Title PDF Plotter and printing improvements
Student Adam Blokus
Mentor John Tytgat
This is a proposal to work on adding to NetSurf the PDF plotter functionality and implement printing for GTK. As by now, NetSurf serves well as a quite fast and very simple web browser. Creating a possibility to export viewed pages to PDF would not only be a nice extension to NetSurf's current functionality, but also create a good basis for printing documents viewed in NetSurf's any possible future port to any environment having support for printing PDF files.

 As the GTK GUI is also a part of NetSurf, I think it cannot be left without printing support. That is why I am proposing to implement support for the GTK printing system. Since the printing logic(scaling, dividing into pages) is done for the RiscOs GUI (still, with some nuisances left) and will be considerably improved while working on PDF plotting, this task will only consist of writing GTK printing specific code.
 As a priority of this project I consider also reorganizing all the the code responsible for any "divided-into-pages" output(PDF, all methods of printing) to separate the common logic from platform specific issues, what will make adding other printing systems easer in case of porting NetSurf to any other system or a change of current standards.