
File Format Specification FAQ

What is the SWF and FLV File Format Specification?

The SWF and FLV File Format Specification from Adobe documents the file format that plays back in the Adobe Flash Player.

What SWF and FLV File Format versions are currently supported?

The most recent version of the specification covers up through version 9 of the SWF file format and version 1 of the FLV file format. Adobe updates the Specification as soon as possible after each release.

Who does the SWF and FLV File Format Specification benefit?

Export support for SWF provides great opportunities to software developers. Graphics, animation, and application tools vendors instantly reach a vast audience of online users. SWF graphics are smaller than GIF or JPEG, resolution independent, and interactive.

Is a licensing fee required for access to the SWF and FLV File Format Specification?

There are absolutely no access or deployment fees required to use the SWF and FLV File Format Specification.

How do I promote my product's support of Adobe Flash technology?

As part of certain license agreements, licensees are given the right to identify their products as being Adobe Flash Enabled. More details on this program can be found by reviewing the Flash Enabled logo style guide. You should review the Adobe trademark and branding guidelines related to your use of Adobe’s trademarks. 

What kind of development support does Adobe provide for use of the specification?

There is a news group available for developers working with the file format to help share information and techniques.

Does Adobe offer any source code for generating SWF files?

Adobe does not provide sample code with the File Format Specification, although third party developers offer open-source code that serves similar purposes. A good starting point in looking for such third-party code is to search for "SWF" at

Can I use the File Format Specification to create a SWF interpreter or player?

No, the File Format Specification is provided for the specific purpose of enabling software applications to export to the SWF file format.

Can I use the File Format Specification to create a FLV encoder or an FLV streaming service?

No, the File Format Specification is provided for the specific purpose of enabling software applications to export to the SWF file format.

Where do I find information about Adobe Flash Player source code licensing?

For more information about the Flash Player SDK, Flash Lite, and other products for OEMs and Operators, please visit

Adobe Player sites


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