group according to http://www.navigationcatalyst.com/about/about.php)

      Internet�service�provider.com -- WhoIs registrant: Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc (according to http://www.internetters.co.uk/cgi_bin/internetters.cgi)

      Qsrch.com � WhoIs registrant: New.net Incorporated (a division of Vendare Media according to http://new.net/)

      Sovererignbank.com -- WhoIs registrant: Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc

      Bankaccountt.net -- WhoIs registrant: Navigation Catalyst Systems, Inc




        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain redirected to ownbox.com; see other examples.




        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to zedo.com; see other examples.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to ireit.com

      Clicking on the ads will send your browser to pagead2.googlesyndication.com.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to ParkingSpa.com; see other examples.




        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to GoldKey.com; see other examples.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to domainhop.com; see other examples.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain generated parking-related third-party traffic to secureserver.net.





Against Each Other


        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain of domainsponsor.com is parked with sedoparking.com.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain of sedoparking.com is parked with information.com.



        �URL Scan History� view: this typo domain of information.com is parked with oingo.com.