
Friends of Firefox

Frequently Asked Questions

What is World Firefox Day?

World Firefox Day, launched on July 15, 2006, gave everyone who uses and loves Firefox the chance to introduce Firefox to one other person they care about. If you participated in World Firefox Day and your friend started using Firefox on or before September 15, 2006, both of you will be recognized on the Firefox Friends Wall and in Firefox 2.

Why was World Firefox Day launched on July 15?

July 15, 2003 was the birthday of the Mozilla Foundation.

How did people nominate friends for World Firefox Day?

People had to fill out the nomination form at

How many friends could I nominate?

Just one - so we asked folks to choose carefully!

How long did people have to nominate a friend and get them to download Firefox?

From July 15 to September 15, 2006.

Will my friend and I be spammed by Mozilla or anyone else by having given our email addresses?

No. We asked you for a valid email address to prevent anonymous use of the nomination form. You shared your friend's email address so you could send them a single customizable invitation, but Mozilla won't send any additional emails to your friend. And we won't share either of your email addresses with any third parties.

What exactly is the Firefox Friends Wall?

The Firefox Friends Wall is a digital wall that will display the names of everyone who participates in Firefox Day.

Where will the wall be housed?

At Mozilla headquarters, in Mountain View, California. We're also planning on bringing the wall with us to conferences and events.

Will it still be possible to participate in World Firefox Day or the Firefox Friends Wall?

We're looking into how we might incorporate the nomination process into Spread Firefox so folks can easily share or recommend Firefox to their friends.