We're igniting the web. Join us!

Posted by on Sun, 09/12/2004 - 15:24Spreading Firefox

SFX TeamWelcome to Spread Firefox. You are our marketing department, a diverse community of people tired of swatting popups, chasing spyware, combatting identity theft and installing security updates you could set your watch to. You have a vision of the 21st century web and are ready to push it to the world, wresting control from a monopoly that has let it stagnate.

We'll provide the tools, but you will drive campaigns that will be rolled out here over the coming months. In that vein, Spread Firefox ("sfx") follows the Mozilla community tradition:

  • The community built Firefox. Over the last six years, thousands of individuals from around the world have invested countless hours and consumed billions of gallons of caffeine to help test and develop Firefox and the technologies it is built on. Hundreds of thousands of people already participate in Mozilla communities such as Bugzilla, MozillaZine, and MozDev.

  • The community is making Firefox the browser people trust. Security experts from around the world participate in our security bug bounty program, uncovering security vulnerabilities before they become a problem so you don't have to deal with the mess or the patch-work clean up.

  • The community is spreading the word about Firefox. Millions of people are already using Firefox and helping us chip away at Internet Explorer's marketshare. More than 80,000 websites already link to the Firefox page, with an additional 200,000 linking to mozilla.org. The buzz about Firefox was too hot for the blogosphere and has consumed the mainstream press: this month alone, Firefox has been declared officially "Wired" (IE? "Expired"), USA Today is recommending that its readers use Firefox, and Walt Mossberg, perhaps the most influential tech writer in the US, is telling Wall Street Journal readers that, if you're worried about security, Firefox is a good way to go.

Even this site itself is a community effort, programmed and designed by volunteers using an open source community platform called CivicSpace. CivicSpace is based on the open source Drupal content management system.

We hope you'll bear with us as we ramp up development of this site in the coming months. In the future, Spread Firefox will coordinate a series of volunteer efforts to promote Firefox, and run campaigns to focus our community's energy on very tangible, specific goals. This is just a beta, and there are still validation errors and bugs on the site, so make sure to let us know if something's not working right or if you have ideas for cool new features. And make sure to add yourself to the Spreadfirefox announcements mailing list.

Our first target: one million downloads of the Firefox Preview Release in the next ten days. Register, sign in, and spread the word by adding a Firefox promo line to your email signature and one of our buttons to your web site (or your personal new Spread Firefox blog). Each time someone clicks on your link, you'll get a point, so you'll be able to see how much impact you're making. We highlight and publicize the ten most successful promoters in the "roll call" in the green bar on the right. In the future, prizes and pronounced placement on the wildly popular Mozilla website will offer additional motivation to bump yourself into the top ten. We also intend to beef up our referral tracking and award points for many other things besides referrals, such as donations and active participation in one of our marketing teams.

Microsoft's own evangelists, journalists and security experts have already dropped the lost Explorer and made the switch to Firefox. Isn't it time everyone else did?

The Spread Firefox team --

Asa, Bart, Blake, Chris and Daryl.

Submitted by nstanosheck on Mon, 10/04/2004 - 01:32.

Do you really want to send a newbie to Spread Firefox when they click on a button or banner? No, this site is fir the evangelists, not the newbie. Buttons truly should link people to either GetFirefox.com, Switch2Firefox.com or just plain ol' Firefox.com. Sites that tell the newbie what Firefox is and why he/she should witch to it. I understand wanting to promote one's own site, but it is far more important to promote Mozilla Firefox itself!

Submitted by TiGG on Sat, 02/26/2005 - 23:54.

That's true really, I like switch2firefox.com

TiGG - FireFox Proxy

FFW | HardDrive | Giovanna | Education | Consolidation | ADHD

Submitted by Bob Chao on Mon, 10/11/2004 - 18:39.

Don't worry about the "http://www.spreadfirefox.com/xxxxxxxx" in href. It will redirect visitors to the GetFirefox site.

Submitted by LuBer on Tue, 11/02/2004 - 22:39.

.... there are no clues on Spreadfirefox, saying what problems may be causing the GetFirefox site access to time out .... if the problems persist it may be counterproductive to show banners ... would it be possible to change the redirection and display some kind of (multilingual) warning when things don't work ?

Submitted by Anonymous on Sun, 09/19/2004 - 17:35.

TrackBack from davblog:

If you're on Windows and you're still using Internet Explorer as your browser then you really need to take a...

Submitted by Anonymous on Thu, 09/16/2004 - 19:42.

TrackBack from mathibus.com | blogmarks:

Become a Firefox evangelist.

Submitted by Jere on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 20:15.


If you wouldn't be too bit chy to market Firefox in any sort of *ethical* way, I would participate in this project!

