
Reliby is a Mozilla extension that provides you with Reload all Live Bookmarks functionality. You can access it using the Bookmarks menu or by adding a button to your toolbar. Live bookmarks are RSS feeds inside your browser.

Reliby screenshot

Get Reliby

Install latest version of Reliby

Tested and works in: Mozilla Firefox, Netscape 8, Flock.

Consider donating

Donate some moneyThis utility is being developed in my spare time, which I dont have much of so if you like to encourage me doing more development, please consider donating some money.

Version history

Version 1.1.0 released! [6 April 2006] Version 1.0.0 released! [15 February 2006]


You can view the source for Reliby online or get it with the following commands:

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs login
cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvs co reliby

The password is guest

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