Arena i18n: Extended Arena by OMRON

Arena is a WWW browser developed by W3C as a testbed for HTML 3.0. Currently, it runs only on X11/unix. The source code of Arena is available from W3C.

OMRON Corporation has developped to extend Arena to be able to display Chinese, Korean and Japanese characters in one page. OMRON's Arena supports both ISO-2022 and UNICODE. It guesses ``charset'' automatically, if ``charest'' paramter isn't specified in Content-Type field.

The source code of OMRON's Arena is available now (1.5MB).

Sample screen images of Multilingual texts

Here're the sample screen images of our Arena in GIF format.
If you have a multilingual browser such as our Arena, try to click `text'.

The internal structure of Arena

Here's the figure of the internal structure of Arena.
 +======+     HTTP       +======+    +======+    +======+
 |Server|--------------->|Buffer|--->|Frame |--->|X11R6 |
 +======+ |              +======+ |  +======+ |  +======+
          |                       |           |
      +---+----+  +--------+  +---+----+  +---+------+
      | libwww |  |  code  |  | HTML   |  | drawing  |
      |        |  |  conv  |  | parser |  | routine  |
      +---+----+  +---+----+  +---+----+  +---+------+
OMRON's:  |           |           |           |
 +======+ |  +======+ |  +======+ |  +======+ |  +======+
 |Server|----|TmpBuf|--->|Buffer|--->|Frame |--->|X11R6 |
 +======+    +======+    +======+    +======+    +======+
         HTTP            Internal
A more beautiful figure is available, if you can view Japanese symbols.

Source code of Arena

Shin'ichi MUKAIGAWA ( [email protected] )