Wasn't it successful enough to encourage all users of the Mozilla Zine forums to vote "thumbs up" for Firefox at Download.com?

Such a pity Firefox isn't good enough to be promoted without lying and manipulating all the time.

Submitted by vwilson on Sat, 01/22/2005 - 13:30.

People who are enthusiastic about a project are always going to talk about it with fervour. User's comments about how good the browser is are what brought me here (people are only going to read this stuff when they've already come to the site)! If I try it and its good I'll keep it, if I try it and it sucks it'll get uninstalled. Words on a web page will only increase the likelihood of people trying it, not keeping it and using it - that's down to product quality.

Really odd comment you've made here. Its the only thing that looks bit chy on this page. If you're waiting for a world without an angle it'll be a damn long wait. Makes me wonder what your agenda is, Mozilla just want people to use their browser.

Submitted by davidclark on Mon, 11/01/2004 - 00:09.

Screw Download.com

They're part of the problem,dude, NOT THE SOLUTION.

Submitted by michaell on Thu, 09/16/2004 - 02:12.

Well, the last bit about people "switching" when in fact they've only mentioned using Firefox is a bit silly (one could equally say that Asa has switched from Firefox to Opera, based on his blog...), but your comments are also a bit over the top.

It would be nice if it was possible to compete with Microsoft without using any misleading or manipulative marketing, but...

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 01:36.

TrackBack from What Matters?:

Mozilla Foundation has release Firefox 1.0 PR. A preview release as they squash bugs toward a 1.0 Final! Go grab the greatest browser on earth, not just because it's cool, but because it's safer, faster and just a much better...

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 00:02.

TrackBack from Dusty Dreams Blog:

Decided I'm going to start plugging Firefox like mad now! It's coming up to it's version 1 release (pre-release just come out), so the plugging starts here. I'm very impressed with Firefox, always have been, and now is the time...

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 23:52.

TrackBack from djst's nest:

Firefox 1.0 Preview Release is out! Go get it! And even more important, join the absolutely great Spread Firefox initiative and make the world aware of the safer, faster, better browser you can trust....

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 22:41.

TrackBack from Esc From the World!:

Sorry I haven't been posting. It's just becasue I was so busy, but now I'm back on track. The biggest news today was that mozilla.org released its 1.0 Preview of Firefox which adds some nifty features including bult in RSS...

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 19:41.

TrackBack from Verily:

Firefox, Mozilla Suite and Thunderbird all got new releases. Firefox obviously being the focus here. This is 1.0PR. Which means it is a rough estimation of what 1.0 will be. I must say, if this is the case, then bring. it. on. Most notibly, for me anyway, is the ability...

Submitted by praseodymium on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 15:31.

USA Today is recommending that ...

The recommending link leads to the bug bounty, I don't think that's correct is it?

Submitted by praseodymium on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 16:33.

I'd also recommend removing links which you have to register for to view their content.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 13:35.

TrackBack from Anders Jacobsen's blog:

Internet Explorer-crushing browser Mozilla Firefox is out in a new version - 1.0 PR.

Submitted by Anonymous on Tue, 09/14/2004 - 12:22.

TrackBack from Micro Persuasion:

The Mozilla team has launched a community marketing weblog to support the launch of the 1.0 milestone version of the Firefox browser. The new web browser now also makes it easy for users to subscribe and read RSS feeds through

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 01:52.

TrackBack from Eric's Blog:

1,000,000 Downloads. 10 Days. http://www.spreadfirefox.com/.

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 02:23.

TrackBack from Surreal:

Spread the word! Post this image/text in your blog too and help take back the web!...

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 04:11.

TrackBack from sashi-isms:

Download Firefox 1.0 Preview Release now! And spread the word!

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 13:34.

TrackBack from quack the planet!:

We're getting closer to a full release of my favourite web browser - Firefox. I don't know why people still insist on using Internet Explorer, when it's full of holes, terrible web standards support (CSS/PNG etc) and basically just broken....

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 14:22.

TrackBack from Dales Weblog >> looking back it was easy:

The mozilla foundation has released the first public preview of Firefox 1.0. http://spreadfirefox.com/community/ has been released to spread the word about the browser and aiming for 1 Million downloads in 10 days.

New features in this version can ...

Submitted by Anonymous on Wed, 09/15/2004 - 19:33.

TrackBack from Murky.org:

The new releases of Firefox and Thunderbird have some lovely features. Not least of which is that both programs allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds. In Firefox, these appear as 'Live Bookmarks'. In other words, when you add a...

Submitted by Lumpy on Sun, 09/12/2004 - 16:09.

Information about this project is available in czech: Lumpy: Blog