News from the front

Iran: Father 'stones 14-year-old daughter to death'

Tehran, 18 Feb. (AKI) - A man known as Sharif has reportedly stoned his fourteen-year-old daughter to death in southeastern Iran because for allegedly having a relationship with a man.

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Hezbollah will soon destroy Israel, says Iran Guards

Tehran: The head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said on Monday that Israel would soon be destroyed by the "hands of Hezbollah", the Fars News Agency reported.

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Six sharia convicts await stoning death in Nigeria

LAGOS (Reuters) - Six people convicted by Islamic sharia courts in a northern Nigerian state are awaiting death by stoning, while 46 others are waiting for amputation, the official News Agency of Nigeria reported on Friday.

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A Declaration Against Genocide

Washington, D.C. -- This Saturday, political activist and author David Horowitz stood on the dais in the nation’s capital against the backdrop of an enlarged photograph of women covered in black hijabs. With only their eyes revealed, the women carried signs that read: “God Bless Hitler.” This photo was not taken in Iran or Saudi Arabia, but instead comes from a recent rally of radical Muslims in Chicago.

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Feature Presentations

The Violen Oppression of Women in Islam
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Jimmy Carter's War Against the Jews
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What Really Happened In The Middle East
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What Every American Needs To Know About Jihad
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The Islamic Mein Kampf
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Islam: What The West Needs To Know
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