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 SECURITY Attribute
SECURITY Attribute

Sets the value indicating whether the source file of a frame or iframe has specific security restrictions applied.



Possible Values

sSecureA string that specifies the following value.
restrictedApplies security settings of the Restricted Sites zone to frame source files or iframe source files.


SECURITY was introduced in Microsoft Internet Explorer 6

The sSecure value must specify restricted. Because SECURITY is an attribute only, it must be defined in the frame element declaration.

If a frame is restricted by the SECURITY attribute, all nested frames share the same restrictions.

The SECURITY attribute applies the user security setting Restricted Sites to the source file of a frame or iframe. (Zone settings are found on the Security tab of the Internet Options dialog box.) By default, scripting is not enabled in the Restricted Sites zone. By changing the security settings of the zone, various negative results can occur, including, but are not limited to, allowing script to run.

Independent of user security settings, the SECURITY attribute affects the behavior of hyperlinks and forms inside a restricted frame or iframe in the following two ways.

  • Hyperlinks and forms open in a new browser window. This happens even when the TARGET attribute specifies "_self" for a frame nested in the restricted frame. In the following example, when you click on a hyperlink in the iframe, a new browser window opens with the requested document.
    <IFRAME SECURITY="restricted" src=""></IFRAME>
  • The SECURITY attribute restricts use of the javascript, vbscript, and about protocols in the URL. For example, in a restricted frame or iframe, the source file cannot execute the following code.
    <A HREF="javascript:alert('Disallowed in restricted FRAME or IFRAME!');">JavaScript Link</A>
security note Security Alert   If the restricted document contains script, the script can be executed when the page is opened in a new window, depending on the security settings of the zone. This is not a problem if the restricted iframe contains inline content, for example, there is no src attribute; or if the content comes from a another more restricted domain, for example, hosts a page from However, when content from the same domain is hosted in a restricted frame, care should be taken to limit the action of hyperlinks and forms. Refer to the following example.

You can access the properties and contents of a restricted frame or iframe through the Document Object Model (DOM) of the container document.


The following example shows how to give the user the choice of loading a document into a restricted or unrestricted iframe. Note that the createElement method is used to create the two frames. The createElement method must use an HTML string for the parameter to specify the SECURITY attribute dynamically; after the iframe is parsed into the document, it cannot be altered.

var bRestShown = false;
var bUnRestShown = false;
function createIframe(){
    var sContents;
    if ("restricted" && bRestShown!=true){
        sContents = "<IFRAME SECURITY='restricted' SRC=''>"
        var newIframe = document.createElement(sContents);
   else if ("unrestricted" && bUnRestShown!=true){
        sContents = "<IFRAME SRC=''>"
        var newIframe = document.createElement(sContents);
<TD><INPUT ID="restricted" TYPE="BUTTON" ONCLICK="createIframe();bRestShown=true;" 
VALUE="Create Restricted IFRAME"></TD>
<TD><INPUT ID="unrestricted" TYPE="BUTTON" ONCLICK="createIframe();bUnRestShown=true;" VALUE="Create Unrestricted IFRAME"></TD>
<b>IFRAME with SECURITY="restricted"</b>
<b>IFRAME without SECURITY attribute</b>
<SPAN id="restIframe"></SPAN>
<SPAN id="unRestIframe"></SPAN>
This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

Hyperlinks that are clicked and forms that are submitted in the restricted frame open in a new browser window. If the page contains script, it can be executed at that time, depending on the security settings of the zone. The following example demonstrates how to disable hyperlinks and submit buttons that might compromise security. Note: The embedded page must be in the same domain.

<TITLE>Restricted IFRAME - Hosting Script</TITLE>
<H1>Restricted IFRAME</H1>
<P>The page below cannot run script, but try clicking the link.</P>

<iframe name="myFrame" width="50%" height="200" src="" security="restricted"></iframe>

<br><button id="btnDisable" onclick="disableAll()">Disable Links and Buttons</button>

<script type="text/javascript" language="jscript">
function disableAll()
    var doc = document.frames("myFrame").document;
    btnDisable.disabled = true;
function disableLinks(c)
    for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++)
        // display the href as a ToolTip
        c[i].title = c[i].href;
        c[i].href = "about:blank";
        c[i].disabled = true;
function disableSubmitButtons(c)
    for (var i=0; i<c.length; i++)
        if (c[i].type == "submit")
            c[i].disabled = true;

This feature requires Microsoft® Internet Explorer 6 or later. Click the following icon to install the latest version. Then reload this page to view the sample.

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