
These are the answers to the most common questions that I receive. If you can't find an answer to your question you can contact me using the feedback form.

  • What is BrowserSpy?
    BrowserSpy is a collection of online tests that shows you what a website like mine, can collect of information about you.
  • Where do I download BrowserSpy?
    You can't download BrowserSpy since it's a online tool!
  • What can BrowserSpy do?
    BrowserSpy can tell you all kinds of detailed information about you and your browser. Stuff like version of your browser. What kind of things it supports and what it doesn't support. Furthermore it can provide you detailed information about JavaScript, JVM, Java, Plug-ins, Components, Language, Screen, Hardware, IP, Cookies, Web Server, FTP Password etc....
    You name it, BrowserSpy shows it!
  • Why should I care?
    Basically if BrowserSpy can show the info, a remote site including mine, is able to get the data. This means that websites that you just surfed by are able to gather a whole lot of info about you, your browser and your setup.
  • How can I protect myself?
    From what I've been told there isn't much you can do to protect yourself. Of course you can always turn off JavaScript in your browser but this basically disables surfing with today's websites. The other thing you can do is to use another browser than Microsoft Internet Explorer. Internet Explorer has way too many security problems for it to be a safe browser. Consider using Mozilla Firefox. More information at mozilla.com. You might also considering using a combination of a webfilter and a proxy like PAW and Tor. I've been told that this could protect you giving away too much information you you and your browser.
  • What's needed for this to work?
    Since most of the information is collected through JavaScript, your browser must support JavaScript and have JavaScript Enabled. The newer the browser the more information you get. You can also read this site's recommended browsers.
  • Who made BrowserSpy and why?
    BrowserSpy is made by me, Henrik Gemal! It started out as just some small JavaScript utilities that were able to detect the browser version but then grow into include all kinds of weird detection.
  • What does it cost to use BrowserSpy?
    BrowserSpy is a free tool to use. But if you use some of the BrowserSpy detection at your website please provide a link back to BrowserSpy!
  • How do I link to BrowserSpy?
    Help spread the word about BrowserSpy! You can insert the following piece of HTML on your website:

    <a href="http://gemal.dk/browserspy/">BrowserSpy - Privacy to the ultimate test</a>

  • Can I get the source for BrowserSpy?
    Nope. But since most of the spying is done through JavaScript you can just use the Edit -> View Source option in you browser. If you choose to use some of the spying routines I would appreciate that you included a link back to BrowserSpy.
  • What is BrowserSpy coded in?
    BrowserSpy is using JavaScript, VBScript and Perl to show you the information.
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