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Britain faces the broadband test

Last Updated: 12:01am BST 08/09/2007

What must change for Britain's infrastructure to cope with increased internet use? Barry Mansfield reports

One of the internet's founding fathers, Vint Cerf, predicted last week that television as we know it would soon be dead, and that an era of television-on-demand, downloaded directly from the internet, would become the norm. It has got internet service providers quaking in their boots. If increasing numbers of us start to use our internet connections to access feature-rich content, uploading and downloading large files on an almost-continuous basis, we will be putting a huge strain on the broadband infrastructure of this country. Indeed, the chief executive of internet service provider Tiscali recently suggested that broadband subscriptions may have to increase in order to support improvements to the network, and that "the internet was not set up with a view to distributing video".

A snail on a mouse
Broadband speed will come at a price

The Broadband Stakeholder Group (BSG) says Britain has two years at the most to make tough decisions on how to deliver faster broadband. Although the UK heads G7 countries for availability of lower speed broadband (up to 8Mbps), much more work needs to be done if Britain is to handle the huge expected demand for high-definition video downloads or the programmes offered by broadband TV services such as Joost and Babelgum, which could have millions of subscribers by the end of the year.

Many internet users have been exposed to marketing messages that promote so-called ADSL2+ services, with "up to 24Mbps" speeds, as the next big improvement. In reality, most people will not experience speeds close to this. ADSL, or asymmetric digital subscriber line, does not offer the equal bandwidth for upstream and downstream transmission that is a prerequisite for such emerging "Web 2.0" services as internet television, which rely in part on peer-to-peer file sharing to facilitate file transfers. In any case, ADSL2+ is hardly new to the UK - around 50 to 70 per cent of households already have this option.

Those within the industry, and the authors of the BSG report, are looking beyond this to speeds of 50Mbps and higher, already available in Germany via VDSL (very high speed DSL) or via fibre deployments in Japan and South Korea that can connect people at up to 1Gbps (1,000 Mbps). BT has discussed the use of fibre deployments and trials are underway, but the venture is unlikely to move beyond this stage until a clear confirmation of funding is received.

Internet users may have to accept that if they want faster broadband options they will have to pay for them. Given the explosion in broadband demand as prices dropped into the £15 to £25-per-month range, there may be little scope for companies marketing an ultra-fast broadband service for £40 or more. However, this is the sort of price that new technology roll-outs may need to ensure interest from those controlling the investment capital. One estimate places the cost of rolling out Fibre to the Home (FTTH) to 90 per cent of UK households as £9.5 billion.


Peter Cochrane, former chief technology officer and head of research for BT, believes that Britain is already suffering from its decision not to roll-out fibre at the first opportunity. "Anyone wishing to upload home-made movies, or engage in real-time mixed reality games, is going to have a difficult time," he says. "Almost all future group networked activities will be severely limited." However, according to Cochrane, there are some much wider-ranging social and economic repercussions. "ADSL means video-conferencing and medical applications will be severely limited and mostly doomed to failure," he says.

"The point we have come to, whatever technology is adopted, is that there will be a hefty bill," says Kip Meek, BSG chairman. "We have to create the circumstances in the UK where someone is prepared to write out the cheques to pay for it."

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